The pelvic floor Flashcards
How do the pelvic floor muscles maintain contenance?
- The external urethral sphincter contracts to stop leakage from the bladder
- The puborectalis muscle acts like a sling around the bladder and rectum, maintaining a 80 degree flexion at the opening of the urethra
How can the pelvic floor be damaged and what effects does this have?
Damaged by:
- CHILDBIRTH (ligament stretch, muscle stretch, nerve stretch, muscle and perineal body tear)
This weakens the pelvic floor leading to incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse.
What muscle makes up the majority of the deep layers of the pelvic floor?
Levator ani muscles- pubococcygeus and iliococcygeus muscles
What is the urogenital hiatus?
A u shaped hole in the front of the levator ani muscles, where the vagina, rectum and urethra run through
What is the function of the pelvic floor muscles?
- suspend organs in the right place
- resist rises in intra abdominal pressure
- maintain continence
- facilitate defecation and micturition
What muscle makes up the external urethral sphincter?
The deep perineal muscles
What is the role of he perineal body?
A point of attachment for the pelvic floor muscles to fuse at
What 3 muscles make up the superficial perineal muscles in women?
ischiocavernous muscle, bulbocavernous muscle, external anal sphincter muscle
What is vaginismus?
Constant contraction of the pelvic floor muscles, making penetrative sex painful
What blood vessels supply the pelvic floor muscles?
pudendal arteries and veins
To where do the lymphatics of the pelvic floor muscles drain?
Inguinal nodes
What nerve supplies the pelvic floor muscles?
The pudendal nerve
What is a cystocele?
prolapse of the urethra or bladder into the vagina
what is a rectocele?
Prolapse of the anus into the vagina
what is a uterine prolapse?
uterus prolapsing down into the vagina
What are the risk factors for pelvic organ prolapse?
- obesity
- old age
- lots of vaginal deliveries
- big babies
- post menopause
- chronic cough
Which pelvic floor muscles are cut during a episiotomy?
Superficial transverse perineal and bulbospongiosus muscle, theyre cut at a mediolateral angle to direct tearing away from the perineal body and anus
When are episiotomies indicated?
- large babies
- abnormal deliveries
- use of instruments
- regid perineum
Describe the 4 degrees of perineal tears
1st= superficial only 2nd= torn perineal muscles 3rd= torn perineal muscles and anal sphincter 4th= torn perineal muscles, anal sphincter and rectum
Define female genital mutilation
All procedures or injury involving partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, whether for cultural or for non theraputic reasons
What are the acute and long term consequences of FGM?
acute: sepsis, hiv, haemorrhage, pain
late: PTSD, sexual difficulties, keloid scars, urine and menses obstruction
What are your obligations when you encounter someone with FGM
If under 18 report to social services, in over 18s it needs to be reported to a database. If you’ve corrected it for delivery, you cannot redo it even if she asks.
What are the 4 types of FGM?
1- clitoris only removed
2- clitoris and labia minora +/- labia majora removed
3- sealing the labia major together +/- removal or the labia minora and clitoris (infibulation)
4- anything else (burning clitoris, cutting it, pricking or piercing it ect)