The Person of Jesus Christ Flashcards
What was Jesus’ knowledge of God like?
He called God ‘Abba’ (father) but spends time in prayer and doesn’t see himself as an equal to God. In John’s Gospel many of Jesus’ sayings start with “I am” in the way God was referred to in the Old Testament. Although, John’s gospel was written a long time after the other gospels so must be taken with a grain of salt.
What is the significance of Jesus’ miracles?
The miracles suggest he had God’s power in a special way. John’s gospel refers to the miracles as ‘signs’, suggesting they point to Jesus being divine. Jesus never performed miracles to make people believe and asked people not to tell others about what they had seen afterwards. Miracles like calming the sea show Jesus is capable of the same things as God to an extent.
Should Jesus’ resurrection be taken literally?
YES: It was enough proof for the disciples to start a new religious movement. The literal truth is important because it shows Christians death is not an end. It is the ultimate sign that Jesus was fully human and fully divine.
NO: Paul’s letters make no reference to the tomb, making some believe Jesus’ resurrection was metaphorical.
What and when was the Nicene Creed?
In 325 A.D., a council of bishops convened to settle the dispute over God’s relation to Jesus. They affirmed:
- Christ is “eternally begotten” of the father.
- For our salvation, “he came down from heaven.”
- Jesus is the Holy Spirit made man.
What happens in Mark 6:47-52 and why is it significant?
Jesus walks on water. He identifies himself through the “I am” phrase to help the disciples understand that Jesus’ power comes from his identity as God.
What happens in John 9:1-41 and why is it significant?
Jesus heals a blind man. The man is convinced that Jesus’ power comes from God, but the authorities don’t accept this. Jesus tells the authorities that he is not here to heal just physical blindness but also spiritual blindness - the blindness that prevents the authorities from understanding who they are dealing with.
Where does Jesus’ wisdom come from and why was it so popular?
- Jesus’ sayings were similar to ones written in the book of Proverbs.
- His wisdom comes from the fact he is fully God and fully human.
- His experience of the world is different to ours.
- His parables were stories intended to capture the imagination of listeners and make them think about their lives in a different way.
Why did Jesus challenge the Judaism of his day?
He wanted people to take responsibility for their actions and get their priorities right. For example, he said the Sabbath was made for humans, not the other way around. Purity is about what is on the inside, not what rituals are being followed.
How was repentance and forgiveness at the core of Jesus’ teachings?
He praised the repentance of Zacchaeus the tax collector and the disciples who left their old lives to follow him.
Jesus taught that people should forgive an action “seventy times seven times” - constant forgiveness.
The Lord’s Prayer left to the Church by Jesus is centred on forgiveness: “forgive us for our trespasses.”
What happens in Luke 15:11-32 and why is it significant?
The Parable of the Lost Son. A son asks for his inheritance early, wastes the money, realises he had done wrong and returns to his father. But his father embraces him before he can even say ‘sorry.’ Nothing is bad enough for God not to forgive as long as the person repents. God’s love and forgiveness is huge, but humanity has to repent too.
How did Jesus clash with politicians of his day?
- Spoke of the Kingdom of God, suggesting that power was to be taken away from the authorities.
- Made tax collectors, who represented the government, turn away and follow Jesus.
- Entered Jerusalem on a peaceful donkey, suggesting he would bring peace where the government couldn’t.
- Flipped tables in the temple, objecting to sakes being made.
- Crucified for essentially being a trouble maker.
How did Jesus challenge religious authority?
- Jesus healed on the Sabbath. He said laws had to be kept in perspective.
- He ate with outcasts, helping people who needed him most.
- He said following rules is not the same as worshipping God.
- Religious authorities rejected Jesus forgiving sins, because only God could forgive sins.
How does Jesus help the woman with a flow of blood in Mark 5:24-34?
The woman had been bleeding for 12 years and couldn’t take part in synagogue worship because the blood made her ritually unclean. Her faith causes her to heal. Her interaction with Jesus liberates her physically from her ailment and spiritually from her outcast nature.
What is the Parable of the Good Samaritan?
Jesus encourages the teacher of the law to follow the law of scripture. The beaten man is passed by many distinguished men, before being helped by a Samaritan: people who were usually seen as traitors. The Samaritan sets an example of hoe to behave as a good neighbour and that everyone should respect everyone because we are all equal in they eyes of the Lord.
Was Jesus only a teacher of wisdom?
YES: Modern scholars strip away that which is supernatural or added way after Jesus died. The result is that Jesus was a teacher of wisdom alone. Jesus’ teachings resonated with a lot of people. Some suggest he wanted to purify Judaism. He seemed to expect the Kingdom of God to come quickly.
NO: He created new religious systems like the Eucharist, and he had people to carry on his work. He taught people how to pray. Jesus rising from the dead is a fundamental part of his appeal.
Was Jesus more than a political liberator?
YES: Jesus told his followers to pay taxes, and Paul said they should be lawful citizens. Jesus did not resist arrest and escaped when he realised people would try to make him King by force. He seemingly disagreed with the zealots who wanted to overthrow the Romans by force. He came to develop religious understanding, not replace it, and he focused on the poor and outcast.
NO: Jesus was shown to disobey the law (i.e healing on the Sabbath) and he valued people above all else. He came to be the champion of people in a country occupied by the Romans.
Was Jesus’ relationship with God truly special or unique?
YES: He spoke with authority and had a special relationship with God at least. His miraculous birth, his religious experience at his baptism and his transfiguration and resurrection suggest that Jesus was the son of God.
NO: Old Testament figures had similar objectives. Moses could part the Red Sea and there are instances of the dead being raised. Jesus remains a moral reacher and a miracle worker, but anything further than that seems to be reliant on supernatural aspects.
Did Jesus think he was divine?
YES: He exhibited wisdom beyond his years when he was a child. He is an eternal part of the Trinity. In John 8:58 he clearly states he is older than Abraham. He had trust in God, and knew his crucifixion was a necessity.
NO: He had moments of feeling abandoned by God. If he was fully human and fully divine, it would seem self-contradictory of his human nature to know he was divine. He had human outbursts of emotion, like flipping the tables at the temple.