The rise of China Flashcards
The Empire of the 21st Century
Economic, military and technological super power
2nd largest economy in the world, expected to surpass the US within the next 20 years
Population of China is 1.4 billion
strategic partnership with Russia
Who is China flexing its diplomatic muscles with?
UN, Iran, North Korea
What did China declare in 2006?
Year of Africa
How many Chinese citizens are working in America?
1 Million
Why doesnt China want Tibet independence?
Because they fear independence will spread like a virus
Tibet and China
Tibet = huge geostrategic importance for China
Tibet is buffer zone between India and China
Tibet is a key passage of oil and gas from the caspian sea
2nd largest source of Timber for China– environmental disaster
huge mineral sources
How much does Tibets water help china?
30% of China’s needs
What are China doing with regards to the Dalai lama?
waiting for the dalai Lama so that they can appoint their own successor
China V Uyghur People in the Xinjaing province
The province is a region of major geo strategic important because of oil and natural gas reserves and pipelines from the caspian sea
-the uyghur people are predom. muslim and are seeking independence
What happened between March-August 2008 with China and the Uyghur people?
There were unrests because of ethnic tensions, protests, violence, arrests
What happened between July-September 2009?
Riots in capital Urumqi and the protests escalated into violent attacks against ethnic chinese people thousands involved hundreds died
What happened on the 4th september 2009?
Journalists filming the unrest were attacked and arrested by police leading to international attention which hihlighted the lack of press freedom