Liberation Theology and Marx Flashcards
What did Marx believe about the relationship between humanity and the material world?
He believed when humanity and the material world are in harmony, people feel useful in life. But society is rarely in harmony with the material world. Society often collapses and has to be rebuilt - this is historical materialism.
Marx wanted the collapse of Capitalism through a revolution.
According to Marx, how does Capitalism lead to the alienation, dehumanisation and exploitation of people?
- In order for Capitalism to work, goods must be produced; goods are at the centre and humans are alienated.
- Workers are part of a machine to produce for the bourgeoisie.
- Workers are alienated from the product because they cannot express creativity.
- The proletariat pay their wages back to the bourgeoisie through consumerism.
- The proletariat need to rise up against the bourgeoisie.
How does Marx use Praxis?
Praxis: a situation is analysed, injustice identified, the causes are worked out and action is taken to bring about change.
Marx believed we should aim for a Communist society through direct action.
What does Marx call religion and why?
“The opium of the people.”
God is an example of ‘false consciousness” - something that keeps the proletariat unaware of exploitation. Religion helps calm the working classes and gives them the delusion of an afterlife that makes them carry on.
How is Marx’s approach successful?
- More person-centred. We should centralise the idea of removing oppression.
- Marx helps reflect on society and aims to abolish the class system.
- It provides ‘joined-up thinking’. Different parts of society don’t run separately to each other.
How is Marx’s approach unsuccessful?
- Marx has a narrow view of society as there have been examples of harmonious societies under capitalism.
- Where Marxist ideology has been implemented, it has often collapsed.
- Even in communist societies, there remains injustice and inequality.
What is Liberation Theology?
It stems from the situation in Latin America, where government corruption oppresses the poor. It rejects the approach of Western theology where religion is a private matter. Religion and politics are inherently linked. Liberation Theology begins with the reality the poor are in rather than using theology to fix situations. It emphasises solidarity with the poor and action to make their lives better.
What idea is at the core of Liberation Theology’s approach?
Theology should begin with the aim to reverse the oppressive conditions of the poor. This is influenced by Marx, who believed capitalist structures could be reversed.
What is the Kingdom of God for Liberation theologians?
It is not at the end of time but the transformation of society here and now. Liberation Theology seeks to reverse alienation and oppression of the working class.
What type of sin does Liberation Theology emphasise and why?
Social sin. It affects people on a structural level and results in poverty, injustice and violence. It identifies entire systems that need to be overturned.
How does the historical materialist approach relate to Liberation Theology?
Reversal in Lib. Theology needs to be dramatic.
Some took this to extremes: Restrepo, a Catholic priest, joined a violent struggle against corrupt Colombian government.
Moderate approach: solidarity with the poor, and leaving theology to one side until the time is right. Approaching things ‘bottom up’ allows entire systems to be radically changed.
How does Gutiérrez, the founder of Liberation Theology, link Original Sin to structural and social oppression?
Gutiérrez drew links between Original Sin and structural or social sin by looking at the oppressive governments in Latin America and the capitalistic systems in place.
For a Christian to battle against Original Sin, they must rise up against structural sin. Once structural sin has been eliminated, Christians can move on to personal sin and restoring relationships with God.
How could one support the view that Liberation Theology has engaged fully enough with Marxism?
- By acknowledging Jesus as the one true teacher but that radical steps are required, Lib. Theology has pushed its relationship with Marxism to the limit. Any further and God would be deemed ‘false consciousness.’
- Lib. Theology has been useful in Latin America, showing that focus on praxis is successful.
- Any further engagement with Marxism might make Christianity lose its distinctiveness.
How could one argue that Liberation Theology has not engaged fully enough with Marxism?
- Lib. Theology has not had a global impact perhaps because Marxism hasn’t been used enough and Christianity still focuses on spiritual poverty over material poverty.
- There is still deep injustice in Latin America so there should be more focus on revolution.
- Lib. Theology is confined to Latin America and Marxism should be used to apply its principles in other contexts.
What is the ‘Preferential Option for the Poor’?
The idea that the needs of the poor must be prioritised at all times.
What are some examples of the poor being prioritised in the Bible?
- God taking pity on the Israelites in Egypt and saving them through Exodus.
- the prophets, such as Amos, who speak warnings against ignoring the needy.
- Jesus’ work as a liberator, politically and socially.
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.” - Matthew 5:3
What is more important to Liberation Theology: orthodoxy or orthopraxis?
Orthopraxis (right actions) is more important than orthodoxy (right beliefs.) It is better to feed the hungry and poor than teach them about the incarnation. Orthodoxy alone cannot override structural sin.
What are ‘base communities’ in Latin America?
As Lib. Theology became more widely practiced, communities couldn’t always find priests to lead them. These communities were ‘base communities’. They were free from the traditional hierarchal structure of the church.
How could one argue that Christianity should prioritise one group over another?
- Each gospel writer had a different focus, so Christianity can focus on different groups according to need.
- Lib. Theology doesn’t deny that in the future, there might need to be a different focus that the poor.
- “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.”
How could one argue that Christianity should not prioritise one group over another?
- Lib. Theology is too focused on the poor and not other marginalised groups who may need help.
- In the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, Jesus teaches that the rich need salvation as much as the poor.
- Jesus’ death on the cross is the central work of salvation and Lib. Theology has lost sight of this.
Why does the Catholic Church not fully accept Liberation Theology?
Marxism is atheistic, advocates a violent struggle and dismisses the God-given right of the Church. It seems to sideline 2,000 years of theological tradition.
Ratzinger: It is not possible to break down the Marxist approach. If you accept some of it, you accept all of it.
Pope Francis: He invited Gutiérrez to speak at the Vatican, and he said some Marxists are good people.
Why does Gutiérrez say we cannot have spiritual equality without liberation of the poor?
If we don’t undermine capitalism, we create a society of “false reconciliation and equality.” It is superficial because capitalism continues and the poor are isolated.
How could one argue that Christianity tackles social issues more effectively than Marxism?
- Revolution doesn’t always benefit the poor. Communism has been overthrown due to poverty.
- Christianity has a more holistic approach to social issues.
- Christianity is global; it works on a local level as appropriate, which is more effective than the general approach of Marxism.
How could one argue that Christianity does not tackle social issues more effectively than Marxism?
- Christianity is not radical enough when it comes to social issues.
- It places too much emphasis on orthodoxy and cannot engage with social issues fully.
- Christianity is global but hasn’t made a great impact on inequalities across the world.
How could one agree that Christianity should engage with atheist secular ideologies?
- Natural theologians might say reason can be partially accurate outside the church. So inspiration from atheist ideology is okay.
- It is possible to remain a Christian and engage with the modern world.
- Insights of the external world can help Christians develop their own responses.
- If an atheist ideology finds a way to reverse the conditions of the oppressed, Christians shouldn’t reject it on the basis of faith.
How could one argue that Christianity should not engage with atheist secular ideologies?
- Christians shouldn’t sympathise with views that reject God.
- Christians must remain distinctive and keep the revelation of Jesus at the centre of their lives.
- An atheist ideology might convert people away with Christianity.
- If we are able to act in the moment, as Bonhoeffer suggests, then we must be clearly focused in our training on Christian beliefs.
What are some examples of anti-capitalist sentiment in the Bible?
Acts 2:44-45 - “All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.”
Matthew 6:24 - “you cannot serve both God and money.”
What does Boff say of Marxism?
It is valid to draw on Marx’ “methodological pointers” - his method for understanding economics.
What does Camara say in relation to Liberation Theology?
“When I feed the poor, they call me a saint, but when I ask why the poor are hungry, they call me a communist.”