The Psychology of Visual Perception: Seeing is Perceiving Flashcards
What is meant by visual sensation?
The process of detecting and receiving stimuli from the environment.
The reception of light by rods and cones in the retina, which is converted to neural signals via tranducstion and transmitted to the brain via the optic nerve as action potentials.
What is meant by visual perception?
The processing (organisation and interpretation) of sensory information that occurs after information is transmitted to the brain
Enables us to recognise and understand objects and events.
Combines neural signals with prior knowledge, expectations and beliefs to make sense of sensation.
Is an active process and can result in different people with differential experiences.
What are the three processes involved in perception of vision?
What is the process of selection during visual perception?
The external environment is too detailed to process everything we ‘see’.
Therefore we our selective based on out attention and filter out irrelevant overload stimuli
Our attention is influenced by emotional significant and our current goals.
Can be bottom up or to-down
Can be affected by fatigue and stress.
What is meant by inattentional blindness?
Failure to percieve fully visible stimuli is not selected/attended to.
What is meant by change blindness?
The failure to percieve a substantial visual change.
Our eyes may look over a stimuli but we may not perceive it.
What is meant by bottom-up and top down visual processing?
Bottom up: Data driven - starting with the information derived from stimuli. Based on stimuli qualities such as colour, orientation and size.
Top down: constructivist, process starting with preexisting knowledge e.g experience, location, meaning. Based on the context of the stimuli, past experiences and knowledge. Often gives a faster more effective response.
What is meant by organisation in visual perception?
Organsing and groupin items to percieve them as one
Organise based on patterns/principles
Automatically produces the simples organisation to reduce overload.
We can switch interpretation in certain conditions.
What are the different laws of perception in Gestalt psychology relating to vision?
The law of Pragnanz
Figure ground relationship
Perceptual grouping
What is the law of Pragnanz in vision perception?
What we see is the simplest and most stable interpretation of the elements
Tend to organise many small more complicated shapes into one larger shape.
What is the figure-ground relationship in vision perception?
We distinguish between figures (subject of the image) and the ground of the image.
This draws attention to the figure
This can be affected by how we interpret sensory information, struggle or change what we see as the figure or ground
What is perceptual grouping as a law of visual perception?
- Closure - we see things a s complete wholes rather than segments, we fill the gaps between missing lines to make full shapes
- Good continuity - more likely to perceive smooth continuities rather than abrupt changes in lines.
- Proximity - placed together seen as one large object (one big square rather than 16 small ones)
- Similarlty - rows of shape, size, colour of orientation.
What is interception during visual perception?
Giving meaningful experience, including colour, depth and distance to what we see.
This is different to an absolute replication of the visual world
If influenced by stimuli and surroundings cues
Information can conflict.
What is depth perception and how do we do it during vision?
Images form on retina on 2D, depth perception allows us to perceive this as 3D
1. binocular cues - over short distance, use both eyes to compare retinal disparity and convergence
2. Monocular cues - one eye, judge gradient, relative size and position on horizon, long distances. Use speed of motion and familiar size to work out distance.
How does depth perception develop over time?
How do we know this?
The visual cliff experiment shows that between 2 and 6 months babies can understand and perceive depth.
Show anxiety and avoidance of sudden changes in depth as understand danger of fall.
Suggests has a evolutionary advantage.