The Pelvis as a Region of Anatomy of the Body Flashcards
List the surface areas of the abdomen on the left and right sides from superficial to inferior.
1 - Hypochondriac.
2 - Lumbar.
3 - Iliac.
List the surface areas of the abdomen on the central line from superficial to inferior.
1 - Epigastric.
2 - Umbilical.
3 - Hypogastric.
List the superior, inferior, anterior, posterior and lateral borders of the abdominopelvic cavity.
- Superior:
1 - The inferior border of the diaphragm.
1 - Pelvic floor.
2 - Perineum.
1 - Anterior abdominal muscles (anterosuperior).
2 - Anterior border of bony pelvis (anteroinferior).
1 - Ribs (posterosuperior).
2 - Vertebral column (posterosuperior).
3 - The sacrum (posteroinferior).
1 - Ribs (superolateral).
2 - Thigh (inferolateral).
List the bones of the pelvis.
1 - Sacrum.
2 - Ilium.
3 - Ischium.
4 - Pubis.
5 - Coccyx
What are the superior and inferior apertures of the pelvis otherwise known as?
- The superior aperture is also known as the pelvic inlet.
- The inferior aperture is also known as the pelvic outlet.
List the palpable bony components of the pelvic inlet.
1 - Highest point, known as the supracristal plane.
2 - Middle point, known as the transtubercular plane.
3 - Lowest point known as the pelvic brim.
Which vertebral level corresponds to the highest palpable point of the pelvic inlet / the supracristal plane?
L3/4 intervertebral disc.
List 2 anatomical structures that occur at the level of the supracristal plane.
1 - The bifurcation of the abdominal aorta into the common iliac arteries.
2 - The umbilicus.
Which vertebral level corresponds to the middle palpable point of the pelvic inlet / transtubercular plane?
Which structures does the transtubercular plane intersect?
The iliac tubercles.
Which bony component of the pelvis forms the pelvic brim?
The pubic crest.
Which structure divides the pelvis into the greater and lesser pelvises?
The pelvic brim.
List the contents of the greater pelvis.
1 - Colon.
2 - Iliacus.
3 - Psoas major and minor.
List the contents of the lesser pelvis.
1 - Reproductive system.
2 - urinary system.
3 - Terminal portion of the digestive system.
Which artery supplies all of the organs of the lesser pelvis?
The internal iliac artery.