The Peninsular Wars (3) Flashcards
When and what river did the British cross in order to invade France?
- 7th October allied troops crossed the River Bidasoa to bridgehead into France
Whilst the British invaded France, what news from Central Europe made the British happy?
- Battle of the Nations fought at Leipzig in Oct 1813, Napoleon was defeated and forced to retreat to the River Rhine
When did the British troops take strong positions after crossing the River ____? How many casualties did each side suffer?
- 10th November, The River Nivelle
- British lost 2625, French lost 4350
After taking strong positions in France why did Wellington send Spanish troops back to the Pyrenees?
- He knew if Spanish troops marched deep into France then they would seek revenge for French atrocities
- This would alarm civilians and cause them to go against the allies
After crossing the River Nive in December, what halted Wellingtons advance? (HINT: it was not Soult’s forces)
- The winter weather stopped Wellingtons advance for the next 9 weeks
What happened on the 31st March 1814 that Wellington was unaware of?
- Prussian, Russian and Austrian forces entered Paris and Napoleon abdicated a week later
Summarise the overall success of Wellingtons campaign?
- His Army never exceeding 40,000, killed, wounded or captures 200,000 enemy troops
- Lost only 36,000 men in the process
Why were more troops sent to America after Napoleon’s abdication?
- War of 1812 between Britain and USA
- Small numbers of British Units and Canadian militia fought Americans trying to get into Canada
- The capital, Washington, was captured and burned
The Treaty of Ghent ended the War of 1812 between Britain and America, why did British keep sustaining casualties?
- Forces led by Sit Edward Pakenham did not get news of the peace in America and suffered casualties in New Orleans 1815
What Island was Napoleon exiled on?
Italian Island of Elba
When did Napoleon begin marching rowers Paris to take on the Prussian and British Army?
- February 1815 he left a small force causing King Lous XVIII to flee
- He hoped to annihilate each army separately
What army did Wellington command, and why was he still disadvantaged?
- 90,000 Anglo-Belgian-Dutch-Hanoverian army
- However many Peninsular War Veterans were crossing the Atlantic fighting America
Which Marshal was beside Wellington to take on Napoleon?
- Marshal Blucher commanded a Prussian force
- Wellingtons troops were in the west of Belgium and Bluchers were further east
What happened on the 15th and 16th July 1815?
- 15th, 120,000 French troops took Wellington and Blucher by surprise
- 16th, Napoleon defeated the Prussians at Ligney
Who attacked Wellingtons army at the crossroads at Quatre Bras?
- Was attacked by Marshal Ney
How did Napoleon make room to march directly towards Wellington?
- He sent a third of his army under Marshal Grouchy to pursue the Prussians to let Napoleon go for Wellington
When did the Battle of Waterloo start and how?
- 17th June 1815
- Wellingtons army retreated to Brussels and positioned his army on a low ridge south of Waterloo
- He was assured Blucher would assist him
What delayed the French attack?
- Heavy Rain
- Would halt the artillery so he postponed the attack till 11:30am on the morning of 18th June
Why was it unfortunate for Napoleon that the rain delayed his attack?
- Gave time for 72,000 Prussians to attack on his right flank
Did the French succeed in capturing the chateau of Hougement?
- They failed to capture it on Wellingtons right flank or drive his army away from the ridge
- 75,000 French had confronted 68,000 of Wellingtons army but failed
What happened when Blucher made it to the Battle of Waterloo?
- He arrived 1:30pm causing Napoleon to divert his forces
- Ney led the uncoordinated French assaults on the ridge
- French cavalry unsupported by infantry failed to break Wellingtons centre due to their reckless charges
Where did the last French attack in the Battle of Waterloo come from?
- Came from French infantry of Imperial Guard
- They were also kept back and defeated with ease
- Allowed the Prussians and Wellington to both move forward
- The French fled the field and Napoleon abdicated (again)
What was the result of the Battle of Waterloo in terms of casualties etc?
- Wellington called it a ‘close run thing’
- Wellington suffered over 15,000 casualties. Blucher suffered another 7000
- 25,000 French were slain/wounded
When did Napoleon surrender and on what British ship?
- 15th July 1815
- HMS Bellerophon