the responce to south africa c1948-59 Flashcards
racial categories in C1948
-coloured 9% of population in 1951
-whites varied backgrounds ed dutch
-Africans (black) 8.5 mill in 1951
segregation and discrimination
-1910 Britain didnt require white people to share political power with black people
-after 1930 white women were able to vote but all africans were disenfranchised by 1936
-before 1948 africans forced to live in seperate areas knows as townships. This entrenched discrimination before apartheid era
Urbanisation and industrialisation
-Johannesburg population grew massively in the 1990’s because gold was found in the rand
-1900 100,000 more africans than whites
- more industries grew such as textiles, clothing and machinery
-180,000 white men served in the armed force therefore increasing the opportunities given to black pop
-post WW2 fight for job and employment Afrikaners who were unable to make a living concerned the gov. nationalists appealed to their ignominy + promised secure employment
Rural life
- land ownership was divided by race and class 80% of south African land were either reserves or private properties
- white and black people worked alongside each other almost as a hierarchy top white owners bottom black farmers being waged slaves
afrikaners culture and politics
- after the Boer war some leaders wanted to unify with britain others resented them
-1924 forced bilingualism of afrikaners + english in white schools
-influence of britain on sports eg rugby, self governing and having investors for mines
the great trek 1938
a movement of afrikaners to the interior of south africa to establish their own language religion and culture
what is broederbond
provided certain male afrikaners with political direction in favour of their christian nationalist outlook to promote their businesses
the influence of britain
-SA self governing like britain
-40% of british investors dominated mines and industries
-english joint official language
-british sports eg rugby very popular across SA
how did the impact of the second world war impact SA
fight against fascism and the holocaust underpinned a slowly growing consensus that all people had básica rights
the growth of afrikaner nationalism
-anti war movement in 1939 called ossewabrandwag reached a peak of 300,000 members
-deeply christian they didnt want racial impurity because they thought it would sabotage divine designs inter marriage was a key issue for them
describe the united party
-seen as being sympathetic to black people
-he was old hubris
-won majority in many english speaking seats
-won 49% of white votes
how did the voting system worked
South africa used the westminister consitituency system gave malian an opportunity to win over many rural constituencies in order to win fundamentally securing the national parties victory
who was hendrik verwoerd
-architect of apartheid, minister of native affairs from 1958-66
-created concept of sperate development through 1951 bantu authorotics act
what were the race laws
based on long standing concerns over sex between balck and white based on religious and racist principles
-immorality act 1950 - prohibited marriage and sex between white and black people
-population registration act 1950 - assigned everyone to a racial category used to define and monitor boundaries of race and documentation
the group areas acts
Sophiatown - 60,000 mix of economic background attracted drum magazine for illegal bars (shebeens) and young street crime (tsotsis) the racy urban lifestyle attracted nationalists to fix
Durban - 450,000 1/3 indian african and white indians ( rich owned private land) gave africans tentants to build shacks they grew angery and 142 killed the group areas act removed 41,000 from central area
district 6- multi racial coloured businesses near cape town 60,000 forcibly removed and resettled in distict cape flats
how apartheid attempted to control public space
enforced a heirarchy of rights as an attemot to seperate public spaces eg petty reservation of benches
explain how influx control worked
reduce african migration to cities as they were a zone where whites were protected from cheap black labour
pass laws and its affects
natives abolition passes 1952 reference book for travelling africans which established their identity and righ to urban areas for work
-undermined security and ability to gain family wealth
-frequent stoppings and harrassment
-conviction 1952 - 164,324
Bantu education act 1953 segregated content of education and race new unis for black people for workforce and greater number educated because of tsotis and only 24% literate in 1951
Tomlinson report
100 million needed to be invested into the homlands to put apartheid into law this included more land more industrial work and more cows and crops for farm work
bantustans self governing act 1959
sep up 8 self governing homlands for black africans was influenced by vervoerd after decolonisatination from ghana homelands were now independant so whites were now largest ethinic group in South Africa
treason trial
(1956-61) arrested 156 charged with high treason they were asscused of conspiring to overthrow the gov and replace it with a communist regimine went on for 5 years
political oppistion in 1948
1946 african miners on strike undermined the core of apartheid and smuts called for army assistance
1949 bus boycott too expensive for their small wages
1940’s squatter movement in protest of group areas act won thousands of followers who were encouraged to make a living from selling home made alcohol
The revival of the ANC
attracted african elietes
-youth league in 1944 (africanist)
were alarmed by white rhetonics on race and segregation mass political action in johansburg
-1949 programme of action confrountational approach to white minority boycotts, passive resistance and work stopages
-december 1949 ANC adopted non racialist