The President Flashcards
what are the qualifications for the President?
must be;
* A natural-born US citizen.
* At least 35 years old.
* A US resident for at least 14 years.
The roles of being the Head of State?
- performs diplomatic and ceremonial duties representing the nation
- opportunity to direct national and international policy
- can use national media to exert influence over public opinion and Congress
What are the roles of the Head of State?
- Commander-in-Cheirf of the armed forces (but can’t declare war)
- in charge of diplomatic relations with other countries
- the power to offer pardons to anyone who is convicted of a crime
These duties are carried out by most Heads of States, although not specified in the constitution
What is meant by an American Monarch
- Richard Newstatt - political scientist that has focused US Ppresidency
- said that the President is so constrained by the checks and balances that they only have the power to persuade
(limits on the presidents power, checks and balances, etc)
What does the President do as Head of Government?
- Art II, S 1 of the Constitution – ‘the executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America’.
- is the ultimate decision maker min the dxecutive branch over department and agencies
- can use the office of the Executive
- appoints approximately 3000 federal posts
- Responsible for foreign policy and directing the military as commander in chief
- can call congress back into session during a break
What is the Presidential address of the State of the Union?
the president shall ‘from time to time give to Congress information on the State of the Union and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient’.
- As the State of the Union Address is delivered annually at the end of January, the president takes a leading role in shaping national policy for the year.
How important is the electoral mandate?
- The bigger the electoral victory, the more the president can claim authority and popular support for his agenda
What is the importance of the midterms to the presidents mandate?
- usually midterms create a hostile government and a divided congress, taking power away forms eh president
Presidential executive orders?
- implied powers
- immediate effect
- published in federal register, numbered
- Most are non-controversial. E.g. Obama’s creation of a
White House Council on Native American affairs. - Others more so. Obama’s order for the CIA to stop using methods of torture for interrogation.
How can National Events, Tragedies, and Disasters effect a President??
- can benefit or do the opposite for a President,
- can gain or loose support
- 9/11 allowed for Bush to grow in approval wining the 2004 election,
- _ Natural disaster in New Orleans, Bush didn’t visit, was criticised and lost support
What is the president’s Cabinet?
_ no official constitutional status
main roel is to advise the Present and make sure his agenda is carried out and to head up the presidents department
- meetings as and when the president decides
- 15 departments within the cabinet
Ronald Reagan held very few meetings.
Obama held frequent mt meetings.
How does the role of the Vice President in the Cabinet vary?
- Al Gore was a relatively low profile in his work as VP
- Dick Chaney, Joe Biden and Mike Pence were known to be more involved in the affairs of the President - key member of the team
what is one example of the Presidential power, Executive order?
Travel Ban
What is an example of the Presidential Power of Presidential Memoranda?
War Powers 15 act
What is an example of the Presidntial power of Presidential Proclamations
Weight Brothers Day
What is an example of the `Presidential power of National Security Directives
NSPD-9: Combating Terrorism 25.10.01
What is an example of the Presidential power of signing statements?
Obamas statement on Signing American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009
How can Presidential Persuasion be effective for a president
- Richard Newstatt in his book ‘Presidential Power’ said that ‘presidential power is the power to persuade’
- For example: President Reagan’s close relationship with Tip O’neil, the speaker, allowed him to persuade and get his way in the house, whilst being farce combative rivals
What is the Executive office of the President
- Provides advice and admin support for the president
Has grown massively since it started in 1939, and now comprises 18000 people
Known as the West wing - few people are familiar with the personal, however they are somme of the most powerful people in the country
What does the Executive office of the President do
- policy advice - OMB, NSC
- manage the President
- oversee departments
relations with congress
specialist functions - for example, Obamas office of Faith based and Neighbourhood parternshiips
What is the National Security Service
Established in 1947 at the beginning of the Cold War to advice the President on National security and Foreign policy indued
- somewhat secretive, but close to the Oval Office briefs the President daily and consults the National Security advisor
- rivalry between the National Security advisor and the State department
Trump was heavily criticised for politicising the NSC and appointing Steve Bannon who was later removed
What is the Office of Management and Budget
- largest office with over 500 employees
- Advices the President on the allocation of funds and for the annual budget
- oversees spending in all federal departments and agencies
- helps to prepare the annual budget which allows the President to fund his policy priorities
What is the role of the White ouse office
The Presidents closest aids and advisors
- the chief of staff has overview of the entire Westwing
The current post holder is Ron Klein - Controls access to the president
- a key part of the role is ensuring people can gain access to the President
What is the relationship of power like between the President and the Supreme Court?
- the president can make nominations to the Supreme Court but has to be confirmed by the senate
- when a judge passes away/retires the president normally nominates someone of the same political persuasion such as Trump appointing Brett Kavanaugh
- the president however cannot have any influence over judges decisions
what is the relationship of power like with the President and congress?
The constitutional separation of power means both the President and Congress are mandates
- congress sometimes claims they have stronger mandate as they are elected every two years
- the president does not have the same powers of patronage as the British PM
- The president has lots of influence over policy agenda but it is not uncommon for congress, under the Speaker to set its own policy agenda
what did Trump call Justice Roberts which was unceremonious
“That so-called judge”
What are the 4 key methods in which a president can exert his power? Imperial Presidncy
executive orders
signing statements
executive agreements
unilateral war powers
what is the Imperall presidency
the opposite of Imperial Presidency put forward by Slessinger
the basis of the theory is that the President does not have enough power to be effective
What did Ford say about the Presidency Imperilledl Presidency
‘The principle weakness in the Presidency is the inability of th Whitehouse to obtain control over the large federal bureaucracy, there is nothing more frustrating for a president than to issue an order to a Cabinet officer and then find that the. the order gets out in the few,d it is totally mutilated’
some have argued an increase in executive controls have caused an imperilled presidency, these are…
Creation of the government accountability office
and congressional office
passage of the case act 1972
War powers resolution 1973
impoundment control act 1974 preventing the president rom impounding appropriations that didn’t align with their agenda
Congressional assertiveness on gro[unds of impeachment
What is the concept of ‘dual presidency’
- political scientist Aaron Wildovski, put forward the idea of the ‘dual presidency’
- President has exceptionally powerdful control over foreign policy, but little over domestic policy
who has more control over foreign policy, President or Congress
Constitution gives the President the role of Commander In chief, which gives him power to order military action without the approval of Congress
- he is also chief dip;lomat, Obama worked for a nuclear deal with Iran for instance and engaged with China and Cuba.
- president cannot declare war without the approval of Congress though
How can foreign policy differ between the President and Congress
- the public look to the president , not congress for leadership
- congressional leaders trying to take control of foreign policy have been criticised, Nancy Pelosi visiting Syria in 2007, Hohn Boemers inviting isrreals PM Netanyahu to address Congress
What are some political advantages for the President with foreign policy
- one key advantage in that he is pr8vy to classified information.
- he is also served by the National security Council and is much more suited to amking quick decisions than Congress.
- Congress usually just trust the President when looking for support. Many democrats for example, questioned the invasion of Iraq but still voted for it regardless.