The Respiratory System: Supplementary Terms Flashcards
an anatomic depression in an organ where vessels and nerves enter
the external openings of the nose; the nostrils
nasal septum
the partition that divides the nasal cavity into two parts
lack or absence of oxygen in the tissues; often used incorrectly to mean hypoxia
condition caused by inadequate intake of oxygen; suffocation
blot respirations
deep,fast breathing interrupted by sudden pauses; seen in spinal meningitis and other central nervous system disorders
narrowing of the bronchi caused by smooth muscle spasms; common in cases of asthma and bronchitis
Cheyne- Stokes respiration
a repeating cycle of gradually increased and then decreased respiration followed by a period of apnea; caused by depression of the breathing centers in the brainstem; seen in cases of coma and in terminally ill patients
cor pulmonale
enlargement of the heart’s right ventricle caused by disease of the lungs or pulmonary blood vessels
acute inflammation of the nasal passages with profuse nasal discharge; acute rhinitis
a childhood disease usually caused by a viral infection that involves upper airway inflammation and obstruction. Croup is characterized by a barking cough, difficulty breathing, and laryngeal spasm
deviated septum
a shifted nasal septum; may require surgical correction
inflammation of the epiglottis that may lead to upper airway obstruction. Commonly seen in croup
hemorrhage from the nose; nosebleed
a vibration, especially as felt through the chest wall on palpation
Kussmaul respiration
rapid and deep and grasping respiration without pause; characteristic of severe acidosis
pleural friction rub
a sound heard on auscultation that is produced by the rubbing together of the two pleural layers; a common sign of pleurisy
abnormal chest sounds heard when air enters small airways or alveoli containing fluid; usually heard during inspiration; aka crackles
abnormal chest sounds produced in airways with accumulated fluids; more noticeable during expiration
a harsh, high-pitched sound caused by obstruction of an upper air passageway
a cough. An antitussive drug is one that relieves or prevents coughing
a whistling or sighing sound caused by narrowing of a respiratory passageway
obstructive airway disease caused by reaction to the dust in unprocessed plant fibers
sleep apnea
intermittent periods of breathing cessation during sleep. Central sleep apnea arises from failure of the brainstem to stimulate breathing. OSA results from airway obstruction during deep sleep, as from obesity or enlarged tonsils
small cell carcinoma
a highly malignant type of bronchial tumor involving small, undifferentiated cells; “oat cell” carcinoma
examination of the mediastinum by means of an endoscope inserted through an incision above the sternum
an instrument that measures changes in gas volume and pressure during respiration
a device for measuring air flow
examination of the pleural cavity through an endoscope; pleuroscopy
aerosol therapy
treatment by inhalation of a drug or water in spray form
Continuous positive airway pressure: use of a mechanical respirator to maintain pressure throughout the respiratory cycle in a patient who is breathing spontaneously
removal of a previously inserted tube
intermittent positive pressure breathing (IPPB)
use of a ventilator to inflate the lungs at intervals under positive pressure during inhalation
intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV)
use of a mechanical ventilator to force air into the lungs while allowing for passive exhalation
nasal cannula
a two-pronged plastic device inserted into the nostrils for delivery of oxygen
orthopneic position
an upright or semiupright position that aids breathing
positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)
use of a mechanical ventilator to increase the volume of gas in the lungs at the end of exhalation, thus improving gas exchange
postural drainage
use of body position to drain secretions from the lungs by gravity. The patient is placed so that secretions will move passively into the larger airways for elimination
thoracic gas volume (TGV, V tg)
the volume of gas in the thoracic cavity calculated from measurements made with a body plethysmograph
surgical removal of the adenoids
insertion of a tube into a hollow organ such as into the larynx or trachea for entrance of air. Patients may be intubated during surgery for administration of anesthesia or to maintain an airway. Endotracheal intubation may be used as an emergency measure when airways are blocked
surgical removal of a lobe of the lung or of another organ
plastic surgery of the lung. In reduction pneumoplasty, nonfunctional portions of the lung are removed, as in cases of advanced emphysema
incision of the trachea through the neck, usually to establish an airway in cases of tracheal obstruction
surgical creation of an opening into the trachea to form an airway or to prepare for the insertion of a tube for ventilation
agent that prevents responses mediated by histamine, such as allergic and inflammatory reactions
drug that prevents or relieves coughing
asthma maintenance drug
agent used to prevent asthma attacks and for chronic treatment of asthma
drug that relieves bronchial spasm and widens the bronchi
hormone from the adrenal cortex; used to reduce inflammation
agent that reduces congestion or swelling
agent that aids in removal of bronchopulmonary secretions
isoniazid (INH)
drug used to treat tuberculosis
leukotriene antagonist
drug that prevents or reduces inflammation by inhibiting leukotrienes, substances made in white blood cells that promote inflammation; they also constrict the bronchi and increase mucus production; used in asthma tx
agent that loosens mucus to aid in its removal
rifampin (rifampicin)
drug used to treat tuberculosis
a projection of the lowest tracheal cartilage that forms a ridge between the two bronchi. Used as a landmark for endoscopy. Any ridge or ridge-like structure.