The role and criminal jurisdictions of the Victorian courts Flashcards
There are 4 key reasons for the Victorian Court Hierarchy:
- Administrative Convenience
- Specialisation
- Appeals
- Precedent
Administrative Convenience
Administrative convenience ensures similar cases, in terms of severity and complexity, may be heard in the same court
- minor offences that are greater in number will be heard in the Magistrates Court which there are many of across the state
- more complex serious matters will be heard in the County or Supreme court, thus improving efficiency in resolving cases
Specialisation or expertise is developed within the court system ensuring a more effective and consistent approach to resolving cases
Appeals to higher courts are possible when one of the parties believes there has been an error they can apply to have the previous ruling reviewed by a higher court.
The doctrine of Precedent
The doctrine of Precedent is possible as any decision made in a higher court becomes binding on lower courts in the same court hierarchy. This allows for a consistency when similar cases appear in the court system.
The role of the Victorian Courts is to:
- Determine a criminal case
- Impose a sanction
Determine a criminal case
- courts are required to decide whether an accused is guilty or not
-in Magistrates court the Magistrate would decide
-in the County or Supreme Court the jury would decide - verdict of the case will be determined on the evidence presented
- if accused is charged with indictable offence, charges will first be heard in Magistrate’s Court to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to support a conviction at trial
- if accused pleads guilty it is the courts role to impose a sanction, there is no hearing/trial
What is a sanction?
Sanctions are penalties imposed by a court on a person who has been found guilty of committing an offence. Sanctions in criminal law can be in the form of a fine, CCO or imprisonment.
What is the Original Jurisdiction?
Refers to the power of the courts to decide on a case that is appearing in court for the first time.
What is the Appellate Jurisdiction?
Refers to the powers of the courts to decide on an appeal
Why can appeals be heard?
- on a point of law
- if there is a wrongful conviction (guilty/not guilty)
- if there is a wrongful sentence
Magistrates Court - Original Jurisdiction
- summary offences
- indictable offences heard summarily
- committal proceedings
- bail and warrant applications
Magistartes Court - Appellate Jurisdiction
County Court - Original Jurisdiction
Indictable offences
- except murder
- murder - related offences
County Court - Appellate Jurisdiction
From Magistrate’s Court
- convictions
- sentence