The regulatory environment in the UK Flashcards
What is a clean and qualified withdrawal?
Firms are required to submit a form to the FCA no later than 7 business days after an approved person ceases to perform a controlled function. This is a ‘Clean Withdrawal’
Firms must notify the FCA as soon as they become aware that they will submit a qualified form in respect of an approved person. A form is ‘qualified’ if the information relates to the fact that the firm has dismissed or suspended the approved person, if it relates to the persons resignation while under FCA investigation, or if the info contained would affect the FCA’s assessment of the approved person’s fitness.
Notification shouldbe made by telephone email or fax and within one business day of the firm being aware of the info
What are the notification requirements?
A firm must notify the appropriate regulator immediately if it becomes aware, or has information which suggests that any of the following has occurred, may have occurred, or will occur
1) The firm failing to satisfy one or more of the threshold conditions
2) Any matter which could have a significant adverse impact on the firm’s reputation
3) Any matter which could result in serious detriment to a customer of the firm
4) Any matter in respect of the firm which could result in serious financial consequences, or to other firms to the UK financial system
What is the The Fit and Proper Test?
When assessing for approval (fit and propriety for an approved position) the FCA will have regard to the persons
1) Honesty and integrity
2) Competence and capability
3) Financial soundness
What would the FCA consider under Honesty and integrity?
The FCA would consider
- If a person has been convicted of a criminal offence
- if a person has been the subject of any adverse finding or settlement in civil proceedings
- if a person has been the subject of, or interviewed in, any existing or previous investigation or disciplinary proceedings by a regulator
- is, or has been the subhject of any proceedings of a disciplinary or criminal nature
- has been subject to a justified compliant regrind regulated activities
has been involved with an organisation that has been ruled registration, aithorisation or membership or license to carry out a trade, business or profession, or has had its membership, authorisation or license revoked, or has been expelled
- has been dismissed or asked to resign from employment or a position of trust, fiduciary appointment or similar
has ever been disqualified from acting as a manager or director
- Has been candiid and truthful in all dealings with any regulatory body and demonstrates a willingness to comply
The FCA will consider the seriousness of any matters arising and the length of time which has elapsed since the matter arose
What would the FCA consider under Competence and Capability?
The FCA will consider whether the person:
1) has demonstrated the experience and training needed to fulfil the controlled function
2) has sufficient time to person the controlled function and meet their responsibilities
What would the FCA consider under Financial soundness?
The FCA would consider whether a person has:
1) Been subject to any judgement to repay a debt or pay another award that remains outstanding or wasn’t satisfied within a reasonable period
2) Filed for bankruptcy, been adjudged bankrupt, had their assets sequestered, or made arrangements with creditors
What regimes and rules did the Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards (PCBS) recommend?
The Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards (PCBS) recommended
1) A new Senior Managers Regime (SMR) for individuals who are subject to regulatory approval which will require firms to allocate a range of responsibilities to these individuals and to regularly vet their fitness and proprietary. This focuses accountability of a narrower number of senior individuals in a firm
2) A certification regime which requires relevant firms to assess the fitness and proprietary of certain employees who could pose a significant risk of harm to the firm or its customers
3) A new set of conduct rules applying to person in the combined scope of the SMR and Certification Regime
Regime covers the whole financial services sector in the UK, or those who deal with customers in the UK
Who does the Senior Managers Regime (SMR) apply too?
The Senior Managers Rime (SMR) applies to Chairmen and non executive directors, who are now included as SMFs and will be held accountable for boardroom decision and deemed potentially culpable for poor decisions as executive directors
What differing classifications exist under the senior management regime?
The differing classifications under the senior management regime (SMR) include:
1) Prescribed responsibilities - Prescribed responsibilities are allocated to the most senior of those performing SMFs. Captured individuals willl be recorded a part of the individual statements of responsibility describing the most senior exec roles, and demonstrated through day - to -day management
2) A management responsibilities Map - introduces the concept of documenting a firm’s management and governance arrangements, including how the statements of responsibility have been allocated. This provides enhanced transparency of individual accountability and increases the reporting lines and specificity of management info requirements of those affected
3) A duty of responsibility - demanding improved evidence of oversight to show reasonable steps have been taken to prevent or stop remedy breaches. A senior manager will only be guilty of misconduct if the FCA proves they failed to do this.
4) Parallel regimes - will operate for organisations with both banking and non-banking activities. While the new regimes apply to baking, there are expectations for consistency in the way governance operates as a whole
What does the Certification Regime cover?
The Certification Regime covers material risk-takers, persons performing significant harm functions and anyone supervising a certified person. This requires firms to certify persons as fit and proper on an ongoing basis.
Senior managers must provided annual attestation that the firm has complied with the regime and that those covered by the certification regime remain fit and proper. This places the administrative and evidential burden on firms, rather than regulators
What do the conduct rules mean?
A new framework of behavioural standards will bee ntroduced against which individual conduct will be judged through ‘Conduct Rules applicable to all individuals (except ancillary staff), with a requirement to notify th regulator of breaches and any formal disciplinary action taken.
What statutory powers does section 165 of FSMA provide to the FCA?
Section 165 of FSMA provides the FCA statutory powers to require firms to provide it with specific information or documents to support its supervisory and enforcement functions.
The request can be made by the FCA or one of its employees or agents, and the firm must comply within a reasonable timescale as the FCA shall prescribe, and in a format the FCA requires. The FCA mat also require the production of a report by a ‘skilled person.’
What does the Enforcement Guide (EG) do?
The Enforcement Guide (EG) within the FCA Handbook provides clarification on the circumstances in which the FCA might consider appointing investigators to conduct an investigation into the affairs of a firm, exchange or CIS
What power does section 166 give to the FCA?
Section 166 gives the FCA the power to require a firm and certain other persons to provide a report by a skilled person, or for a skilled person to collect or update information, in order to support the FCA’s supervision or enforcement function
What power does section 167 give to the FCA?
Section 167 gives the FCA the power to appoint investigators if it has concerns about the conduct or state of affairs of a firm or appointed representative
What power does section 168 give to the FCA?
Section 168 gives the FCA the power to appoint investigators where it considers that specific regulatory breaches have occurred , such as
- failing to cooperate with the FCA,
- misleading the FCA
- False claim to be an authorised person or exempt
- misleading statement and impressions
- a breach of the general prohibition of regulated activities
When else can the FCA undertake the appointment of a person to carry out investigations in particular cases
In addition, the FCA can undertake the appointment of a person to carry out investigations when a person may
- be carrying out authorised activities when not authorised to do so
- be guilty of an offence under prescribed regulations relating ro money laundering
- have contravened an FCA rule
- not be a fit and proper person to perform function in relation to a regulated activity
- have performed or agreed to perform a function in breach of prohibition order
- an authorised or exempt person may have failed to comply with a prohibition order
- a person for whom the FCA has given approval may not be fir and proper person to perform the function to which that approval relates or is guilty of misconduct
What are the range of notifies the FSMA gives the FCA the power to issue to authorised and or approved persons
Statutory notices
1) Warning notices - give details about any action the FCA proposes to take and why it does so. Gives the recipient the right to make representation as to why they shouldn’t take this action
2) Decision Notices - gives details of the action the FCA has decided to take, recipient can appeal
3) Further Decision Notices - may follow a decision notice if the FCA has agreed with the recipient to take a different action then that proposed in the original decision notice. A Further Decision Notice can only be issued with consent of the recipient
4) Supervisory Notices - gives details of the supervisory action the FCA has taken or proposes to take. These need to be preceded by a warning or decision notice and are published by the FCA. A typical Supervisory notice may limit a firm’s part 4a permission, so the FCA needs to notify the public that a firm can no longer carry out its activities
Notices not referred to as statutory notices
- Notifcies of discontinuance - confirm that where the FCA has previously sent a warning or decision notice, it has decided not to proceed with the relevant action
- Final Notices.- Sets ou the terms of the final action which the FCA has decided to take and the date it is effective from. They are published by the FCA on its website, unlike Warning and decision notices
What is the regulatory Decision Committee
The regulatory decisions committee makes regulatory decisions, rateher than the FCA enforcement decision that carried out the investigation, so that the person giving the decision the gives rise to the obligation to give a statutory person is not involved in establishing the evidence on which it is based
How is the Regulatory Decision Committee (RDC) separate to the FCA?
The Regulatory Decision Committee (RDC) is a committee of the FCA’s board, part of the FCA and accountable to the FCA Board.
However, is it independent to the extent that its s separate form the FCA’s Executive Management structure. Only the chairman is an FCA employee, other practitioners are outside the FCA and are current or retired practitioners with financial services knowledge and experience, or non-practitioners appointed to the RDC for a fixed period of time
How Does the Regulatory Decision Committee (RDC) meet?
The RDC meets in private, either in entirety or as a panel. The chairman or deputy must e present, together with at least 2 other RDC members. The RDC has its own legal advisers and support unction, so it is not advised on cases by the FCAs enforcement legal advisers
What statutory decisions does the Regulatory Decision Committee (RDC) have responsibility for?
The statutory decisions the Regulatory Decision Committee (RDC) has responsibility for are:
1) specifying an narrower description of a regulated activity than that applied for in a part 4a permission (authorisation), or limit a part 4a permission in a way that would make fundamental change
2) Refuse an application for a Part 4a permission, or cancel an existing part 4a permission
3) Refuse an application for approved person status or withdraw an existing approval
4) Make a prohibition order in relation to a person, which prohibits them from employment in financial services, or refuse to vary an order
5) Exercise the FCA’s powers to impose a financial penalty, make a public statement on the misconduct of an approved person, issue a public censure against an approved person or make a restitution order
What occurs if the RDC doesn’t make a statutory notice decision?
If a statutory notice decision isn’t made by the RDC, it will be made under the executive procedures of the FCA, which can be used if individual guidance or voluntary agreement is felt to be inappropriate.
What 3 forms of formal disciplinary sanctions can the FCA use to address non-compliance with their requirements?
The 3 forms of formal disciplinary sanctions the FCA use to address non-compliance with their requirements are:
1) Public statement of misconduct (relating to approved persons - individuals)
2) Public censures (relating to authorised persons - firms)
3) Financial penalties