The Role of Leaders in the Challenge and Suppression of Tyrone's Rising and the Extent of Threat Flashcards
What feud was Sir Henry Baganel in with Tyrone?
- Keen to expand his estates in Ulster
- Tyrone and Baganel both wanted to claim O’Hanlon clan
- Tyrone disliked Baganel using his position to get land
- Baganel a trouble maker
What documents did Baganel produce to Cecil?
1586 The Description and Present State of Ulster - criticised English control of Ulster, concerns about growing power of Tyrone
What were Baganel’s recommendations ?
Division of O’Neills lands and for Ulster to have a council and president, didn’t achieve demands but shows power struggle
What role did Baganel have?
- No link with Tyrone, interventionalist tactic of English
- Power struggle, provokes rebellion
- Keen to expand estates
- Poor military leader - two defeats due to ambush at Yellow Fort and Clontibret
Who was Florence MacCarthy?
- Dominant in West Cork and Munster
- Helped put down rebellions in Munster in 1580s
- Resented English after influence extended
- Became under suspician and arrested
Why was MacCarthy a threat?
- Potential threat to English interests
- Marriage alliance that would have given him all MacCarthy lands - would be MacCarthy Mor
What happened to MacCarthy?
- Put in Tower of London for 2 years
- Came out and reluctant to support Tyrone, negotiated with both sides
What role did MacCarthy have?
- Limited role but enough of a threat to be imprisoned for conspiring with Tyrone
- Allowed Tyrone’s mercenaries on his land
- His troops ambushed English
How was Essex’s lack of skill as a military leader exposed?
- Didn’t have enough equipment to attack Ulster
- Poor strategy - sent half the army to attack garrisons, wasted large army
- Didn’t help at Curlew pass, campaigned in Munster - no gains, just expense and loss of life
How did Elizabeth treat Essex after he made private negotiations with Tyrone?
Put him on trial before the Privy Council, claimed Essex was treasonous, replaced by Lord Mountjoy
How did Montjoy differ from Essex?
- Good military leader
- Considerable experience
How did Montjoy suppress the rebellion?
Surrounded Tyrone in Ulster while Sir George Carew president of Munster suppressed rebellion there
Why were the English lucky at the end of the rebellion?
Hugh Maguire killed which reduced Irish control of Ulster
How many men did Montjoy have?
Why did the battle last so long?
- Spanish troops arrived, highly trained and brought guns
- By the time the Spanish arrived, too late to help Tyrone
- Still dangerous for Montjoy
How did Montjoy react to the Spanish?
Left Ulster, Tyrones rebels marched South, attacked Spanish at Kinsale, Tyrone marched in the mid winter
What happened to Montjoy when he attacked spanish?
Stuck between Spanish and Irish, lacked proper defenses, cold and diseased, Tyrone launched surpise attack on 24 Dec, over quickly - Irish horsemen panicked, Spanish didn’t join
What happened after the Battle of Kinsale?
Spanish troops surrendered, Tyrone retreated, took another 15 months for rebellion to end
What did the battle of Kinsale represent?
The last major military engagement of the rebellion
What was the seige of Dunboy Castle in 1602?
Bloody battle, held by Irish rebel Donnell O’Sullivan, Carew decided to organise the seige and offered MacGeohegan the chance to surrender (Constable of Dunboy)
What did MacGeohegan make a mistake at the seige of Dunboy Castle in 1602?
He mentioned that if his soldiers tried to land on the beach they would be trapped so Carew surrounded the castle and found an undefended beach
How did the English seige Dunboy Caste?
Wanted to do it before Spanish troops arrived so used canons to break down the walls, many died, many surrendered, all executed
How did the rebellion end?
Montjoy attacked Munster with 3000 men, negotiated with Tyrone and gave him Chief Lord of Ulster
Why did Montjoy give in to Tyrone?
Elizabeth had died, Montjoy keen to get back to court to secure his position under the new king