The problem of evil Flashcards
definition of evil
Evil is the “profound immorality and wickedness, especially when regarded as a supernatural force”
What kind of argument is the logical problem of evil
A priori – evil and classic theistic God cannot exist together – proves one of the greatest challenges within the Christian doctrine
- A priori argument – as logical conclusions without experience
Epicurus - Logical Problem
1.Is God willing but not able to prevent evil? Then he isn’t omnipotent
2.Is God is able to prevent evil but not willing? Then he isn’t omnibenevolent
3.If God is both able and willing, then why is there evil?
4.If God is neither able or willing then why call him God?
‘Inconsistent triad’ - argued that the God of classical theism (omnipotent and omnibenevolence) cannot exist if evil exists.
What does the ‘inconsistent triad’ prove
Omnipotence entails the power to eliminate evil. Omnibenevolence entails the motivation to prevent evil. Something cannot possibly exist if there is a being with the power and motivation to eliminate it. Therefore, if evil exists, an omnibenevolent and omnipotent God cannot exist. God could at most be omnibenevolent or omnipotent but not both.
Inconsistent as alleged as one cannot believe all at the same time without there being some contradiction
Mackie quote
the conjunction of any two entails the negation of the third
What kind of argument is the evidential problem of evil
A posteriori – evidence of evil within the world, makes belief in God unjustified
Logical possibility that evil and perfect God exist together, but evidence is against
Hume - evidential problem, 4 statements
1-Animal suffering. Why shouldn’t nature be created such that animals feel less pain, or indeed no pain at all?
2-Creatures have limited abilities to ensure their survival and happiness
3-Why does nature have extremes which make survival and happiness more difficult? Natural evil
4-Why doesn’t God intervene to prevent individual natural disasters?
Hume - evidential problem
God could have made without = evidence of non-existence
Hume says it is ‘possible’ that a perfect God exists but allows evil for reasons consistent with omnibenevolence, ‘but they are unknown to us’.
-arguing that whatever speculations theologians like Augustine and Irenaeus might invent about God’s ‘reasons’ for allowing evil, we have no evidence that God has such reasons.
-We can only believe what evidence suggests, and so belief in perfect God is unjustified as you cant infer perfect goodness from evil
-Empirical inference from evil to belief in a perfectly good God is unjustified
Hume quote
“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is impotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Whence then is evil?”
Mill - Evidential problem
Instead of an Omnibenevolent God (if there even is one) Mill argues that it is clear through observation of the natural world, that a sadistic immoral God must exist– one that we should not be basing our moral values off of
What is Augustine’s’ theodicy
Soul Deciding – We have to choose whether or not to obey God, by turning back to God through the salvation of Christ
Genesis - how this led to the birth of evils within the world
Original sin – couldn’t have been God as it would contradict his omnibenevolence and so looked at the Genesis story for an explanation
Garden of Eden was a perfect place. Adam and Eve disobeyed God and as a punishment were banished to this earth often called a ‘fallen world’. This episode is referred to as ‘the Fall’. After their sin, God said Eve will now have pain in childbirth and Adam would have to ‘toil’ the land to make food.
-Leads to a loss of harmony in nature and natural evil
-People continue to fall short, and this leads to moral evil
Original sin effects
First sin of Adam and Eve corrupted all of humanity, corruption in human nature, which makes people want to sin
Seminal presence – all inherited ‘all seminally present in the loins of Adam’
all born sinful beings who therefore deserve this punishment of living in a fallen world. God is not responsible for evil as it results from the free will of angels and humans
Augustine quote
“All evil is either sin or a punishment for sin” – Augustine.