The Physical Environment (AS); The Lithosphere (Complete) Flashcards
What is the lithosphere made up of and what does it include?
-Made up of solid crust & upper mantle
-Includes rocks, mineral resources & soils providing environmental resources & services important for human societies
Mineral resources; what are the major uses and global annual production/t of the metals- iron, aluminium and copper?
Iron- 1700m, major uses; buildings (girders, steel reinforced concrete), transport (ships, road vehicles) & appliance cases (cookers, fridges)
Aluminium- 53m, major uses; packaging foils, vehicles, widow frames
Copper- 19m, major uses; electric cables, water pipes
Mineral resources; what are the major uses and global annual production/t of the metals- zinc, lead and titanium?
Zinc- 14m, major uses; steel protection (galvanising), batteries, alloys (brass)
Lead- 9m, major uses; lead-acid batteries, construction (roof/window flashing), radiation shielding
Titanium- 6m, major uses; white pigments in paint/plastic/paper, aircraft & spacecraft (as aluminium alloys)
Mineral resources; what are the major uses and global annual production/t of the metals- nickel, tin and uranium?
Nickel- 2.1m, major uses; metal alloys to increase tensile strength, eg jet engine turbines
Tin- 360,000, major uses; solder, rust prevention in tin plated steel food cans, glass manufacturer
Uranium- 66,000, major uses; nuclear fuel for power stations
Mineral resources; what are the major uses and global annual production/t of the metals- cadmium, lanthanum and neodymium?
Cadmium- 25,000, major uses; rechargeable batteries
Lanthanum- 25,000, major uses; batteries for hybrid vehicles, sponge-alloy hydrogen store
Neodymium- 25,000, major uses; magnets (electric motors, lasers)
Mineral resources; what are the major uses and global annual production/t of the metals- cerium, yttrium and gold?
Cerium- 50,000, major uses; catalytic converters, diesels additives to increase combustion efficiency, LCD screens
Yttrium- 10,000, major uses; LED lights
Gold- 2500, major uses; coins, jewellery, electrical conductors
Mineral resources; what are the major uses and global annual production/t of the metals- mercury, indium, gallium and platinum?
Mercury- 2000, major uses; fluorescent lamps, thermometers
Indium- 710, major uses; electronics (transistors, semiconductors)
Gallium- 440, major uses; electronics (LED lights, photovoltaic solar panels)
Platinum- 220, major uses; vehicle catalytic converters, catalyst in chemical industry
Mineral resources- what are the major uses and global annual production/t of the industrial minerals/construction minerals- aggregates, limestone and sodium chloride?
Aggregates (sand,gravel)- 40b, major uses; concrete, building mortar, glass
Limestone- 600m, major uses; cement, crushed for road surfacing & rail-track ballast, building blocks
Salt (sodium chloride)- 290m, major uses; source of chlorine for manufacture of paper, plastics, water sterilisation. De-icing roads, food additive.
Mineral resources- what are the major uses and global annual production/t of the industrial minerals/construction minerals- gypsum, sulfur and kaolin?
Gypsum (china clay)- 180m, major uses; building plaster, food additive
Sulfur- 75m, major uses; sulfuric acid manufacture to make phosphate fertilisers, pest control
Kaolin (from china clay)- 26m, major uses; filler & coating for paper, ceramics (porcelain), filler (paint, cosmetics, toothpaste)
What are the metals used in the different mobile phone components?
-Case; magnesium, titanium, chromium
-Electronics; aluminium, antimony, gallium, mercury,zirconium, silver, platinum
-Battery; manganese, cobalt, nickel, cadmium, terbium, dysprosium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, lutetium
-Speaker & vibration unit; iron, tungsten, neodymium
-Screen; silicon, cerium, indium
What are igneous processes and what can they produce?
-Processes by which rocks and minerals are created by cooling and hardening of magma or molten lava
-They can produce exploitable mineral deposits
Hydrothermal deposition: what is the process of fractional crystallisation?
-Igneous intrusions - rocks formed from magma that cools & solidifies within Earth’s crust.
-They produce pressurised superheated water at high temps that dissolves many minerals from surrounding rocks.
-These mineral-rich solutions travel along fissures away from igneous batholith, cooling as they do so dissolved minerals crystallise and come out of solution.
-They do this in order of their solubility: least soluble crystallising first.
Hydrothermal deposition: how does exploitation become possible for minerals that can’t be?
-Process of fractional crystallisation starts w/ mixture of minerals that couldn’t have been exploited.
-Once minerals become separated & deposited, soon after batholith formed, later exploitation became possible.
What are the metal ores deposited by hydrothermal processes?
Tin, copper, lead, silver, gold and arsenic.
How do metamorphic processes create exploitable mineral deposits?
-Igneous processes & tectonic movements of crustal plates can alter existing rocks w/ high temps & pressure, w/out melting them producing metamorphic rocks.
-High temps & extreme pressure can change limestone → marble.
-Extreme pressure can change mudstone → slate
How do sedimentary processes create exploitable mineral deposits?
-Cause minerals to settle & build up to produce layers of deposited sediment.
-The deposition & subsequent concentration at Earth’s surface & within bodies of water → creates sedimentary rocks & minerals.
How do Proterozoic marine sediments create exploitable mineral deposits?
-Include iron ore deposits, eg haematite & magnetite
-Formed when dissolved iron compounds became oxidised by oxygen released by photosynthesis; making iron oxide deposits.
-Occurred mainly between 2.5 and 1.8 billion years ago
How do alluvial deposits create exploitable mineral deposits?
-Involve materials that were carried & separated by flowing water.
-ability of water to carry solids depends upon velocity of water & density of solids
-materials exploited from alluvial deposits include gold, diamonds, tin, ore, gravel, sand, clay
How do evaporites create exploitable mineral deposits?
-lf bay of ancient sea became isolated, water may have evaporated leaving crystallised minerals, eg halite (sodium chloride)
-evaporites also form in inland seas in desert areas as water from inflowing river evaporates
How does secondary enrichment create exploitable mineral deposits?
-Many economically important metals can form minerals soluble/ insoluble depending on conditions, esp availability of oxygen.
-May be transported in solution, by moving water & then deposited as their oxidation state changes.
How do biological sediments create exploitable mineral deposits? + examples
-Processes where living organisms form mineral deposits.
-Often concentrate minerals that can be deposited in sedimentary rocks
-shells of marine organisms; produce limestone & chalk
-terrestrial vegetation; produce coal
-marine organisms; produce crude oil & natural gas
Why does the rate of mineral exploitation not match the quantity of exploitable deposits existing?
-# of exploitable deposits existing in the crust of every mineral = much greater than we could realistically use
-Most deposits are in inaccessible places, or at purities too low for current economic exploitation
What does Lasky’s principle state and what does it involve?
-States that: in general, as the purity of a mineral decreases, the # of mineral present ↑ exponentially.
-so → major problem w/ future mineral supplies isn’t quantity that exists but need to develop methods to exploit low-grade deposits
-to help w/ estimates of future availability it’s important to predict which deposits are likely to become exploitable in future + when
-involves many estimates & uncertainties
What can mineral deposits in the crust be categorised by?
According to whether the technology exists to exploit them and whether this exploitation would be economically viable
Why is mineral exploitation a long/difficult process?
-Takes a long time to prepare a mine before any of the mineral can actually be extracted
-Preparation includes gaining detailed info on mineral to be mined
-The methods providing this info are expensive, esp trial drilling
-So deposits not exploited in near future = may be investigated w/ cheaper methods providing less detailed info.
-More thorough exploratory investigations would be carried out nearer time exploitation may take place
What does stock (also called resource base) include?
-Includes all material existing in lithosphere
-Includes mineral that can be exploited now, which will be exploitable when prices ↑/ new technologies develop, that which will never be technologically/economically exploitable
What does resource include?
-Larger than reserve as includes all material theoretically available for exploitation; includes deposits (the reserves) plus those that can’t be exploited now, but w/ realistic increases in price/new technologies could be extracted in future
-Resources that are deep, low grade, in a difficult chem form, or in locations currently protected, could all become usable in future
What do reserves include?
-Amount of resource that can be exploited now, economically, using existing technology
-While size of resource= finite, quantity counted in reserve can change
-Eg if market price for resource increases/new extraction technologies become economically viable—> reserves will increase. If market prices fall, reserves may decrease
What are the different categories of mineral reserves and their descriptions?
-Inferred reserves; presence of mineral that can be predicted from knowledge of geological structures present, not enough known to estimate amount that can be economically extracted
-Probable reserves; sufficient info about deposit known, so # of mineral that can be economically extracted can be estimated w/ sufficient accuracy that further exploitation—> justified
-Proven reserves; sufficient exploration carried out, incl trial drilling, to accurately estimate # of mineral that can be economically extracted
What are some factors that limit the viability of exploitation?
-Absence of technology to exploit deposits
-Financial cost of exploitation may be too great
-Environmental impact of exploitation may be unacceptable