The Person of Jesus Christ Flashcards
What is the apostles creed?
The summary of what Christians should believe dating from the 8th century.
How is the apostles creed split?
Into three distinct sections on the: father, son and holy spirit. The one on the son is the most detailed.
What is ebionitism?
A Jewish Christian group who believed that Jesus was human but also the messiah and they rejected the virgin birth.
What does John 10:30 say?
“I an the father are one.”
Why did the ebonite s not last as long as Christians?
Through the preaching of St Paul Christianity appealed mainly to gentiles who couldn’t understand ebonite thinking due to their Jewish practices
What group threated the Christians?
What is docetism?
The belief that Jesus was divine and only appeared to be human.
What was arianism?
The teachings of a 4th century Egyptian priest who said thT Jesus was not eternal and his posistion as son of God was awarded by God for aiding in the process of Salvation.
What was the chalacedonian defonition?
At the council of nicaea it was declared that Christ was co equal with God.
How is the title son of God used in the old testament?
Either to all Isralities who are described as the sons of God, for those who have the characteristics of God and King David and his descendants.
What did God say to Jesus at his baptism?
“You are my beloved son, in you I take my delight. “
Did Jesus ever claim himself to be the son of God?
What is high christology?
It means to look from above at Jesus and his divine nature such as when Jesus said that I am the way the truth and the life, noone comes to God except through me.
What does logos mean?
It is a title given to Jesus which means word, sent from God to save the world.
What is low christology?
It means to look from bellow at Jesus and his knowledge of God. Looking at things he said and did eg parables, it establishes his human characteristics before his divinity.
What does incarnation mean?
A high christology term meaning that Jesus was God in the flesh.
What is an encyclical letter?
A letter from the Pope to Cardinals which often talking about social issues and church doctrine.
What does theotokos mean?
A title for Mary, mother of God meaning God bearer.
How many of the gospels talk of Jesus birth?
Two, Matthew and Luke.
What did Pope John Paul second say in an encyclical letter in 1998?
God takes on a human face.
Is a virgin birth unique to Christianity?
No, as Hitchen points out, many ancient God figures were born to virgins such as Horus born to Isis.
Why would early Christians have lied about Jesus being born to a virgin?
It makes the significance of his birth more important which would lead to more people converting to Christianity.
Why do Jesus micrales suggest he was the son of God?
God must have been working through Jesus
What does salvific mean?
The idea that Jesus death saved humans from their sins
What does Shoel mean?
It was a Jewish thought that after a person died they would descend into an underground pit where they would stay for an indefinite amount of time.
What does Paul say in 1 Corinthians 15:15 and what does this mean?
“what we have testified about God that he raised Christ from the dead. But if he did not raise him infact the dead are not raised.” This means that if Jesus was not brought back to life Christianity would be pointless because sins would not be taken away and people would have no hope in living after death.
What is an eschatology?
The doctrine of the end of times
What did Albert Schweitzer argue about the historical Jesus?
He looked at other peoples understanding of Jesus and saw how their opinions changed dependent on their backgrounds. He concluded that Jesus should be understood in the context of late Jewish eschatology- Jesus preached about the end of the world and his aim was to make people repent their sins and turn back to God.
What did David Strauss argue about the historical Jesus?
He rejected all the miracles of Jesus calling them myths that had been added to the original biography of Jesus to enhance his status.
What did Bauer argue about the historical Jesus?
There was never a historical Jesus beacaue none of the sources were historically reliable and had been over layed with layers of myth.
What does Kahler argue about the historical Jesus?
It’s impossible to separate Jesus from christ and Christians should aim to understand how christ has influenced history.
What does Kasemann argue about Jesus?
Although the teachings about Jesus are largely theological, you can still find some historical truths about him. He looked at the statements of Jesus compared to the Jewish context at the time and concluded that he was probably authentic. He also said that the early Christians would not come up with any story that was embarrassing to them unless it was true, he looked at the story of John the baptist which seemed to place John above Jesus who was meant to be sinless.
What does John Dominic Crossan argue about Jesus?
He was a poor Jewish peasant who attempted to break down the power structures of 1st century Jewish society by associating with those on the edge of society whilst critsing those in power like the pharisees. This appealed to the poor people who had been exploited by the Romans.
How does Sanders view Jesus?
As a prophetic figure who wanted to restore Judasim to its former glory, he wanted to create a new age for Israel focusing on a new temple witj himself as God’s representative.
What does N.T Wright argue about Jesus compared to Sanders?
He critises Sanders approach but agrees with the idea that Jesus offered something new and different particularly with his relationship with ordinary Jewish people.
What are the two interpretations of the world wisdom?
Either it means that Jesus preached wise words to the people who heard him preach or it could be referring to wisdom literature, in Hebrew scripture its a noun that is often portrayed as a woman.
What 3 canonical books are recognised as wisdom literature?
Job, proverbs, Ecclesiastes
What are parables a form of?
Wisdom literature
What does Stephen Pattison argue?
Jesus was a sage who would tour village to village with a message of social radicalism which would have got him into trouble with the authorities. This lead to his execution.
How does Jesus speaking in parables speak to him being a wisdom teacher?
Many wisdom teachers also spoke in parables
How does Jesus being a wisdom teacher appeal to modern rationalist ways of looking at the past?
Looking at Jesus with the naturalistic framework in the context of his day he is seen as a man who: preached about how to overcome social norms, had women followers and who taught about healing people and including them in the Kingdom of God.
What happens in the beatitudes, Matt 5?
He picks out the meek, hungry those who mourn and those who strive to be peacemakers and says that all of these are blessed. He overturns the accepted framework of society.
What does Theissen argue?
By using synagogues to talk to the disciples and ordinary people, Jesus corrospondes to our contempary idea of a rabbi.
How does John Hick argue that Jesus should be viewed?
Traditional Christian doctrines such as the virgin birth should be reinterpreted to make them more consistent with other world faiths. He should be seen alongside Moses or Muhammad in a multi faith world where Jesus is seen as a teacher of wisdom who encourages people to be loving to others which can sit positively with the beliefs of other faiths.
Why does CS Lewis argue that Jesus can not be a wisdom teacher?
He says there are only two possible choices about Jesus, he was either a lunatic or God. He says that it would be illogical to call Jesus a lunatic. He then says if Jesus was just a harmless preacher then he wouldn’t have had the sign above his cross that said King of the Jews.
Why is the idea that Jesus was just a wisdom teacher seemingly illogical in regards to his fate?
If he was just a preacher it would have been very odd for the Romans to notice such a person, especially going as far as executing him.
Why can orthodox Christianity be used to critis the idea of Jesus as a wisdom teacher?
Orthodox Christianity says that Jesus was not just a human being who teaches wise parables and sayings, he is a fundamentally different being, Jesus the son of God not merely a teacher of wisdom
What were zealots?
A revolutionary group who wanted to the arms against the Romans and reclaim Israel for Judaism.
Who would argue that Jesus can be seen as a liberator?
Gustavo Gutierrez
What examples of scripture shows Jesus as a challenge to religious authority?
Mark 11:27-33 . Leviticus 10:25 -37
What happens in Mark 11:27-33
The chief priests challenge Jesus authority to over turn the tables of money changers in the temple court. Jesus then asked if the authority of John the Baptist came from God or from humans, a question to trap the religious authorities. If they answered from God then Jesus would ask why they refused to accept the Baptists message. if they said it was human the crowd would turn against them and when they declined to answer Jesus refused to answer them.
What is leviticus 10:25 -37?
The parable of the good samaritan .
What are the two teachings of the parable of the good samaritan?
- When someone is in need no matter where they come from they should be helped. 2. To critisis the religious authorities for not helping putting their religious duties before human life (a rabbi and a levite.)
What was the garden that Jesus was arrested in and what does this story show?
The Garden of Gethsemane. He told Peter to put away his sword which showed that he did not encourage violence and was not a liberator.
What scripture shows that Pontius Pilate did not see him as a revolutionary leader?
Mark 15:14 where he asks the Jewish leaders, “what crime has he commited.”
What happened in 66 CE ?
The Zealots attempted a revolt against the Romans and for 3 years they had independence and even their own coins. However in 70 CE the roman general surrounded Jerusalem and crucified many Jews as well as selling them into slavery and forcing them to pefrom in the arena. This showed what would happen if anyone tried to revolt
What does Grant point out about Jesus relation to the zealots?
It was only thirty years after Jesus that they became politicised and raised a revolt against the Romans.