The philosophy of Black Power (8) Flashcards
The Black Power Movement was a ____ rather than a political organization.
What did those who supported it reject?
Those who supported it rejected the term ‘Negro’, (which was then commonly used to refer to African Americans), and referred to themselves as ‘black’ instead.
What did Black Power emphasise? (3)
- They emphasized the importance of black culture, traditions and history and urged solidarity with Africa.
- They promoted the development of a distinctive black identity and used the slogan ‘Black is beautiful’.
- Black Power stressed pride in being black, and the need to promote black political, and cultural institutions, rather than only seeking equality and acceptance within a mainly white America.
For this reason, supporters of Black Power believed that _____ and the Civil Rights Movement did not go far enough to protect and promote black ____.
What Stokely Carmichael state?
As Stokely Carmichael, a Black Power leader stated, The only way we gonna stop them white men from whuppin ‘us is to take over. What we gonna start sayin ‘now is Black Power!
Who were the Black Panthers and who were they founded by?
The Black Panthers were a militant group within the Black Power Movement. They were founded in Oakland, California, in 1966, and led by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale.
What did the Black Panthers want to end?
They wanted an end to white capitalist control and police brutality towards African Americans.
What were their views on black people being drafted to go to Vietnam?
They formed a political party with a membership of possibly about 5,000 that called for blacks to be exempted from the draft to fight in Vietnam because they did not want to defend a racist white government.
What did the Black Panthers call for in terms of housing and other civil liberties?
They also called for decent housing and schools for black communities, black juries for court cases involving blacks, and freedom for blacks held in ‘white jails’.
Why did the Black Panthers get respect in ghettos?
Some branches of the Black Panthers gained respect in the ghettos because they set up self-help schemes.
What did the Black Panthers set up in ghettos?
They set up ghetto clinics to advise blacks on health, welfare and legal rights. Some provided meals for the poor.
Who was Angela Davis?
A leader of the Black Panthers was Angela Davis, who later became a professor of philosophy and an important voice in the Women’s Movement.
Why did the Black Panthers form patrols?
The Black Panthers formed patrols to monitor police activities in the ghettos, wearing distinctive black leather jackets and berets and carrying guns.
They were more willing than others to use violence, and they adopted Mao Zedong’s slogan that …….
‘Power flows from the barrel of a gun’.
How did the Black Panthers believe they could equality?
They believed that black Americans should arm themselves to force whites to accept equality.
What reputation did the Black Panther earn for themselves?
They were involved in many violent clashes with the police, killing nine police officers between 1967 and 1968, and earning themselves the reputation of being dangerous revolutionaries, although some of the situations in which these shootings happened were incidents that had been provoked by the police.
What did the Nixon government do to target Panthers?
After 1968, the Nixon government used informers and agents to target the Black Panthers, and 27 of their members were killed in shoot-outs with the police. Several Black Panther leaders ended up in prison for criminal activities.
By ___, the Black Panthers had broken up as a result, but they had gained a lot of publicity for the Black Power cause.