The Rise of Persia Under Cyrus II Flashcards
What are the main sources on the conquest of the Medes?
Herodotus and the Nabonidus Chronicle
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H: 1.108-130
king of the Medes
what detail do Herodotus and the Narbonidus Chronicle agreee on about the conquest of the Mede
The Mede army mutinied
which myths can Cyrus’ birth be compared with
Romulus and Remus, Moses, Paris, Oedipus, Atreus and Thyestes, Tereus and Procne
who was the mother of Cyrus?
who was the father of Cyrus
Cambyses I
Outline the deeds of Harpagus
- Asked to kill baby Cyrus, gave the job to a shepherd.
- Years later Astyages fed Harpagus his son in revenge for not klling Cyrus.
- Organised the overthrow of Astyages
Who were the adoptive parents of Cyrus?
Mitradates and Cyno
Who was Harpagus
Most trusted Mede in Astyages’ court
Which peoples did Cyrus fight after conquering the Mede?
The Lydians
What peoples were ruled by the Lydians?
Asiatic Greeks
Who was the king of the Lydians?
What were his policies towards the Greeks?
- Croesus
- He conquered Asiatic Greece in c. 555, and made them pay tribute.
- Thought on attacking islands of estern Aegean did not because they had a superior fleet
- Great admirer of their culture. Left gifts at Delphi, and recruited mercenaries from Delphi.
Which city did not have to pay tribute to Lydia?
Miletus – they had fought an inconclusive war decades before and agreed after to be friends and allies
What was the boundary between Lydia and Medes
The river Halys
What were the two most important Greek settlements in Lydia?
Ionia and Aeolis
central coast of Asia Minor, eleven cities including Lesbos
South of Aeolis, twelve cities, Chios and Samos
Miletus was most powerful city.
In 6th century, great intellectual enlightenment and was home to some influential early scientists and philosophers.
When did Croesus conquer Lydia?
c. 555 BC
When did Croesus attack Medes?
c. 546
Where was the first battle between the Lydians and Persians?
Did any of the Ionians agree to Cyrus’ terms and rebel before the battle at Pteria?
Was the battle of Pteria decisive?
No, both sides suffered great losses but it was inconclusive
Who were the allies of Lydia?
Babylon, Egypt, Sparta
Who was left by Cyrus to govern Sardis and conquer Ionia?
How did the Persians get into Sardis?
Scaled the walls
What did Harpagus do to defeat the Lydian cavalry?
placed camals along the front lines
What happened to the first Lydian revolt?
It failed, and in 545 the Persians went on a revenge mission. Ionia and Aeolis were key targets
Who led the first Lydian revolt?
What happened to Croesus?
He became an advisor to Cyrus after Cyrus had tried burning him only for it to rain. He believed the gods wanted the Lydian king to survive
What was surprising about Cyrus attacking Sardis?
He did it in the winter
Which islands surrendered to Cyrus out of fear after the Lydian revolt?
Chios and Samos along with others
Who is the only source on Cyrus’ battles between 546 and 539?
Which city did Cyrus attack in 539BC
Which side are the fragmented Babylonian accounts of the conquest of Babylon biased towards?
Is Herodotus’ account of the conquest of Babylon long and insightful?
What date did Cyrus allegedly enter Babylon? (Narbonidus Chronicle)
12th October 539BC
How does Herodotus say the Persians got into Babylon?
Diverted the Euphrates and waded the river to where it flowed into Babylon
How do modern scholars think Cyrus got into Babylon?
Which lands were opened to Persia through the conquest of Babylon.
Do we know how this was accomplished?
Was Cyrus welcomed?
The lands of the Levant.
No, we do not know how it was done.
Yes, in places he probably was seen as a liberator from Babylonian rule.
What does Herodotus tell us of the city of Babylon?
It is a square, 14 miles each way, with an area of approximately 56 miles. Most splendid city in the world
What do the Babylonians show Narbonidus as?
- Wicked king who disrespected the Babylonian gods, especially the great god Marduk.
- Did not celebrate the new year properly
- Removed divine statues from subject peoples
- Started favouring moon goddess Sin ahead of Marduk
What does the Cyrus Cylinder say of the conquest of Babylon?
Cyrus is linked to earlier kings of Assyria and Babylon
He says he is chsoen by Marduk to lead Babylon after impiety of Narbonidus
The peoples of Mesopotamia welcomed him
What did Cyrus do about religion when he conquered countries?
He set himself up as appointed by their gods, and ‘returned their gods to their rightful place’
Which peoples are not mentioned on the Cyrus Cylinder but benefitted from Cyrus’ religious policy?
The Jews
Who was the king of Babylon?
What did he do in the Narbonidus Chronicle when Cyrus was coming?
He fled
What are the Babylonian soldiers called at the battle of Opis (Narbonidus Chronicle?)
What happened to them?
Army of Akkad. They retreated and Cyrus carried off plunder and slaughtered the people
Who was the governor that entered Babylon ahead of Cyrus?
Ugbaru, governor of the Guti
When was the palace at Parsargadae commisioned?
After the conquest of Lydia
Where was Parsargadae
In a fertile valley of the Zagros Mountains close to a trade route
What was the tradition of a Near Eastern Palace?
It was both a king’s residence and a place for him to receive guests, with public spaces, and administrative centres.
The art reflected the king’s ideology and power.
Which countries influenced the design of Parsargadae?
Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, and Phoenicia
How many acres did Parsagadae encompass?
What persian word is the word paradise taken from?
How long were the waterways at Parsagadae?
over 1,100 metres
Was Parsagadae on a plain?
Yes, but there was a citidel on a hill
What is the Zendan?
Stone tower 12.5m high just beyond main complex.
Alost identical to tower remains at Naqs-e Rustam, burial plae of later kings.
Unclear what its use was.
Perhaps it played a role in coronation ceremonies?
What are the features of Cyrus’ assumed tomb and burial
Tomb: saddle-roof house shaped atop stepped base. Influenced by many countries.
In grassy meadow with number of trees surrounding it
Cyrus was buried in a gold sarcophogus together with his arms, jewels, and cloak.
Describe the way a visitor would have gone through the palace at Pasargadae
Entered the palace through a monumental gate, cross canal by bridge, into a columned entrance hall (Palace S)
Palace S features
Rectangular hall surrounded with carvings of animals and porticoes. Either side of entrance four figures (remains only) from Assyrian art.
First palace on way in
what lay beyond Palace S?
Rest of complex. Two smaller pavilions seem to form two of three entances to central royal gardens which were divided into four parts.
At other end of gardens was the main palace – Cyrus’ probable home: Palace P.
Palace P features
Built of white stone like all other buildings at Pasargadae. Rectangular columned hall surrounded by porticoes. Four reliefs around sides of hall each showing a king leaving the hall with an attendant.
When does Narbonidus Chronicle have Cyrus die?
What details are known of Cyrus’ conquests after Babylon?
He conquered land in Central Asia
What nation was Cyrus fighting when he died in Herodotus’ account?
Massagetae, a central Asian tribe
Queen of Massagetae?
What theme do Croesus’ words before the battle at the Araxes river reflect?
Fortune never lasts
Which side of the river does Cyrus fight Tomyris?
Her side.
Outline the battles with Tomyris.
First battle, Persia wins, capturing Tomyris’ son who then commits suicide
Second battle, Massagetae win, Cyrus among dead.
Cyrus decapitated and his head dipped in a bag of blood.
Tomyris’ son
What does Herodotus say about his account of Cyrus’ death?
It is one of many, but it is the most credible.
Did the Persians look up to Cyrus?
Yes. They called him Cyrus the Great