The Psychology Of Stories Flashcards
The power of stories haven 2007
We can remember stories and their content significantly better than any other way
The power of stories haven 2007
Humans told stories for over 1000000 years written communication 6000
Every culture has folks tales
Narrative therapy - also known as how to change your story
Focuses on re authoring of stories to solve problems by first changing your relationship with the problem
Narrative therapy 2
Looks at you in relation to your story and in relation to dominant cultural narratives
Emotional storytelling
It is quite likely 95% that when we experience an overwhelming event we will share the experience with a friend or family member typical within a few hours
Emotional storytelling 2
U of Texas psychologist Jamie penne baker broke ground on this reader he by asking undergraduates to write about their deepest thought and feelings regarding their most traumatic life experience
Experience builds expectations
In the neural map, neurones that fire together write together
We use story maps from a very young age
When our expectations are violated we may still stick with the expectations rather than reality
Stories convey meaning
Mills 1976
Stories give other stories a meaning in relation to if they have places have been connected to another story eg. Shakespeare hamlet
Stories convey meaning 2
Howard 1990
When we think we do so by fitting the story themes to the experience we wish to understand - a life becomes meaningful when one sees himself or herself as an actor within the context of a story
Stories condense the event
We remember what is important to us from the experience and what has meaning to us therefore remembering it as a story
Stories assume intent and goals
Bower and morrow 1990
Readers assume automatically that a goal is viewed as causing actions that in turn lead to outcomes
Nora - being teased on poverty
Free lunch tickets as she was too poor to afford it
Now whenever she is in a situation where she is in a cafeteria or restaurant she remembers this situation and relates it to other peoples stories
Forgetting our stories leads to depression
Memory specificity hypothesis (Williams et el)
Three levels of self memory system:
Lifeline periods
General events
Event specific knowledge
Who is Carl jung?
Psychologist who advanced the idea of archetypes
What are archetypes?
They are used as metaphors for the psychological experiences people go through