The patterns: cognition and Behavior related to design Flashcards
List behavioural patterns
Safe exploration
instant gratification
changes in midstream
deferred choices
incremental construction
micro breaks
spatial memory
prospective memory
streamline repetition
social media social proof and collaboration
Safe exploration
When someone feels like they can explore an interface and not suffer dire consequence, they likely to learn more and feel more positive about it . Good software allows people to try something unfamiliar back out and try something else, all without stress
Instant gratification
I want to accomplish something now, not later
If someone starts using the application and gets success experience within the first few seconds, that’s gratifying.
You shouldn’t hide introductory functionality behind anything that needs to be read, or waiting for, such as registration, launch sets of instructions, slow-to-load screens, advertisements, and so on. These are discouraging because of the bloke users from finishing the first task quickly.
Anticipate their need, provide an obvious entry point, and provide value to the customer first before asking for something valuable (email address the sale) in return.
This is good enough I don’t want to spend more time learning to do it better
People are willing to accept ‘good enough ‘ instead of ‘best ‘ if learning all the alternatives might cost time or effort.
Use calls to ‘action ‘ in the interface directions of what to do first.
Make labels short plainly worded and quick to read.
Make it easy to move around the interface, especially for going back to the wrong choice might have been made.
Keep in mind that a complicated interface imposes a large cognitive cost to a users.
Changes in meadstream
I change my mind about what I was doing.
Designers should provide opportunities for people to change their mind.
Make choices available. Don’t lock user into a choice- poor environment with no connections to the pages or functionality unless there is a good reason to do so.
You can also make it easier for someone to start a process, stop in the middle, and come back to it later to pick up where they left a property often called re- entrance.
Deferred choices
I don’t want to answer that now just let me finish.
If you ask a task focused user unnecessary questions in the process, they might prefer to skip the questions and come back to them later.
Sometimes it’s just a matter of not wanting to answer the questions. Other times do you so might not have enough information to answer yet.
The implications for interface design as simple to understand, they’re not always easy to implement.
Don’t give the user with too many upfront choices in the first place.
Clearly indicate required versus optional fields.
Separate important questions options from less important. Present the shortlist, hide the long list.
Give users defaults wherever possible to give you some reasonable default answers to start with.
Make it possible for users to return to the food fields or questions later and make them accessible in obvious places.
If registration is required as a website that provides useful services, users might be far more likely to register is the first allowed to experience the website your name and engage and then ask later about who they are.
Incremental construction
Builder-style interfaces need to support that style of work. Keep the interface responsive to quick changes and saves. When creative activities are well supported by good tools, they can induce a state of flow in the user. But bad ones will keep you distracted.
10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design
They are called “heuristics” because they are broad rules of thumb and not specific usability guidelines.
#1: Visibility of system status
#2: Match between system and the real world
#3: User control and freedom
#4: Consistency and standards
#5: Error prevention
#6: Recognition rather than recall
#7: Flexibility and efficiency of use
#8: Aesthetic and minimalist design
#9: Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors
#10: Help and documentation
Visibility of system status
The design should always keep users informed about what is going on, through appropriate feedback within a reasonable amount of time.
Communicate clearly to users what the system’s state is — no action with consequences to users should be taken without informing them.
Present feedback to the user as quickly as possible (ideally, immediately).
Build trust through open and continuous communication.
Match between the system and the real world
The design should speak the users’ language. Use words, phrases, and concepts familiar to the user, rather than internal jargon. Follow real-world conventions, making information appear in a natural and logical order.
Ensure users can understand meaning without having to go look up a word’s definition.
Never assume your understanding of words or concepts will match those of your users.
User research will help you uncover your users’ familiar terminology, as well as their mental models around important concepts.
User control and freedom
Users often perform actions by mistake. They need a clearly marked “emergency exit” to leave the unwanted action without having to go through an extended process.
Support Undo and Redo.
Show a clear way to exit the current interaction, like a Cancel button.
Make sure the exit is clearly labeled and discoverable.
Consistency and standards
Users should not have to wonder whether different words, situations, or actions mean the same thing. Follow platform and industry conventions.
Improve learnability by maintaining both types of consistency: internal and external.
Maintain consistency within a single product or a family of products (internal consistency).
Follow established industry conventions (external consistency).
Error prevention
Good error messages are important, but the best designs carefully prevent problems from occurring in the first place. Either eliminate error-prone conditions, or check for them and present users with a confirmation option before they commit to the action.
There are two types of errors: slips and mistakes. Slips are unconscious errors caused by inattention. Mistakes are conscious errors based on a mismatch between the user’s mental model and the design.
Prioritize your effort: Prevent high-cost errors first, then little frustrations.
Avoid slips by providing helpful constraints and good defaults.
Prevent mistakes by removing memory burdens, supporting undo, and warning your users.
Recognition rather than recall
Minimize the user’s memory load by making elements, actions, and options visible. The user should not have to remember information from one part of the interface to another. Information required to use the design (e.g. field labels or menu items) should be visible or easily retrievable when needed.
Let people recognize information in the interface, rather than having to remember (“recall”) it.
Offer help in context, instead of giving users a long tutorial to memorize.
Reduce the information that users have to remember.
Flexibility and efficiency of use
Shortcuts — hidden from novice users — may speed up the interaction for the expert user such that the design can cater to both inexperienced and experienced users. Allow users to tailor frequent actions.
Provide accelerators like keyboard shortcuts and touch gestures.
Provide personalization by tailoring content and functionality for individual users.
Allow for customization, so users can make selections about how they want the product to work.
Aesthetic and minimalist design
Interfaces should not contain information that is irrelevant or rarely needed. Every extra unit of information in an interface competes with the relevant units of information and diminishes their relative visibility.
Keep the content and visual design of UI focused on the essentials.
Don’t let unnecessary elements distract users from the information they really need.
Prioritize the content and features to support primary goals.
Error messages
Error messages should be expressed in plain language (no error codes), precisely indicate the problem, and constructively suggest a solution.
Use traditional error message visuals, like bold, red text.
Tell users what went wrong in language they will understand — avoid technical jargon.
Offer users a solution, like a shortcut that can solve the error immediately.
Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors
Help and documentation
Even though it is better if the system can be used without documentation, it may be necessary to provide help and documentation. Any such information should be easy to search, focused on the user’s task, list concrete steps to be carried out, and not be too large.
The gesture works everywhere else, why doesn’t it work here, too?
The user no longer needs to think consciously about the actions he performs all the time. They have become habitual.
Habituation measurably improves efficiency and help become experts users of a tool.
But it also can lead traps for the user. If gesture becomes a habit and the user tries to use it in situation when it doesn’t work or does something destructive, the user is cut short.
Consistency across applications and application can be an advantage to use in your software design.
Gestures. After someone learns how to use the device and get used to it they will depend on the standard gestures working consistently on all applications.
This is also a confirmation dialogue boxes often don’t work to protect to use against accidental changes. They get used to clicking okay or return and then it actually matters the dialogbox doesn’t have any effect. Because it sleeps right under the use of consciousness.

Micro breaks
I’m waiting for the train. Let me do something useful for two minutes.
People often find themselves with a few minutes of downtime they might need a mental break they might be bored or a patient. They want to do something constructive or entertaining to pass the time, knowing they won’t have enough time to get deep into online activity.
Here’s some typical activities during micro breaks
Checking email
Reading streams and feeds
Visiting new sites
Watching a short video
Doing a quick web search
Reading an online book
Playing casual short game
 Take aways
The load time is very important, make sure the page is engineered suitable useful contact loads fast and with very little delay.
Must remember where the user left the application last time and restore the app or site to previous state without asking.
Spatial memory
I swear that button was here a minute ago. Where did it go?
When people manipulate object and documents, they are often find them again later by remembering where they are, not what they are named.
Many application put the dialog button - okay, cancel, and so on, in predictable places, partly because its spatial memory for them is so strong.
Along with habituation, which is closer related, spatial memory is another reason why consistency across and within a platform application is good. People might expect to find similar functionality in similar places.
Incidentally, the tops and bottoms of lists in menus is a special locations, cognitively speaking. People notice and remember them more than our items in the middle of a list.
Prospective memory
I’m putting this here to remind myself to deal with it later.
People use all kinds of artefacts to support passive prospective remembering. Note to oneself windows left on screen, annotations put directly into documents, browser bookmarks, email kept an inbox,
In many cases, the kind of hands of flexibility is all you really need.
Just don’t try to design a system that’s too smart for it I’m good. For instance don’t assume that just because the windows been ideal for awhile but no one is using it and it should be closed. In general, don’t hopefully clean up for us or object that the system I think are useless. Also, don’t organise or sort things out automatically on the sea user of the system to do so.
Tips chips
Is it designer you can
Return the data data in the half finished form for the next time.
Also bookmark like a list of objects of interest
Many applications record the last few objects or documents they edited
Implement my new walk spaces, which lets users live unfinished pages open while they work on something else
Streamlined repetition
I have to repeat it how many times?
In when you go into applications use it sometimes find themselves needing to perform the same operation over and over again. The easy it is for them, the better. If you can help reduce separation down to one kiss/or click the repetition, better just a few keystrokes or click for all repetitions, you will spare you so much to do in.
For example
Find and replace dialogue boxes in word editors
Font plugin replacement in Figma
Photoshop actions
Mini scripts, Macros
Copy and paste culpability
Direct observation of users can help you to determine what kind of repetitive task you need to support.
Keyboard only
For the sake of the users, some applications are designed to be driven entirely via the keyboard.
They are usually manually driven, too, but there is no operation that must be done with only the mouse, keyboard only users aren’t sure to bring in functionality.
Keyboard only usage is particularly important for data entry application. In this, speed of data entry is critical.
Forms controls panels, and standard webpages are fairly is it to drive from the keyboard. Graphic editors, and anything else that’s mostly spatial, are much more difficult, but not impossible.
Social media, social proof, and Collaboration.
What did everyone else say about this!? Explain
We are much more likely to watch , sure, comment, taking other action if we see that someone we know has recommended it all done it or is present. This is called social proof.
Enabling social dynamics in your software can bring increased engagement, morality, community and growth.
User generated reviews and comments
Everything is a social object.
Collaboration, discussion threads, document reviews, video conferencing, tracking status,.
Social proof motivates people to take action.
Designing this capabilities into your interface creates the potential for social dynamics to increase your audience engagement rewards and growth.
Interface Proactive help
Proactive help is intended to get users familiar with an interface while reactive help is meant for troubleshooting and gaining system proficiency.
Proactive help is provided before the user has encountered a problem, in order to prevent issues. It includes onboarding tutorials and contextual tips.
Interface reactive help
reactive help includes materials such as documentation, videos, or even tutorials for those situations when users have an issue and they seek out advice to address it. (Even though some users may consume such materials proactively, it is rare that they do so.)
Proactive help often occurs in three scenarios
1New users at first launch of an interface
2Novice users as they gain proficiency with an interface (this happens over time and is most relevant for complex applications)
2Existing users encountering a new or redesigned interface
Proactive help can be implemented through tutorials, instructional overlays, templates, contextual help, tooltips, and wizards.
Push and Pull Revelations: Two Types of Proactive Help
Push revelations occur when an interface provides assistance or help content that isn’t relevant to the users’ goals. Aptly named, this type of proactive help pushes help content in a relatively random way, with no regard for what the user is trying to do at the moment.
Pull revelations show contextual tips that are relevant to the user’s task. They could appear when the mouse is near corresponding controls or when the user has started a corresponding flow.
Proactive help content should be accessible elsewhere.
After engaging and exploring an interface on their own, some users may remember having seen a push revelation that was relevant but that they ignored at the time. This situation is common in complex-application domains. Allow these users to access proactive help content by linking to it from the application’s or site’s UI.
Reactive Help
Reactive help is provided in response to the user encountering a problem. The goal of reactive help is to answer questions, troubleshoot user problems, or provide detailed documentation and materials for people who want to become expert users. Reactive help comes as frequently asked questions, technical documentation or tutorials, or training modules.
The visibility of system status Definition:
Definition: The visibility of system status refers to how well the state of the system is conveyed to its users. Ideally, systems should always keep users informed about what is going on, through appropriate feedback within reasonable time.
Appropriate feedback for a user action
Such feedback can be as simple as a change of color once the user has clicked on a button, or a progress indicator when a process needs a little longer to finish. These indicators communicate that the system is working, and reduce uncertainty — preventing users from, say, tapping the same button multiple times because they weren’t sure if the first time worked.
Providing immediate feedback for interactive events allows users to quickly identify the source of errors and fix them as soon as they were made. In fact, immediate feedback is one of the main benefits of direct manipulation, an interaction style in which users can act directly upon different UI objects.