The Rest Of It Flashcards
“Accumulation of blood/pus/fluid in the pericardial space” is the definition of
Cardiac tamponade
What type of shock does cardiac tamponade cause?
Reduced ventricular filling causes haemodynamic compromise
Management of cardiac tamponade
(echo guided)
(inotropic drug eg dobutamine)
Beck’s triad - what is it and what causes it
Cardiac tamponade
Raised JVP +
Low BP +
Diminished heart sounds
Water bottle shape heart and cardiomegaly are seen on CXR in what condition
Cardiac tamponade AAK pericardial effusion
Commonest cause of pericarditis
What’s Dressler’s syndrome
Pericarditis 1-6wk post MI
Pleuritic chest pain, low grade fever
The chest pain in pericarditis
- Relief leaning forwards or backwards
- Sharp or dull
- Central or peripheral
- Persistent or varies
Chest pain in pericarditis
- Relief leaning forwards
- Sharp stabbing
- Central
- Persistent
(Also may radiate to neck / back / shoulders)
Chest pain, fever, pericardial rub are all features of…
Management of pericarditis
Anti-inflammatory eg ibuprofen
What is pleuritic chest pain?
Worse when breathing
Enterovirus and echovirus can cause sudden death in a young person by what disease process?
Heart muscle inflammation
(Do viral PCR, throat swab)
ECG appearance in pericarditis?
Saddle shape ST elevation
Seen in all territories
What is stenosis and regurgitation?
Stenosis doesn’t open properly
Regurgitation doesn’t close properly
What is the commonest valvular disease?
Aortic stenosis