Knowledge of Gods Existence Flashcards
What’s a priori knowledge?
Logical knowledge such as 1 plus 1 equals 2.
What’s a posteriori knowledge?
Knowledge based upon experience such as knowing London is the capital of England because you were taught it.
What does AJ Ayer say about God?
The statement “God is real,” holds no analytic or synthetic relevance therefore it holds no factual significance.
What did St Bonaventure say were the three ways that the human mind sees things?
- Through the eye of the flesh. This is seeing the world and the things contained within the world. 2. The eye of reason. This is seeing the soul and the things within the soul. 3. The eye of contemplation. This is seeing God and the things contained in God.
What did Polkinghorne come up with?
He uses the metaphor of binoculars to describe human understanding, one eye sees science, the other sees spiritual truths about God but both are required to give a complete understanding of the world.
What is natural theology?
God may be known through reason and observation of the natural world.
What is revealed theology?
God may only be known when he allows himself to be eg through the Bible. Alos through special revelation.
What does White argue?
He says that science and religion are both valid ways of looking at the world, science asks how questions and religion asks why questions. These are not necessarily in opposition.
What does Einstein say about religion?
Science without religion is blind.
What quote in proverbs can be related to knowledge of God?
“Trust in the Lord your God with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.”
What is the universal constant argument?
It is Cicero’s argument that humans have a natural instinct to rely on God. This also means that he must exist. He was influential to Aquinas’ works.
What is the story of Paul in Athens?
When St Paul visited Athens he realised that people had the ability to recognize the traits of God instinctively without ever hearing of the Christian one , they did not have complete knowledge but some. This shows that natural laws can easily point to the existence of God however also stresses the importance of revealed theology. The story of the apostles show how they overcame difficulties to bring faith in God to the world.
What does the Catechism of the Catholic Church say about natural theology?
There is an innate sense of the divine that offers to be drawn to and to understand God. The practices of prayer, ritual and sacrifice are so widespread across the world that human kind are religious beings.
What did Calvin argue about natural theology?
All human kind have a innate sensus divinitas which draws human kind to God. We all have a seed of religion but some are unaware of it as a result of sin.
What did Calvin say were the three areas a person can experience the sensus divinitas?
- The conscience. Its a part of the ability to understand and appreciate Gods goodness. 2. Appreciation of aesthetics. This leads us to believe that God is at work in the world 3. Intellectual capacity. The ability to reason allows us to see that the world has been designed intricately.
What does Beilby say?
The ability to recognize God is innate and automatic. “I may sense Gods prescence whilst looking at the night sky whilst you may do when listening to a Mozart symphony.
Why can it be argued that the natural world provides a contact point between God and humans?
The idea of imago dei based on passages from genesis, suggests that we all have a spark of the divine within us which makes inclined to seek and follow God throughout our lives.
What does CS Lewis argue?
He suggests that he have an innate sense of morality which points to the existence of God and that he is making moral demands of his people.
What does Psalms 8;1-4 say?
“You have set your glory in the heavens… what is mankind that you are mindfull of them.”
What did Paul say could lead to knowledge of God?
Knowledge and reason. He even thinks that God is angry with people as it is obvious that using your reason and experience would lead to God but people don’t and chose to live sinful lives instead.
What did Paley say shows God’s existence?
The apparent order and design of the world. It is thefore reasonable to say that there is a God. He also came up with the watch analogy.
What do Aquinas five ways say about knowledge of God?
He argued for a telos of the world. For example the telos of an acorn is to grow into a tree. This points to an intelligent design/plan as the director of the actions must be God so they know what to do
What’s immediate revelation?
God makes himself known to humans directly.
What’s special revelation?
Another name given to revealed theology. It is called this as it does not require the person receiving the revelation to have any particular intellectual capability’s. It is available through faith, it conforms natural theology whilst also uncovering firther truths such as laws and the holy trinity which would not have been discoverable with reason alone.
What’s mediate revelation?
People learn about God indirectly.
What are 4 examples from the Bible of immediate revelation?
- The prophets as God spoke to them directly and gave them the exact words to share. 2. Adam and Eve, God walked through the garden of Eden and gave them direct instructions. 3. Abraham, God told him to sacrafice Issac and promised him land for his descendants. 4. Moses, God spoke to him directly through the burning bush.
What type of revelation was said to be given to have met Jesus before his death?
Special revelation which is what gave the apostles authority after Jesus death.
What does Calvin say is the only true knowledge of God?
Salvation which can be mediated by Christ. This is because due to the fall, humans have severed their direct relationship with God so the only way they can truly know him is through his love. Therefore, natural theology is not sufficient alone.
What does the Catholic Church say on revelation through faith?
The Fall did not separate humans and God completley but it did create an epistemic chasm which may block or obstruct the natural desire for God. The effects of sin is religeous indifference or ignorance and sin. Therefore it is only through revelation which one can find knoweldge of God.
What did Aquinas say about revelarion through grace?
The presence of the Holy spirit is required to strengthen the faith of humanity. The virtues of faith without God’s grace are just human virtues.
What do Christians believe they recieve God’s grace through and what are the aspects too it?
Through the Holy spirit, who enables the understanding of God as the Holy Trinity allowing them a deeper understanding and relationship with God. 1. Father: Who created and sustained the world. 2. Son: The person of Jesus who was sacrificed for the sins of humanity. 3. Holy Spirit: The activity of God in the world.
How do Christians believe they will demonstrate agape love?
By accepting God’s grace through the holy spirit.
What 6 things is the Holy Spirit believed to do?
- Guide the writers of the scriptures so they are able to produce the word of God with authority. 2. Give the people the wisdom to understand God’s revelations and what they mean. 3. Support people in their faith and understanding of God. 4. Give people the confidence to share their Christian faith. 5. Strengthen the Church as a community of believers. 6. Bring people to revelation.
What are the 4 ways and examples of God revealing himself through religious experiences in the Bible?
- Via angels (the angel Gabriel and Mary,) 2. Visions and voices ( God declaring Jesus as his son at his baptism.) 3. Dreams that convey messages or warning ( Jacobs dream,) 4. coversion experiences, (Saul to Paul.)
What happened in Isaiah 6:6-8?
Isaiah was called to be a messenger from God and had a duty to reveal God’s word.
What does Calvin say about the story of Paul in Athens?
Though everyone has the capacity to believe in God not everyone will recognise the Christian God or choose Christianity. The sheer number of people who believe in God suggests an innate awareness of God is part of the human condition.
What is unformed faith?
Aquinas tern for the belief of a person who can intellectually accept another person’s faith in God but can not accept it as true for themselves.
What is formed faith?
Aquinas term for faith that a person accepts rationally and accepts as true for themselves.
How is faith seen in Christianity?
As a virtue, reasoning will take you so far but faith will be needed to overcome the epistemic distance between humans and God.
What does Aquinas say you need to achieve a full knowledge of God?
Faith and reason working in harmony.
What does John Locke argue?
Faith is reason.
What does Martin Luther argue about faith?
He rejects reason, Christians have the Bible and that contains all the necessary truth they need.
What does Kierkegaard argue about faith?
Reason cannot grasp the essence of God, only undermine faith. Faith and reason are in natural opposition to each other.
What does Dawkins argue about faith?
“Faith is the great cop out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence.”
What is liberalism?
Individuals can believe whatever they like and their views should be tolerated by everyone as long as they do not threaten society.
What do Brunner and Barth argue about connection with God?
Brunner says that humans have some connection with God as a result of sparks of glory within nature. Barth says that the fall had distrupted the relationship between God and humans so that there could be no possible contact between God and humanity.
What did Brunner argue about imago dei?
The image of God in humans after the fall had been ruined but only at the material level. The spiritual level of imago dei had to remain uncorrupted so God could communicate to humans which distinguishes them from animals.
What did Brunner argue about general revelation?
Because of sin, humanity is blind to the sepcial revelation of grace. Therefore, God must communicate of his nature through his nature. Therefore nature is the only thing that provides a point of contact between God and humans.
What did Brunner argue about conscience?
Gods law is apparent through the conscience of humanity.
What did Brunner argue about true knowledge?
Revelation through Christ is more helpful in achieving true knowledge then nature ever will be.
What were the 3 reasons why Barth disagreed with Brunner?
- The spiritual self cannot inform the material self of Gods existence as God has removed himself so fully from the material self which has been damaged. 2. He says that points of contact such as guilt and conscience can only be achieved without Gods grace. 3. He believes natural theology does not point to God and by pointing to this Brunner removes the importance of faith.