Equity Capital Markets Flashcards


What are the roles and duties of the FCA?


The FCA is the competent authority in respect of UK-regulated markets. Its duties and power are set out in FSMA Part 4a. Thes include:

1) Maintaining the official list (the list of companies whose securities are admitted to trading on the Main Market or Professional Securities Market of the LSE or the NEX Echoing Main board
2) Approving Prospectuses
3) Admitting companies to the Official List
4) Regulating Listed Companies

The FCA, through its UK Listing Authority (the UKLA) determines which companies are eligible to join the Official List, and writes and enforces the FCA rules, which applies to those companies

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What three sourcebooks are the FCA Rules divided into?


The FCA Rules are divided into the following 3 sourcebooks

1) The Listing Rules (LRs) - these compromise general rules for listed companies, including the provisions for listing, overarching listing principles and continuing obligations
2) The Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules (DTRs) - These provide the rules and guidance for the dissemination of price-sensitive and other information, notification of interest in shares and which corporate governance provision apply
3) The Prospectus Rules (PRs) - Consolidate all rules on prospectuses, the procedures for their approval, and exemptions from the requirement for a prospectus

Although all these rules apply to premium listed companies, some of them have a wider application, such as

  • The LRs apple to issuers with a premium listing, but only certain elements apply for issuers with a standard listing, and specialist issuers
  • The DTRs apply in general to listed companies, with certain elements also applying to AIM and NEX exchange growth market companies
  • The PRs apply to al companies =, both public and private, seeking to offer shares to the public or gain admission to trading on a UK-regulated market
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What is the LSE?


The LSE is a listed company that runs a marketplace in securities.

The FCA regulates the LSE and has granted it RIE status.
The LSE operates 2 principal levels of entry into the equity market:

1) The Main Market, for those securities on the UKLA Official List and its small and medium sized enterprise (SME) Growth Market (The AIM)
2) A specialist market - the professional securities market

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What markets does the FCA regulate, compared to the LSE?


The FCA regulates Listed Companies (those companies quotes on the Marin market or professional securities market).

The LSE regulated companies quoted on the AIM, as well as writing and enforcing the AIM rules and regulating AIM advisers.

The LSE’s rules govern secondary marketi trading in the shares of both listed and AIM companies by shareholders and intermediaries

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What is one of the MiFID ll aims, in relation to SMEs?


One of the aims of the MiFID ll is to facilitate access to capital for SMEs, and the development of specialist markets catering for SME’s needs.

MiFID ll seeks to establish a regime for the registration of MTFs offering facilities to SMEs as ‘SME Growth Markets, where they meet certain criteria.

MiFID ll requires that at least 50% of the issuers whose financial instruments are admitted to trading on an MTF registered as an SME-GM are small and medium sized enterprises at the time the MTF is registered as an SME - GM, and in any calendar year thereafter. AIM is registered as a SME-GM

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What is a prescribed market?


A prescribed market is any market operated by an RIE

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What are the 2 tiers of listing for all main market companies, whether UK-or Overseas-Registered


The 2 tiers of listing for all main market companies are:

1) Premium listing - available to those issuers prepared to meet UK super-equivalent standards. It is available for equities issued by commercial companies, together with those equity securities issued by Closed-Ended Investment Companies (CEICs) and Open-Ended Investment Companies (OEIC)
2) Standard listing - rehires issuers to comply only with EU minimum standards. Is is available to both UK and overseas commercial equity issuers, as well as issuers of GDRs, debt, securitised derivatives and miscellaneous securities. Not available for CEICs or OEICs

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What are the Listing Rules (LRs)?


The Listing Rules set out the standards expected of listed issuers and the specific procedures to be followed. Namely:

1) The details of the FCA’s enforcement regime
2) The requirements for listing for all securities, together with the super-requivelelent provision for premium listing
3) The Listing Principles
4) the procedures for application for admissition to listing, including secondary offerings
5) The requirements for sponsors, including criteria for approval and continuing obligations for companies and directors
6) The requirements for shareholder approval of significant and related party transactions
7) The contents of circulars to shareholders, and financial information in circulates
8) The requirements of share buy-backs
9) The specific requirements for CEICs and OEICs, and issuers of debt, GDRs and non equity shares

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What are the Disclosure, Guidance and Transparency Rules (DTRs)?


The aim of the DTRs is to implement those requirements of the Market Abuse Directive (MAD) and the Transparency Directive that apply to quoted companies in the UK, with a view to ensuring transparency to shareholders. They contain

1) Provision relating to the disclosure and control of inside information by issuers
2) Requirements to disclose transactions by Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibilities (PDMRs) and their related parties
3) Periodic financial reporting, including the timing and content of annual and interim accounts, and interim management statements
4) Vote holder and issuer notifications (Disclosure of substantial)
5) Continuing obligations and access to information
6) Corporate governance requirements, including the requirement for an audit committee and corporate governance standards

The DTRs have been revised with the intro of MAR/MAD 2, and many of the elements previously within the DTRs now sit pithing MAR

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What is the difference between a Recognised investment exchange (RIE), a regulated market and a Multilateral Trading Facility (MTF)


Under MiFID, entities that offer multilateral trading for financial instruments (such as an order book) must be organised either as a Regulated Market, or as an Multilateral Trading Facility (MTF)

1) Regulated Market - Regulated Markets are those that comply with the requirements for regulated markets under MiFID
2) Multilateral Trading Facilitiy (MTF) - Multilateral Trading Facilities are those markets which are not designated at regulated markets
3) Recognised Investment Exchange - an RIE is a firm which operates one or more of these markets, and meets the standards required by the FCA to be an RIE

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What is a regulated market?


A regulated market is a multilateral trading system operated by a market operator which brings together or facilitates the bringing together of 3rd party buying an selling interests in financial instruments in a a way that results in a contract, in respect of the financial instruments admitted to trading under its rules or systems, and which is authorised and functions regularly in accordance with the provisions of Title lll of the MiFID

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Who is responsible for maintaining the list of regulated markets?


The FCA, by virtue of Article 47 of MiFID, is responsible for maintaining the list of regulated market for which they are the home member state.

Regulated markets are

1 Ice Futures Europe (ICE)
2 London Stock Exchange (LSE)
3 London Metal Exchange (LME)
4 NEX Exchange (NEX)
5 CBOE Europe Equities Regulated Market (CBOE)
6 Euronext London
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Which operators are responsible for regulating the LSE, the AIM or the NEX Exchange, respectively?


The LSE is a regulated market, and as such, must be regulated by the FCA, in its role as authority for regulated markets

The AIM is not a regulated market, it is an MTF, which is also designated as an exchange regulated market or a prescribed market. It is therefore regulated by its operator, the LSE

The NEX Exchange Growth Market is also an exchange regulated market, so it is regulated by its operator, the NEX Exchange

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What is a Recognised Investment Exchange?


A Registered Investment Exchange (RIE) is an investment exchange which is considered by the FCA to be fit and proper, and although it is subject to FCA supervision and oversight, it is not required to be authorised

The LSE is a RIE. AS such, ir operates bot ha regulated market (Main Market) and an MTF (AIM). Any MTF operated by a UK RIE is described as a prescribed market

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What is a multilateral trading facility?


A multilateral trading facility (MTF) is defined as any system that brings together multiple parties that are interested in buying and selling financial instruments and enables them to do so. These systems can be operated by an investment firm of market operator. Instruments can include shares, bonds nd derivates.

Secondary market trading in AIM and Main Market shares may take place on both RIEs an MTFs

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What is the purpose of the Listing principles and Premium Listing principles


There are 2 Listing Principles and 6 Premium Listing Principles. Premium listing principles apply only to issuers with a premium listing, in respect to their obligations arising from the LRs and DTRs

The purpose of the principles is to ensure that premium issuers pay due regard to the fundamental role they play in maintaining market confidence and enabling fair and orderly markets, and to assist them in identifying their obligations and responsibilities under the LRs and DTRs

Listing Principle 1

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What are the Listing Principles and Premium Listing Principles?


The 2 Listing Principles are:

1) A listed company must take reasonable steps to establish and maintain adequate procedures, systems and controls to enable it to comply with its obligations
2) A listed company must deal with the FCA in an open and cooperative manner

The 6 Premium Principles are:

1) A Listed company must take reasonable steps to enable its directors t oudnerstand their responsibilities and obligations as directors
2) A listed company must act with integrity towards the holders and potential holders of its premium shares
3) All equity shares in a class that has been admitted to premium listing must carry an equal number of votes on any shareholder vote
4) Where a listed company has more than one class of equity shares admitted to premium listing, the aggregate voting rights of the shares in each class should be broadly proportionate to the relative interests of those classes in the equity of the listed company
5) A listed company must ensure that it treats all holders o the same class of its listed equity shares that are in the same position equally in respect of the rights attaching to those listed equity shares
6) A listed company must communicate information to holders and potential oilers of its listed equity shares in such a way as to avoid the creation of a false market in those listed equity shares

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What are the Listing Requirements?


The Listing Requirements for admission to the official list are separated into those which apply to all issuers, and those which are specific to premium issuers.

The requirements for all securities (both premium and standard) are:

1) Applications must be duly incorporated in accordance with the law of their place of incorporation and operate in accordance with their constitution
2) Securities must be duly authorised, confirm with the law of the country of incorporation and have and necessary statutory or other consents
3) Where any securities of a particular class are admitted to listing, all the existing securities and further issues of securities of that class must be issued to listing
4) Securities must be admitted to trading on an rIE
5) Securities must be freely transferable
6) Shares must be fully paid up and free from liens and other restrictions on the right of transfer
7) The expected market value of all securities issued by the company, and to be listed, must be all easy £700,000 for shares and £200,000 for debt securities
8) A prospectus for the sale or admission to listing of the securities must be approved by the FCA and publihed
9) If another EEA state is the home member state for the securities, their competent authority must supply the FCA with a certificate of approval (a passport), a copy of the prospectus as approved and, if needed, a translation of the summary of the prospectus
10) Convertible securities may be admitted to listing only if the securities into which they are convertible are already, or will become at the time, listed securities on a regulated, regulated operating, recognised open market
1) At least 25% of the shares must be distributed to the public (not held by directors or singicant shareholders (shareholders holding 5% or more). This is referred to shares in public hands, or as a ‘free float’.

A premium issuer is subject to additional requirements. The provisions below apply to commercial companies (premium issuers)

1) The Issuer must have published consolidated, independently audited accounts covering at least 3 years, with the latest accounts being no more than 6 months old at the date of its prospectus
2) At least 75% of the applicant’s business must be supported by this 3 year earning record, and it must carry on an independent business as its main activity and have controlled the majority of its assets for at least 3 years
3) Th Issuer must make a clean working capital statement - ie show it has sufficient working capital for the next 12 months

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What is the High Growth Segment (HGS)?


The High Growth Segment (HGS) of the main market is designed to assist mid-sized European and IK companies that require access to capital and a public platform to continue their growth

the HGS is for high growth businesses seeking access to the Main Market due to their size and stage of development, but that, at the point of their IPO, are not able to meet all the requirements for being on the FCA’s official list

The HGS has EU-regulated market status, to ensure a framework for appropriate larger companies, whereas AIM is not a EU regulated market, to allow for a market framework for smaller companies

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What type of company can access the HGS?


The HGS is for the equity shares of UK and European Trading businesses that can demonstrate significant growth in revenues and a longer term aspiration to join the premium segment of the main market.

The 5 specific eligibility criteria include:

1) Incorporation in an EEA State
2) Equity Shares Only
3) Revenue generating business with historic revenue growth of 20% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) over a 3 year period
4) Minimum free float of 10%, with a value of at least £30m (majority of 30m must be raised at admission
5) A key advisor (who must be a UKLA approved sponsor) to be retained at admission and for specific matters including notifiable transactions

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How would a company transition from the HGS to Premium Listing?


the HGS has EU-regulated market status, but is outside the UK’s Listing Regime.

For a company transitioning between the HGS to Premium Listing, they would remain on the same EU-regulatedd market (the main market) but would need to apply for admission to the premium listing category of the official list.

The company would need to:

1) Apply to the official list and meet the requirements for a premium listed company
2) Have an eligibility letter from a sponsor
3) A new prospectus may be required, depending on the company’s circumstances (i.e. if a company is undertaking a fundraising at the time of transition

The HGS rules provide an exemption from requiring shareholder approval for cancellation from the segment where a concurrent application is made for admission to the premium segment

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What does a company need to do in order to be admitted to the HGS


In order to be admitted to the HGS, a company must

1) Produce an EU prospectus, approved by the FCA or other competent authority
2) Appoint a key advisor for admission
3) Demonstrate eligibility for the segment, as set out in the HGS rulebook and compliance with the LSEs HGS Rulebook and the Admission and Disclosure Standards
4) Be approved for admission by the LSE’s Admission Review Committee
5) On going retirements set out in the HGS rulebook, including rules around significant transaction and web disclosure and the requirement to consult a key advisor to specific events such as notifiable transactions
6) EU FSAP directives as applicable to regulated markets
7) An annual statement of what corporate governance code has been adopted and to what extent

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What is the Specialist Fund Segment?


The Specialist Fund Segment (SFS) is designed for close-ended investment funds. IT is for specialised investment entities that wish to target institutional and high-net worth iprofessionally advised investors, rather than retail investors. Trading companies don’t qualify for the SFS.

The SFS is aimed at different types of investment managers seeking admission to a public market in London.

The SFS is a regulated market. Securities admitted to it are eligible for most investor mandates, however, they sit outside the UK’s Listing Regime (similar to the HGS)

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How can a company be admitted to the Specialist Fund Segments (SFS)?


The Specialist Fund Segment (SFS) is an EU-Regulated Market. UK and Non-UK investment entities are eligible to seek admission. Admission is a 2 stage process, requiring

1) The approval of a prospectus by the applicants EEA competent Authority
2) Following prospectus approval, application to the LSE for admission to trading on the SFS

to be eligible for admission applications must ensure that:

1) The prospectus complies with Annex XV of the Prospectus Regulation
2) They disclose post-issue free float as part of their submission to the LSE
3) The comply with the LSE Admission and Disclosure Standards

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What are the continuing obligations for standard and premium listing companies, in regards to disclosure and transparency
The continuing obligations for standard and premium listed companies are contained within the Listing Rules and in part in the DTRs. They govern the conduct of directors of listed companies and the disclosure of information necessary to protect investors, maintain an orderly market and ensure that investors are treated fairly. The DTRs also contain requirements relating to the dissemination of Inside Information
What are the three offences relating to misleading statements and practices?
The three offences are: 1) Making false or misleading statements (Section 89) 2) Creating false or misleading impressions (Section 90) 3) Makign false or misleading statements or creating false or misleading impressions in relation to specified benchmarks (Section 91) The misleading impression offence now covers recklessly created misleading impressions, as well as those created intentionally
What is the central rerquirement an issuer must make in regards to disclosures?
The central requirement provides that a premium or standard issuer must make a public disclosure through a regulated information service (RIS), of any inside information which directly concerns it, and that this disclosure should be made as soon as possible
What is the definition of inside information?
Inside information is defined as information: - Of a precise nature - which has not yet been made public - relating directly or indirectly to one or more issuers, or to one or more financial instruments, and which - if it were to be made public, would likely have a significant effect on the prices of those financial instruments, or on the price of related derivative financial instruments Examples of inside information could include: - changes n expectations of a company's profits (such as through major new contracts or losses) - Material transactions, including acquisitions, disposals or joint ventures - Appoint of resignation of senior management - Changes to the financial stability of the company, such as withdrawal of lending facilities
What is the reasonable investor test?
In determining whether information is price sensitive, the issuer should apply the 'reasonable investor test'. The Reasonable investor test means the issuer should consider whether the information would be used by a reasonable investor as the basis of their investment decisions, and would thereby have a significant effect on the price of the issuer's securities
What is an RIS?
An RIS is a firm that has been approved by the FCA to disseminate regulatory announcements to the market, on behalf of listed companies. All listed companies must retain at least 1 RIS, and only regulatory announcements must be made through this mechanism. Once an announcement is sent to the RIS, the company's disclosure obligation is met. The RIS should then release the announcement to the markets through links to secondary info providers, such as data providers, news wires and the media. A fundamental requirement of the inside information regime is the equal treatment of shareholders, who are entitled to receive inside information in the same way and at the same time. Disseminating regulatory disclosures through an RIS achieves this
What must a company do after submitting information to an RIS?
After providing inside information to an RIS, a company must make the information available on its own website by the close of the business day following the RIS announcement. A company must ensure such information is notified to an RIS before, or simultaneously with, publication od such information on its own website The company must take reasonable care to ensure that the disclosure of inside information to the public is synchronised as closely as possible to all jurisdictions where is has securities listed on a regulated market
When can a company delay the disclosure of Inside Information?
A company can delay the public disclosure of inside information so as to not prejudice its legitimate interests, providing that: - Such an omission will not be likely to mislead the public - Any person receiving the information owes the issuer a duty of confidentiallity, regardless of where such duty is based on law, regulations, aricles of association or contract and - The Issuer is able to ensure the confidentiality of that information A developing situation should be monitored to ensure that, if circumstances change, an immediate disclosure can be made Under MAR, an issuer has to supply to the FCA a return explaining why there was a delay in disclosing inside information
How can a company control inside information?
Companies must establish effective arrangements to deny access to inside information to persons other than those who require it for the exercise of their functions within the company. A company must have measures in place that enable public disclosure to be made to an RIS as soon as possible in case they can't ensure the confidentiality of relevant information If an issuer is relying on the rules of delaying disclosure of inside information, it should prepare a holding announcement to be disclosed in the event of an actual or likely breach of confidence
What is the purpose of an insider list, and who must maintain one?
A premium or standard issuer must ensure that it, and persons acting on behalf of its account, draw up a list of those persons working for them, whether under a contract of employment of otherwise, who have access to inside information relating directly to indirectly to the issuer, whether on a regulated or occasional basis. This must be available to the FCA on request. Regulated markets must maintain these lists. However, SME growth markets, such as the AIM, are allowed to only produce lists of permanent insiders
What must each insider list contain?
Each insider list must contain the following 3 pieces of information: 1) The identity of each person having access to inside information 2) The reason why that person is on the insider list 3) The date on which the insider list was created and updated The company must also incur on the list the names of its principal contacts at any other firm or company acting on its behalf or on its account with whom it has had direct contact, and who also has access to inside information about it. The issuer must contractually require such 3rd parties to also maintain insider lists, detailing all those that have access to insider info on the at issuer or work on that issuer's busienss
When must an insider list be updated?
An insider list must be updated in 3 situation 1) When there is a change in the reason why a person is already on the list 2) When any person who is not already on the list is provided with access to inside information 3) To indicate the date on which a person already on the list no longer has access to inside information
How long must an insider list be kept?
A company must keep every insider list repared by it, or by persons acting on its account or on its behalf, or at least 5 years from the date on which it is drawn up or updated, wherever is latest.
Who is responsible for the maintenance insider lists?
The company is responsible for the maintenance of insider lists.
What is a buy-back programme?
A buy-back programme is when companies whose securities are publicly traded seeks to repurchase some or all of a particular class of securities in the market. This is usually because they are able to obtain lower-cost capital from a new source, or have excess cash resources
What are price stabilisation measures?
During an IPO, the share price of a newly listed company can be volatile. It is possible for the issuer's investment bank to take action in the market to stabilise the share price, either by buying the relevant securities in the secondary market or by issuing new shares into the market to suppress price peaks. This protests the interests of investors that have subscribed or purchased those relevant securities and contribute to greater confidence in the financial markets Price support activities (stabilisation or buy backs) carried out in accordance with the timing, disclosure and procedures of the MAR rules and DCA Code of Market conduct won't amount to Market Abuse
When must a sponsor be appointed?
A company with, or applying for, a premium listing of its equities must appoint a sponsor to advise it on certain transactions. The Sponsor does not need to be an LSE member firm, but it must be a firm approved as a sponsor by the FCA and have adequate expertise and skills to advice issuers. A premium issuer must appoint a sponsor when it: 1) Makes an application for admission of equity shares which requires the production of a prospectus, or when a prospectus is passport by another competent authority 2) Is required to produce a Class 1 Circular, a circular in relation to a reconstruction or refinancing, or a circular for a share buy-back, including a working capital statement 3) Applies to transfer its listing category from a standard to a premium listing 4) Is required to do so buy the FCA because the FCA believes there may be a breach of the LRs or DTRs There is no obligation for a company to maintain the services of a sponsor firm outside of these transactions. A standard listed company doesn't require a sponsor.
What are the 6 principles for sponsors?
The 6 principles for sponsors are: 1) A sponsor must, in relation to a sponsor service, act with due care, skill and dilligence 2) Where a sponsor provides guidance to a listed company, it must be satisfied that the directors of the company understand their responsibilities and obligations under the LR and DTRs 3) IT must deal with the FCA in an open and cooperative way and deal with all enquiries raised by the FCA promptly, whether acting on sponsor services or not 4) It must disclose to the FCA when it has knowledge relating to the sponsor or the issuer which concerns non compliance with the LRs or DTRs 5) It must take al reasonable steps to identify conflicts of interest that could adversely affect its ability to perform its function properly 6) IT must put in place and maintain effective organisation and administrative arrangements that ensure conflicts of interests do no adversely affect its ability to perform as a sponsor. If a sponsor is not confident that its arrangements will ensure that a conflict of interest will not adversely its ability to perform its functions, it must decline to provide sponsor services
What are the main methods for a company seeking new listings for its shares?
An IPO is referred to as a floatiation, and is the first time that a company offers shares to the public through a stock exchange There are 5 main methods for a new applicant to bring their securities to listing for the first time. These are referred to as primary offerings. These are: 1) An offer for a sale 2) An offer for a subscription 3) An intermediaries offer 4) A placing 5) An Introduction An introduction doesn't not involve an offer of shares for sales. Rather, it allows a company's existing shareholders to trade their shares on a stock exchange. The other 4 methods are known as marketing operations, as the company offers shares for sale and must take steps to market them
What is an offer for sale?
In an offer for sale, a company offers shares for sale to the institutional investors and retail public. The offer is coordinated by the company's investment bank, and may involve a new issue of shares by the company or they may be shares being sold by the company's existing shareholders Usually a company will enter into agreements with underwriters. The underwriters undertake to acquire any unsold shares at the full offer price. Although this ads to the cost, ir guarantees the issuer the full proceeds of the offer and reduces risk.
What is an offer for subscription?
An offer for subscription involves the company issuing new shares n repsosnie to applications for shares. The difference between a subscription and an offer for sale is that the shares themselves are not physically inexistent until application have been received from investors, who become 'subscribers' for the shares. Offers for subscriptions are commonly used un fundraising by investment companies. There are tax benefits available for investors in unlisted companies which are only available on a subscription for shares and plantings of newly issued shares. As with an offer for sale, offers for subscriptions are likely to be underwritten
What is an intermediaries offer?
An intermediary offer is similar to an offer for subscription, except an intermediary (such as a bank or stockbroker) acts as a conduit to father investors from among its clients. Intermediary offers may or may not be underwritten
What is a placing?
A placing is the quickest and cheapest route for a company to raise new funds. In a placing, a company arranges for its investment bank to place blacks of new or existing securities with the bank's investor client base. This is sometime referred to as selective marketing, as the securities are not offered to the wider community of institutional investors. This reduces the cost and time for marketing the issue and may avoid underwriting costs. A placing can be used as either a primary or secondary offering, and may be used as a route to an IPO alongside the other offers to widen the number of potential investors
What is an introduction?
This doesn't not involve a new issue of shares. Instead, shares which are already widely held are admitted to listing. An introduction is only available to an issuer when the shares are already of such amount, and are so widely held, that their marketability can be assured once listed. E.g. when a company with an overseas listing is seeking a secondary listing in the UK, or when a company is already admitted to AIM and is seeking to move up to the main market
What is a secondary offering?
An existing issuer may seek to raise equity capital through a secondary offering, which is either: 1) A rights issue 2) A secondary Placing 3) An open offer 4) A vendor consideration placing When considering secondary offerings, pre-emption rights must be considered. Companies listed in the UK are required to have pre-emption rights in their articles of association. These require a company, which seeks to offer new shares in return for cash, to offer these shares in the first instance to existing shareholders in proportion to their existing shareholdings
What is a rights issue?
A Rights issue is a transaction where a company offers all its existing shareholders the opportunity to buy further shares n that company in accordance with their pre-emption rights. In a rights issue shareholders are offered shares pro-rate to their existing holding, at a discount to the existing market price. For example, for a 1 for 5 rights issue, shareholders are sent a provisional allotment letter setting out their entitlement to buy 1 new share for every 5 they hold Share holders may take up their entitlement and buy the shares, they may reject the offer or they may sell their entitlement to 3rd parties, at a price reflecting the level of the discount, by selling the provisional allotment letter. Usually a company enters into underwriting agreements with their investment bank.
What is a secondary placing?
A secondary placing is a non-pre-emptive issue, as shares are offered to new, incoming shareholders
What is an open offer?
An open offer is also a pre-emptive offer to existing shareholders to subscribe or purchase further shares in proportion to their existing shareholdings Unlike a rights issue, an one offer does not give shareholders the right to sell their entitlement to new shares and the max price discount permissible (for listed companies) is 10%. This is less attractive to shareholders than a rights issue and has a lower chance of being successful. An open offer is often combined with a placing, designed to effectively underwrite the open offer. An open offer has a shorter timescale and is quick than a rights issue
Vendor Consideration Placing
A vendor consideration placing is a way of raising a small sum to finance an acquisition. It involves the issue of new shares to the vendor of the acquisition target as consideration for the acquisition, with a pre-arranged placing of these consideration shares in order to convert them into cash for the vendor. For example Company A wants to acquire company B, and wants to use its own shares. However the shareholders of Comp B (the vendors) only wish to accept cash. Company A issues new shares to the vendors of Comp B in consideration for the shares in Comp B. It has agreed in advance with its investment bank that these new shares will be immediately placed, on behalf of the vendors, with institutional and other investors. The placing realises cash that can be paid to the vendors, who are now effectively receiving cash consideration. The issue of shares has been made in exchange fo the Comp B shares, and not in exchange for cash, so it doesn't not breach the pre-emption rights issue
What are the trigger points for a person to notify a company of a substantial holding in that company?
A person must notify an issuer when the percentage of its voting rights that it holds reaches certain thresholds. The thresholds depend on the identity of the issuer: 1) If the issuer is listed and incorporated in the UK, disclosure is needed with the percentage reaches, exceeds, or falls below 3%, and each 1% thereafter up to 100 2) for a non-uk issuer, the thresholds requiring disclosure are 5%, 10%, 15%, 20 %, 25%, 30%, 50% and 75%. These thresholds also apply to a UK issuer is the shareholder is a regulated discretionary investment manager or a regulated CIS
What exemptions exist to the disclosure requirements?
The following are exemptions for the disclosure requirements for the notification rules 1) Shares held by a custodian or nominee, in its capacity, providing that such a person can only exercise voting rights attaches to such shares under instructions given by the underlying beneficial owners 2) Shares held by an authorised market maker acting only in that capacity, if the threshold for disclosure is 10% and each percentage point thereafter 3) Shares held by a collateral taker under a collateral transaction which involves the outright transfer of securities,, providing that the collateral taker does not declare any intention of exercising the voting rights attached 4) Shares acquired for stabilisation purposes in a accordance with the buyback and stabilisation regulation, if the voting rights are not excessed or used to intervene in the management of an issue
What are the class tests?
The class tests allow customers to establish the materiality of a transaction, the size of the asset or business being acquired or disposed of is compared to the size of the listed company, using 4 Class Tests 1) Gross assets Test - a division of the gross assets of the transaction target by the gross assets of the listed company, with profits defined as the total current assets plus the total non-current assets 2) Profits Test - A division of the attributable profits of the transaction target by the profits of the listed company, with profits defined as the profits after all deductions except taxation 3) Consideration Test - a division of the total consideration paid or received for the target, by the market capitalisation of the listed company on the last business day before the announcement of the transaction 4) Gross Capital Test - A division of the gross capital of the transaction target by the gross capital of the listed company. Gross capital for the listed company is defined as its market capitalisation plus its net debt, gross capital fo the target is defined as the sum of its consideration, the value of any shares or debt not being acquired, any other non curretent liabilities and the total of any excess of current liabilities over assets Applying each test results in the calculation of a percentage, and the highest percentage calculated determines the class of the transaction, and so the action required
What are the 4 types of transactions resulting from class tests?
The 4 types of transaction are 1) The Residual transaction - a transaction where all percentage ratios are less than 5%. There is no obligation to disclose the transaction to the market unless new shares are to be issued or a reg announcement is required under rMAR 2) A Class 2 Transaction - A transaction where any percentage ratio is 5% or more, but each is less than 25%. In this case, the listed company must disclose the transaction to the market as soon as it is agreed, with full details. 3) A Class 1 Transaction - a transaction in which any percentage ratio is more than 25%. This requires shareholder approval through the passing of an ordinary resolution at a GM 4) A Reverse Take over a transaction consisting of an acquisition by a listed company of a business, an unlisted company or assets in which any percentage ration is 100% or more or which would result in a fundamental change n the business or in a change in the board or voting control of the listed company. This would also require shareholder approval. Given the transactions size it will likely include the issue of new shares. The FCA will consider these new shares as a new listing and require a prospectus.
For what transactions would a sponsor be needed?
A Sponsor would be needed for a Class 1 transaction or a reverse takeover, and to assist with the preparation and approval of the circular. When a company is unsure on what class a transaction would be it should appoint a sponsor to advise
What is the AIM?
The AIM is not a regulated market, and is regulated by the LSE as the LSE is a Regulated Investment Exchange. The AIM is therefore a prescribed market, and is subject to the UK's market abuse regime. The AIM is 1) a SME Growth Market MTF under MiFID 2) a prescribed and exchange regulated market by the FCA
What are the admission requirements for AIM
A company that wants to be admitted to trading on AIM must be incorporated as a plc. ITs share must be freely transferable, however, there is no minimum free float, no minimum trading history and no minimum market value of the shares The company must usually publish an admission document, which must be made available publicly, free of charge, for a at least 1 month from the admission of the applicants securities to AIM
What must the company applying for admission to the AIM submit to the LSE, in the form of a readmission announcement?
At least 10 days before the admission to AIM, the applicant must provide the LSE with the following in a pre-admission announcement 1) Its name 2) Its Country of incorporation 3) Its refigestered office and trading address 4) The website where info required by AIM rule 26 will be available 5) A description of the business 6) The number and type of securities in respect of which it seeks admission and the number and type of securities to be held as treasury shares 7) The capital to be raised on admission 8) The percentage of AIM securities not in public hands at admission 9) The names and functions of directors and proposed directors 10) As far as is known, the full name of any significant shareholder, director or proposed director before and after admission, along with the percentage of each person's interest 11) The names of nay persons who will be disclosed in the admission document as receiving fees totalling £10,000 or more in the 12 months prior to admission or in relation to admission 12) The anticipated accounting reference date 13) The expected admission date 14) The name and address of its nominated advisor and broker 15) Details of the corp governance code the company follows
What must the company submit to the LSE 3 days before the expected date of admission to the AIM?
3 days before a company's admission to the AIM it must submit to the LSE - a completed application form - a electronic version of its admission document. - The Nomad's declaration confirming the applicant's suitability for admission Admission becomes effective only when the LSE issues a dealing notice
How are the AIM's rules divided?
The AIM's rules are suited to smaller companies. They are divided into rules for 1) Companies 2) Nomads A company seeking admission to AIM is subject to the Prospectus Rules Requirements
When are the rules on disclosures of major interests in shares not applied to AIM companies?
The rules on disclosures of major interests and shares are not applied to non-uk companies quoted on the AIM, who are subject to their home state rules on vote-holder notifications
What is a Nominated Advisor (a Nomad)?
A Nomad (Nominated advisor) is responsible to the LSE for assessing the appropriateness of an applicant to the AIM, and for advising and guiding a AIM company on its responsibilities under the AIM rules. The nomad must be approved by the LSE and included on the Nomad register. an AIM company must retain the services of a nomad at all times. A company must also retain a broker at all times to support trading of its shares and to assist in pricing and marketing in a floatation. The nomad and broker can eb the same firm, as long as procedures exist to manage conflicts of interest. If a company ceases to have a nomad, the LSE will suspend trading in its AIM securities. If the nomad has not been replaced within 1 month, the AIM company's admission to will be cancelled.
What are the requirements to be approved as a nomad?
A nomad must be 1) A firm or company 2) have practised corporate finance for at least 2 years 3) Have acted on at least 3 relevant transaction during that 2 year period 4) Employ at least 4 qualified executives
What is a qualified executive?
A qualified executive is: 1) A full time employee of the applicant 2) Someone who has acted in a corporate finance advisory role for at least the least 3 years 3) Someone who has acted in a lead corporate finance role on at least three relevant transactions in that 3 year period
What should the Nomad asses when a company seeks admission to the AIM
The nomad should carry out extensive due diligence on the company. It must assess the company board of directors and their suitability, and sensure they understand their obligations. The nomad must oversee and have an active involvement in the preparation of the admission document or prospectus, and confirm to the LSE the information in regards to AIM applicants
How can a nomad help a company with ongoing obligations?
A nomad must be available at all times to advise on obligations, and ensure that at least 2 members of staff are allocated to that company, of which 1 is a qualified executive it must liaise with the LSE in requests for information It must regularly review the AIm's company's financial trading performance and condition against any profit forecast ana evaluate whether an announcement is required. IT should review all announcements made by its clients in advance of publication.
When will a company, seeking admission to the AIM, need a prospectus
A company applying for admission to AIM in an offer for Sale or Subscription (an offer not to qualified investors only) must issue a prospectus unless there is an exemption If a company applies to admission to an AIM through an introduction or placing, it instead needs to produce an admission document If a Prospectus is needed, it should be approved by the FCA before being published. If an admission document is requirement, there is no requirement for approval from the LSE or FCA, however, the Nomad must approve its publication and it must be available in hard copy and on the issuers website