Overview of the Head and Neck Flashcards
Also revise the skull lecture in RA1. Lots of stuff was repeated from that lecture.
List the arteries that constitute blood supply to the head and neck.
1 - Internal carotid artery.
2 - External carotid artery.
3 - Paired vertebral arteries.
What is the difference in the structures supplied by the internal carotid artery and external carotid artery?
- The internal carotid artery supplies intracranial structures.
- The external carotid artery supplies extracranial structures.
At which level does the common carotid artery bifurcate into the internal and external carotid arteries?
- At the upper border of the thyroid cartilage.
- At vertebral level C4.
What is the pterygopalatine / sphenopalatine fossa?
The pyramid-shaped space between the neurocranium and viscerocranium.
List the parts of the maxilla.
1 - Frontal process.
2 - Zygomatic process.
3 - Palatine process.
4 - Alveolar process.
5 - Body.
Which structures insert into sockets on the alveolar process of the maxilla?
The teeth insert into sockets on the alveolar process of the maxilla.
List the nasal conchae.
1 - Superior nasal concha.
2 - Middle nasal concha.
3 - Inferior nasal concha.
How does the inferior nasal concha differ from the other two nasal conchae?
It is its own independent bony structure, whereas the other two nasal conchae are derived from the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone.
What is a Le Fort fracture?
- A fracture of the midface involving the maxillary bone and surrounding structures.
- Look at a picture of Le Fort fractures 1, 2 and 3.
Describe a generic model of tissue layering in any region of the body.
What is the function of each layer of fascia?
1 - Skin.
2 - Superficial fascia
- Binds the skin to the rest of the tissues of the body.
3 - Deep fascia.
- Encloses organs and divides muscles into compartments.
4 - Muscles.
List 3 functions of fascia.
1 - Ease of movement.
2 - Forming natural planes of tissue packing.
3 - Determines the spread of infection.
List the layers of deep fascia of the neck.
1 - Investing fascia.
2 - Pretracheal (in front of the trachea) fascia.
3 - Prevertebral (in front of the vertebrae) fascia.
4 - Carotid sheath.
What is the alar fascia?
A membrane that joins the carotid sheaths.
List the superior and inferior attachments of the investing layer of deep fascia anteriorly.
- Superiorly: Mandible.
- Inferiorly: Manubrium and acromion.
List the superior and inferior attachments of the investing layer of deep fascia posteriorly.
- Superiorly: Occipital bone.
- Inferiorly: Nuchal ligament.
List the muscles contained within the investing layer of deep fascia.
1 - Trapezius.
2 - Sternocleidomastoid.
List the visceral structures contained within the investing layer of deep fascia.
Submandibular gland.
List the muscles contained within the pretracheal layer of deep fascia.
The infrahyoid (strap) muscles:
1 - Sternohyoid.
2 - Sternothyroid.
3 - Thyrohyoid.
4 - Omohyoid muscles.
List the visceral structures contained within the pretracheal layer of deep fascia.
1 - Trachea.
2 - Oesophagus.
3 - Thyroid gland.
Where is the retropharyngeal space?
Between the pretracheal layer of deep fascia and the alar fascia.
Where is the danger space?
Between the pretracheal layer of deep fascia and the alar fascia.
List the sphincter muscles of the face.
1 - Orbicularis oculi (eyes).
2 - Orbicularis oris (mouth).
Why does paralysis of a sphincter muscle of the face often result in dysfunction of other muscles?
Because sphincter muscles of the face are a common site of attachment for other muscles.
List the divisions of hyoid muscles.
What is the function of the hyoid muscles?
1 - Suprahyoid muscles.
2 - Infrahyoid muscles.
- The function of the hyoid muscles is to elevate (suprahyoid) and depress (infrahyoid) the hyoid bone and larynx while swallowing.
List the suprahyoid muscles.
1 - Digastric.
2 - Mylohyoid.
3 - Stylohyoid.
4 - Geniohyoid.