The Road To The Civil War Flashcards
Louisiana Purchase
Bought from France
Mexican American war
USA gains new territories
Missouri compromise
Above the line = free
Below the line =slave
Henry clay came up with this
Compromise of 1850
Attempt to save the union
Henry clay
Popular sovereignty
Let the American people decided for themselves the issue of slavery - promoted by Steven Douglas
The fugitive slave law
Required American citizens to help catch and return runaway slaves to the south
Personal liberty law
Were laws passed by several US states in the north to counter the fugitive law
Uncle Toms Cabin
Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Written as a propaganda
Was to show people evils of slavery
Kansas - Nebraska Act
Introduced “popular sovereignty”
A serious of violent confrontations in the territory of Kansas
Raid at Harpers fair
Abolitionist john brown attempts to lead an armed uprising in Virginia purpose is to abolish slavery by force
Harpers Ferry
USA federal arsenal
Store house of guns and ammunition
3 new parties come on the scene
1) Free soil party - opposed to the expansion
2) American party - opposed to the expansion of slavery west
3) Republican Party - anti - slavery party pro - slavery - the democrats win!
Democratic Party split
Pro slavery- choose 1 john Breckinridge
2 Stephan Douglas
The south could see the “handwriting on the wall”
= the future
What event pushed the south over the edge
The election of Abraham Lincoln
Knowing the north has all power
Crittenden Compromise
One last attempt to save the union - failed
December 1860
South Carolina becomes the first southern state to secede from the union
February 1861 6 more leave
Mississippi Georgia Texas Alabama Florida and Louisiana
April 1861 - 4 more leave
Virginia Arkansas North Carolina Tennessee
What is “confederate states of American - CSA “
The southern states create their own new government
What was the government based on 2 things
1 states rights - state is more powerful than federal government
2 slavery
Attitude towards secession
The south leaving the country
Most southerners were thrilled