The regulation of legal services Flashcards
What are reserved legal activives?
They are the aspect of legal practice that only a suitably qualified legal professional is permitted to carry out by virtue of the Legal Services Act 2007
Who is allowed to carry out reserved legal activities?
Those authorised or exempt from requiring authorisation
What are the reserved legal activities?
- the exercise of a right of audience
- the conduct of litigation
- reserved instrument activities
- probate activities
- notarial activities
- the administration of oaths
What are reserved instrument activities?
Those that involve preparing or lodging certain legal instruments. They also include the activities dealing with the transfer, charge or registration of land or any instrument relating to court proceedings
What is not classed as a reserved instrument activity?
- drafting wills and other testamentary instruments
- drafting agreements not intended to be executed as a deed
- drafting a letter or power of attorney
What are examples of regulated legal service providers?
- solicitors
- barristers
- chartered legal executives
- licensed conveyancers
- notaries
- chartered accountants
What are examples of approved regulatory bodies?
_ CILEx regulation - Council for Licensed conveyancers
- Master of the Faculties
- Institute of Chartered accountants
What is responsible for overseeing and monitoring the regulators?
The Legal Services Board
Do the regulators just regulate reserved legal activities?
No, the regulation extends to all legal services the authorised person carries out
Are there any exceptions to requiring authorisation for reserved legal activities?
Yes, they are contained in s19
To be able to practice a as a solicitor what must a person satisfy?
Three requirements:
1. admitted to the profession - education/training & character suitability requirements
2. added to the roll
3. obtains a practising certificate - renewed on a annual basis
Do freelance solicitors have to be authorised as a recognised sole practice?
They do unless their practice only conducts activities that are not reserved legal activities or they provide reserved legal activities through an authorised body
As well as having a practice certificate, what else does a solicitor need to do to be able to provide reserved legal activities?
They need to carry on all reserved legal activities through an authorised body/firm
What are the 7 core principles of the SRA standards and regulations?
1. in a way that upholds constitutional principle of the rule of law and the proper administration of justice
2. in a way that upholds public trust and confidence in the solicitors’ profession and in legal services
3. with independence
4. with honesty
5. with integrity
6. in a way that encourages equality, diversity and inclusion
7. in the best interests of each client
What approach does the SRA adopt to regulation?
A risk-based approach
What is the risk evaluated by?
Impact and probability
What insurance are all SRA authorised firms and freelance solicitors required to have?
Appropriate professional indemnity insurance
What does professional indemnity insurance cover?
It provides cover to the insured party should they breach a professional duty that causes financial loss or damage to a client
How much does the insurance have to be able to cover?
At least £3 million for any one claim (exclusive of defence costs)