The PhotoTheology Bible Flashcards


Adam and Eve

The Temptation and Fall

Cain Kills Abel

The Geneology of Adam

Noah Builds the Ark

The Flood

The Waters Recede

The Rainbow

The Geneology of Noah

The Tower of Babel

Abraham begins his journey

Abraham and Lot seperate

Abraham delivers Lot

The Covenant with Abraham

Hagar and Ishmael

Abraham and family circumcised

God visits Abraham

Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrha

Abraham lies to Abimelech

Isaac born, Ishmael leaves

Abraham Tested

Sarah dies.

Isaac and Rebecca
Genesis 25
Tombstone A25/ Jacob and Esau eating pottage over it

Abraham dies/ Intro to Jacob and Esau

Isaac lies to Abimelech

Jacob imitates Esau

Jacob flees to Bethel

Jacob marries Rachel and Leah

Jacob Prospers

Jacob, Rachel and Leah flee Laban

Jacob wrestles with God

Jacob and Esau (twins) meet again

Dinah Raped

Rachel Dies/ Benjamin Born

Esau’s Geneology

Joseph’s Coat

Judah’s Moral Fall
Genesis 39
Hotel 39

Potiphers Wife

Genesis 40: The Butler and the Baker

Joseph Exalted

The brothers first trip to Egypt/ without Benjamin

The brothers second visit to Egypt with Benjamin

The Cup in Benjamin’s sack

Joseph reveals himself to his brothers

Jacob comes to Egypt/ Reunited with Joseph

Israel settle in Goshen

Jacob bless Manasseh and Ephriam

Jacob prophesies over his sons/ Jacob dies.

Joseph dies

A New Pharoah

Moses Birth and Flight from Egypt

The Burning Bush
Exodus 4
The stem of the 4 is a rod

Moses Rod

Bricks and Straw

The Geneology of Moses and Aaron
Exodus 7
7 is a Rod that makes Blood

Rod/Bloody Rivers

Frogs, Lice, Flies

Dead Animals, Boils, and Hail
Exodus 10
l for “locust”
0 for no light
Locusts and Darkness
Exodus 11
1 1 picture of two arms up in celebration
Preparation for Deliverance
Exodus 12
1 Passing over the 2
The Passover

The Firstborn are Mine

Parting of the Red Sea

The Song of Moses
Exodus 16
1 is a wall and 6 is a man with his belly full of bread.

Moses Strikes the Rock/Lifted Hands
Exodus 18
1 Counsels the 8
Exodus 19
19 at the foot of a Mountain
Israel Prepares to Encounter God
Exodus 20
20 at the top of the Mountain
The Ten Commandments
Exodus 21
21 Freedom
Laws Regarding Slavery
Exodus 22
22 on a protest sign
Laws regarding theft and social justice
Exodus 23
1 Slander
2 Festivals
3 Conquest
Laws regarding Slander/Festivals
Promise of Conquest
Exodus 24
Small 2 ascending big 4
Moses ascends the Mount

Sanctuary Introduced

The Sanctuary continued

Sanctuary Continued

The garments of the priests

Consecration of the Priests

Incense and Laver

The Sabbath Rest

The Golden Calf

Moses sees God’s Glory

Moses Ascends Mount the 2nd Time

Offerings Collected to Build the Sanctuary

Offerings Too Much, Work of Building Sanctuary Begins

Building the Sanctuary

Building Continues

Building Continued

The Glory of God fills the Temple

Burnt Offerings

The Meal Offerings
Leviticus 3
Add 3 pieces of Peace

The Peace Offerings

The Sin Offering

The Sin Offering Cont.

The Guilt Offering
Leviticus 7
7 Trespassers steal the meal

The Trespass Offering
Leviticus 8
8aron and his S (oo) ns Consecr8ted

Aaron and his sons Consecrated

Inauguration of the Priests

Nadab and Abihu

Clean and Unclean animals

Laws of Motherhood

Laws of Leprosy

Laws of Leprosy

Laws regarding Sanitation

Day of Atonement

Sanctity of Blood

Laws regarding relationships

Laws Regarding Relationships

Laws of punishment


Laws of Preisthood

Feast Days

Regarding blapshemy


Blessings and Warnings

Laws Regarding Vows

Census of the Warriors

Order of the Camp


Duties of the Kohathites, Gershonites, and Merarites

Defilement of the Camp