in this group club members enjoys travel oppotunities and vacation destination facilities at much “cheaper” price than that paid by non member.
travel clubs
different types of tour fares promoted by the airlines
-group of 15 or more are given reduced fares
-character service is given by airlines
-incentive tour that is given by firms to employees as reward
airline group and arrangements
the preference of the international tourist has 4 categories
-complete relaxation to constant activities
-traveling near ones home environment to a totally strange environment
-complete dependence to group travel than traveling alone
A employee who dont have to celebrate holiday because the workforce has been short
relaxation vs activity
the search of something that will remind them of home weather it be food, newspaper, of another person from their own country
familiarity vs novelty
his environment were fixed in advance by the tour guide but they would like to travel by their own and not part of a group. they would like to feel independent in complete control of what they do and how did the do it
dependent vs autonomy
in the past tourist south holidays which enforce the traditional concept of conformity, they avoid situation where their adult-impose might be offended.
now the new generation of is not too conservative of what to wear and how to behave in holidays
order vs disorder