The Promise Of A Messiah- Part 2 Flashcards
Means “taking on human flesh”
Immaculate Conception
The belief that Mary was conceived without Original Sin
Doctrine of the Incarnation
The Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, while remaining God, assumed a human nature and became man. The Son of God became true man while remaining true God.
A stage of becoming more God-like, living in his presence, or with his love by a strong desire to alleviate their suffering
“To suffer with,” a feeling of deep sympathy for another’s misfortune accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate their suffering
The raising of one’s mind and heart to God- St. John Damascene
Latin for “happiness,” Jesus’ eight teachings about the meaning and path to true happiness which depict the attitudes and actions that followers of Christ should have and the true way to live in God’s kingdom today.
God’s raising of Jesus from death to new life
Justification (St. Paul)
salvation by having faith in Jesus Christ and being and living in right relationship with God; this was a change for converts who had been taught that keeping the Law was the source of righteousness, having faith in God is more important than living the Law
Kingdom of God
the reign of God proclaimed by Jesus and begun in his Life, Death, and Resurrection
a sincere turning away in both the mind and the heart from sin to God
the event in which Jesus reveals his divine glory to his Apostles. The event prefigures or points to the Resurrection of Jesus
an occurrence that is contrary to the ordinary natural order or course of things
a vivid story told to convey religious truth; usually with a surprise ending
the night before the Exodus when Yahweh spared the first-born Hebrew males from the tenth plague