Only president to have resigned from office.
Richard Nixon
September 1998 the republican house approved two charges against Clinton:
- Lying to the grand jury about his affair with the white house intern Monica Lewinsky
- Obstruction of Justice
Clinton impeachment was ______ by the senate.
Kitchen Cabinet was termed by____.
Andrew Jackson
Watergate Affair (1970s)
- All conversations held in the Oval Office had been recorded on a secret system.
- 5 men broke into the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee and were caught searching for documents that might damage democratic nominee and they were sent by people of Richard Nixons campaign
When Nixon refused because of his “executive privilege”
The court case Nixon vs. United States held that executive powers could not be used to prevent evidence from being heard in criminal proceedings.
Washington Community
Inside the beltway
Congress can override a presidential veto with 2/3 of each chamber will all who are present in a roll call.
Largest number of people pardoned was with President
Andrew Johnson
President General ford pardoned former president Richard Nixon for his role in Watergate affair before any charges were brought against him.
Five constitutional roles as president are?
1.Head of state
2.Chief Executive
3.Commander in Chief of the armed forces
5.Chief diplomat
6.Chief legislator of the United States
and Head of his or her party
If the electoral college doesn’t give any candidate a majority what happens?
The house of representatives takes over and the president is then chosen among the 3 candidates having the most electoral college votes.
Average inauguration age
Oldest President Elected
- Donald Trump
Youngest President Elected
43 John F. Kennedy
out of 44 presidents 26 are
lawyers and wealthy
the framers of the constitution were divided over whether the president should be a
weak or strong executive