The Pocket Notebook Flashcards
Why do we use the PNB
- To make an accurate record of event, incident or offence which can be referred to at a later time and will assist in preperation of reports and witness statements
- Is evidential
- Record initial notes and exceptional items to look back on
What should a PNB entry contain
- Comprehensive record of event
- Evidence, info or anythibg with a bearing on the incident or investigation eg time arrived on scene, who spoke to and their details, etc.
- Could contain sketches with notes
Can PNBs be thrown away
No, all are kept. Keep personally for 1st 2 years after completion.
What will happen if PNB not follow rules and regulations
PNB is subject to scrutiny of court, therefore, failure to do so may result in exclusion of evidence and ultimately dismissal of case or cause court to question your honesty as a witness.
What is the mnemonic to remember the rules regarding the PNB and what does each letter represent
Erasures Leaves (pages) torn out Blank spaces Overwriting Writing between the lines Statements
Whats is the PNB rule regarding erasures
No tippex allowed. Errors should be crossed out using 1 straight line through the word and then initial next to the mistake. This is to enaure the error is still legable and can therefore not be questioned.
What is the PNB rule regarding leaves (pages) being torn out
Pages are not to be torn out or removed under any circumstances. If a page is missed by mistake, draw a straigjt diagonal line through the page and write “ommitted in error”
What is the PNB rule regarding leaving blank spaces
Is a no go. Put a line through any missed lines/gaps or jury may asked if you intended to go back and add evidence (dishonesty). Put a clean straight diagonal line to end of page if starting a bew page
What is the PNB rule regarding overwriting
Overwriting not allowed. Cross out any errors with a single straight line, then initial next to error and continue.
What is the PNB rule regarding writing between lines
Do not write between lines or add words using symbols (^,*,etc) as will be asked why are adding to original evidential info recorded at scene.
What is the PNB rule regarding statements and recording info
When taking statements, conversation should be recorded as direct speech and the direct quotations should be written all in caps
Should inappropriate language and derogatory terms be included in statements
Yes, quote the person as this is all evidence therefore must be accurate word for word. Can NOT paraphrase.
What does each lettet in the phrase ‘scrub your PNB’ stand for
S- Start each duty with day, date, year and phrase tour of duty with hours of the shift.
C- Corrections made by one line through error, initial and continue.
R- Rule off accross the page at end of duty.
U- Underline day, date and year
B- Block capitals for all surnames
When should block capitals be used in PNB
What colour ink should be used in PNB
Black ink only
When should PNB entries be made and what should you do if there is a delay
At time of event or as close to time as possible. Where there is a delay the specific reason should be stated.
What should each PNB entry include
Date and time and location
What info should be recorded about victims, witnesses, offenders and informants, etc
Name, address, contact info
For incidents involving vehicles, property, etc, what info should be recorded in PNB
Full descriptive details should be recorded including unique identifiers (eg registration, marks, serial numbers, etc)
6 poibt vehicle description
Research this
- Make
- Model
- Registration
- Colour
- Indentifying features
Example of how to record dialogue/statement
Q: “ Can you explain what happened”
Then should be followed by narrative which accurately explains what happened
What is mnemonic to remember the points outlined by the R v Turnbull of what MUST be included when writinf up a case in PNB and what does each letter stand for
A: Amount of time observed
D: Distance between witness and suspect (closest and furthest point)
V: Visibility (lighting, weather)
O: Obstructions to view of suspect
K: Know or seen before. Do u know suspect. Is there a reason to remember (eg scar, tattoo, etc)
T: Time lapse between 1st and any subsequent indentification to police
A: Any reason to remember suspect
E: Errors between 1st recorded description of suspect and his/her actual appearance.
If you have nothing to note on a point from advokate cab you just ignore it completely
If nothing to say do NOT ignore
Eg say no time lapse occured
Which info must be recorded for all incidents
- Time spent or informed of incident
- Time arrived at scene
- Name, address, telephone number of persons reporting
- Nature of incident
- Time incident actually occurres
- Exact location
- Names, adresses, tel number of persons involved and of witnesses
- Details of what occurred.
10 point description
Sex Age Race Complexión Height Hair Weight/build Distinctive features Clothing Carrying anything