Set 3: Exodus 1-24 (Deliverance) Flashcards

Exodus 1: A New Pharoah

Exodus 2: Moses Birth and Flight from Egypt

Exodus 3: The Burning Bush
The stem of the 4 is a rod

Exodus 4: Moses Rod

Exodus 5: Bricks and Straw

Exodus 6: The Geneology of Moses and Aaron
7 is a Rod that makes Blood

Exodus 7: Rod/Bloody Rivers

Exodus 8: Frogs, Lice, Flies

Exodus 9: Dead Animals, Boils, and Hail
l for “locust”
0 for no light
Exodus 10: Locusts and Darkness
1 1 picture of two arms up in celebration
Exodus 11: Preparation for Deliverance
1 Passing over the 2
Exodus 12: The Passover

Exodus 13: The Firstborn are Mine

Exodus 14: Parting of the Red Sea

Exodus 15: The Song of Moses
1 is a wall and 6 is a man with his belly full of bread.
Exodus 16: Manna

Exodus 17: Moses Strikes the Rock/Lifted Hands
1 Counsels the 8
Exodus 18: Jethro
19 at the foot of a Mountain
Exodus 19: Israel Prepares to Encounter God
20 at the top of the Mountain
Exodus 20: The Ten Commandments
21 Freedom
Exodus Chapter 21: Laws Regarding Slavery
22 on a protest sign
Exodus 22: Laws regarding theft and social justice
1 Slander
2 Festivals
3 Conquest
Exodus 23: Laws regarding Slander/Festivals
Promise of Conquest
Small 2 ascending big 4
Exodus 24: Moses ascends the Mount