The regulatory advice framework Flashcards
what information is contained in a Key information/investor document?
the main features of any financial products they are considering
what information is contained in a product key facts illustration?
Information specific to their circumstances, quote, investment and typical scenarios in relation to returns or proceeds
What information is contained in the KID/KIID as required by the FCA?
nature of investment aims risk factors terms of investment cancellation/withdrawal rights compensation arrangements complaints information required by the Solvency directive
What type of information is also required by the solvency directive in a KID/KIID?
name and address of insurer solvency and financial conditions definition of each benefit/option term means of termination means of payment distribution of bonuses indication of surrender values and whether premiums are guaranteed Premiums unit linking details Law applicable
What are the key components of a pure protection policies?
they are long term
benefits payable on death or incapacity
contract has no surrender value or it does not exceed a single premium
no conversion or extension options
What does a life office carying out a with profits business need to have?
A PPFM document (principles and practices of financial management) setting out how they manage their business
What are the two key elements of ‘informed choice’ guidance that can be given to a customer?
Provider guidance - product information supplied directly to the customer from a provider
Generic Guidance - general information on a type of product that as not specific to a provider
What are the three bodies under MAPS (money and pension service, designed to help customer understand pensions?
Pension wise
The Money advice service
Pensions advisory service
Who is pension wise available to and what is the service offered?
phone service to the over 50’s, with defined contribution schemes in place, to help decide
What they can do with their pension pot
The different type of pensions and how they work
What is or isnt tax free
What are the aims of the MAS (money advice service) and how can you access it?
To enhance understanding and knowledge of their finances
Available online or via a consumer help line
Whats is the purpose of the TPAS (the pensions advisory service)
Deliver information and guidance on all pension matters across the board
What are the six elements of fair treatment of customers?
- confident consumers are dealing with firms where fair treatment is central to corporate culture
- Products and services are designed to meet the needs of consumers
- Provided with clear information and are kept up to date during and after the sales process
- Advice received takes account of personal circumstances
- Products are as they are led to expect and of an acceptable standard
- No unreasonable post sale barriers to change products, switch or submit a claim
What are the requirements/considerations to meet the ‘independance’ requirement by set by the FCA?
Some FCA mandated products might be excluded (such as unregulated collective investments)
Certain multi manager investment fund recommendations might be inadequate
Firms using product panels, must allow for off-panel recommendations
Using a single platform may be insufficient
model portfolios must still cater for clients individual circumstances
Firms do not need to offer pension transfers or long term care insurnace
discretionary investment services will not usually be included
what should a single tied adviser do if they do not have a suitable product within their providers product range?
They should inform the client they have nothing suitable
What stakeholder products are included in the basic advice rules?
Short term deposit based stakeholder products
medium term collective or life stakeholder products
long term stakeholder pension schemes
What is the difference between a real time and non- real time financial promotion?
A real time would be during the course of a personal visit/telephone call or other interactive dialogue
A non-real time cover all others such as strategic adverts
How long should a non real time financial promotion be kept for;
pension transfers?
General MiFID promotions (not life or pension)?
pension transfers - indefinitely
MiFID promotions - 5 years
What is the criteria for a real time promotion to a client?
fair, clear and not misleading
the purpose is clear at the start and the person identifies themselves and the firm
Check the recipient wishes to proceed if not previously agreed and stop if necessary
Gives a contact point
Does not may contact at unsocial hour or by an unlisted number without permission
Under what circumstances could a customer receive a cold call?
only if the customer has an established relationship with the firm
the promotionrelates to a generally marketable packaged product which is not highly volatile
When must a suitability report be issued?
Buys, sells all or part of a holding of a collective investment scheme, trust via a trust savings scheme or wrapped ISA
Buys, sells, surrenders, converts, cancels or suspends a personal or stakeholder pension
makes withdrawals or an uncrystalised funds pension lump sum payment
purchase of short term annuities
takes up a life policy following a recommendation
It what timescale must a suitability report be provided?
Life policy - before the contract is concluded
pensions - no later than the fourteenth day after conclusion
Any other case - asap
What are the guidelines in making a suitable recommendation?
Give considered advice, conscientiously, in clients best interest
each need quantified and shortfalls between existing cover indentified
for each need, provide a list of suitable products
Compare the products available and by the process of elimination, ID the most suitable
Ensure the client understands the disadvantages as well as the benefits and any risks
Ensure it is clear past performance is not a guarantee of future
If a client disagrees with your recommendation and instructs you to take a diferent course of action you consider to be unsuitable, can you proceed.
Yes, you can but with caution. You are able to decline the transaction if you believe it is significantly disadvantageous to your client
Why would financial advisers be exempt from MiFD11 (market in Financial Instruments Directive)
if they do not hold client assets or money
if they do no do business outside the UK
(article 3 firms)
What areas for retail investment firms changed as a result of MiFID?
Disclosure of costs and charges relating to recommendations Product Governance Describing Advice services Structured deposits Suitability Recording conversations Inducements
Whats is the aim of IDD (insurance distribution directive?
To enhance consumer protection when buying insurance (including life, general, insurance based investments. Support competition Product oversight governance abd enhanced conduct rules for IBIP's
What are the three categorisations for investment business clients?
Retail Client
Professional Client
Eligible Counterparty
What needs to be considered by firms to maintain Fiduciary relationships?
Fairness to clients
Relationships with Product Providers
Conflicts of interest and material interest
Exclusion fo liability
Clear, fair and not misleading information
Firms holding themselves out as independant
Inducements and commissions
Charging customers for handling complaints
What needs to be included within Status disclosure?
Firms regulatory status (auth and reg by FCA) Firms advice status (tied etc) Services provided how the firm is paid details of loans or ownership how to complain Coverage of the FSCS
When does disclosure information not need to be given?
where the information has already been given
where the initial contact is by telephone (must be given later and confirmed in writing)
For execution only in non-packaged life products
What elements must a firm provide to a client in terms of renumeration of employees when arranging a retail investment product?
Attach a proper value on any benefits or services as well as any cash
including - cars, loans, pensions and support services that could not be provided for an IFA
when must a client agreement be provided?
before conducting any business
immediately after if the business was concluded using distance communication
When would a firm question a clients request for execution only?
If it concerned a complex financial instrument
What do firms need to ensure for an insistent client?
Provide advice that is suitable to the individual client
Clearly explain the risks of the alternative course of action
be clear that the clients actions are against the firms advice
What is the difference between execution only and best execution?
execution only - customer receives no advice
best execution - a firm takes all reasonable steps to obtain the best result for the client
What are the four categories of introducer organisations and why it is important firms have proper agreements in place?
- Authorised by the FCA
- Regulated by a DPB
- Exempt firms
- Not FCA authorised
To ensure all regulatory aspects are clear and all are aware of thier responsibilities
What type of investments have a 30 day cancellation period?
Life policy (including pension annuity, pension policy within a wrapper)
Personal or stakeholder pension
Pension transfer
Variations of existing personal or stakeholder pensions, by electing to take income withdrawals
What type of products sold would mean the client is automatically considered as vulnerable?
what could an adviser do if they are in any doubt the client does not fully understand the product?
Equity release products
Involve a family member or power of attorney
What is the FCA definition of a vunerable customer?
Someone, who due to thier personal circumstances, is suseptible to detriment, particularly when a firm is not acting with the appropriate levels of care
How often should a client receive a financial review according to the regulations?
under MiFID if offering periodic assessment, then annually, otherwise there are no specific rules