The Road To World War Two Flashcards
What was Lebensraum?
Lebensraum is the German word for living space
Hitler said he needed Lebensraum as an excuse to conquer land in Eastern Europe
What was Anschluss?
Anschluss is the German word for “Link”
An Anschluss between Austria and Germany was made forbidden by the Treaty of Versailles
What were the six main steps to war, 1935-1939?
- Conscription and Re-Armament(1935)
- The Rhineland(7March1936)
- Austria(1938)
- Munich(1938)
- Czechoslovakia(March1939)
- USSR/Nazi Pact and Poland(1939)
What is conscription?
Conscription means to call up men from around the cities to join the army
(Britain1stMay1939)(The Military Training Act)
What date did Hitler introduce conscription in Germany?
Hitler introduced conscription in 1935
When did Hitler
re-occupy the Rhineland?
Hitler re-occupied the Rhineland on the 7th of March 1936
How many soldiers did Hitler’s army have when he re-occupied the Rhineland and what were there orders?
Hitler had a total of 20,000 soldiers ordered to retreat at any sign of resistance when re-occupying the Rhineland
What did Chamberlain give Hitler at Munich?
Chamberlain Appeased Hitler at Munich by giving him the Sudetenland
What was the date of the Munich agreement?
The Munich agreement was created on the 29th of September 1938
When did Hitler invade Poland?
Hitler invaded Poland on the first of September 1939
When did Britain declare war on Germany?
Britain declared war on Germany two days into the Poland invasion, on the third of September 1939
What was appeasement?
Appeasement was to give into a bully and give them what they want
Give an example of someone who agreed with Chamberlain’s Policy
At the time most of the people of Britain thoroughly agreed with Chamberlain
Give an example of someone who disagreed with Chamberlain’s Policy
At the time some people of Britain disagreed with Chamberlain especially Winston Churchill
What date did Hitler invade Austria?
Hitler invaded Austria on the eleventh of March 1938
During the Sudetenland crisis, Chamberlain met Hitler on three occasions-where and when?
- Berchtesgaden on the 15th of September 1938
- Bad Gosberg on the 22nd of September 1938
- Britain and France met Hitler at Munich on the 29th of September 1938
Why did Chamberlain decide not to help Czechoslovakia?
Chamberlain decided Hitler was “a man who can be relied upon”
There are 19 reasons why Chamberlain appeased Hitler; can you remember 10 of them?
Any 10 of these: •Approval •Britain was weak •Communism •Democracy •Empire •France •German Propaganda •Home •1st World War •Justice •Cost •League of Nations •Morality •Neville Chamberline •Out of sight, Out of mind •Peace Movement •Quit •Remote •Spanish Civil War
What did Chamberlain call the Munich agreement?
Chamberlain called the Munich agreement “the peace for their time”
What did
Churchill call it?
(The Munich Agreement)
Churchill called the Munich Agreement “a total failure”
When did Hitler March into the Sudetenland?
On the 1st of October 1938, Hitler marched unopposed into the Sudetenland
When did Hitler invade the rest of Czechoslovakia?
Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia on the 15th of March 1939
What was Kristallnacht, and why did it turn British people away from appeasement?
Kristallnacht was when the Nazis attacked the German Jews.
Following the Kristallnacht the British Government eased some of the restrictions on allowing refugees from Nazi Germany to enter the UK. This was done for humanitarian reasons and in response to pressure from public opinion.
What was “National register”, which was set up in December 1938?
On the 1st of December 1938 Britain set up a “National Register” of who would do what if there was a war
What were Londoners given in January to Prepare them for the war
A quarter of a million free air-raid shelters
What did the Civil Defence Act of April 1939 say?
It planned to evacuate woman and children from London to the countryside
What was the act which introduced conscription in England, and what date was it passed?
The Military Training Act,
passed on May the 1st 1939
What was the name of the alliance between Mussolini and Hitler?
Te alliance between Mussolini and Hitler was called the Pact of Steel
What was the date of the Nazi-Soviet Pact?
On the 23rd of August 1939, Russia and Germany signed a Non-Aggression Pact
Give 4 reasons why Britain did not manage to make an alliance with Russia
- Suspicion
- Choice
- Appeasement
- Britain Delayed
Give 4 Reasons why Germany managed to make n alliance with Russia
•Time to prepare for war •Hope to gain •Unhappy with Britain (The Russians were) •Germany
What were the 3 aims of Hitler’s Foreign Policy?
- To abolish the Treaty of Versailles
- To expand German territory
- To defeat Communism