The Parts of Speech Flashcards
What are the five things that a noun represents?
person, place, thing, idea, emotion
How many types of nouns are there?
This type of noun is regular and does not start with capital letters?
common noun
This type of noun starts with a capital letter
proper noun
This type of noun represents things your 5 senses interact with
concrete noun
This type of noun represent ideas or emotions
abstract noun
This type of noun represents a group of things or people
collective noun
This Part of speech takes the place of a noun
How many types of pronouns are there?
This type of pronoun is the most commonly used
personal pronoun
This type of pronoun is used to point things out
demonstrative pronoun
How many types of demonstrative pronouns are there
Name each of the four demonstrative pronouns, separated by a comma.
this, that, these, those
This type of pronoun is used to ask a question
interrogative pronoun
How many interrogative pronouns are there
Name each of the five interrogative pronouns
which, who, whose, whom, what
This type of pronoun begins an adjective clause
relative pronoun
This type of pronoun is like an interrogative pronoun, except it does not ask a question
relative pronoun
How many relative pronouns are there
Name each of the five relative pronouns
which, who, whose, whom, that
This type of word is what pronouns are standing in for
This type of pronoun adds -self to the end of a personal pronoun
reflexive/intensive pronoun
What are the common 1st person singular personal pronouns. There are 3.
I, me, mine
What are the common 1st person plural personal pronouns. There are 4.
we, us, our, ours
What are the common 2nd person singular/plural personal pronouns. There are 3.
you, your, yours
What are the common 3rd person singular personal pronouns. There are 8.
he, him, his, she, her, hers, it, its
What are the common 3rd person plural personal pronouns. There are 4.
they, them, their, theirs
What is a personal pronoun
The most commonly used pronoun, has a bunch for 1st, 2nd, 3rd person.
What is a demonstrative pronoun
A pronoun that is used to point things out
What is an interrogative pronoun
A pronoun that is used to ask a question
What is a relative pronoun
A pronoun that begins an adjective clause. It is like an interrogative pronoun, but does not ask a question.
What is a reflexive/intensive pronoun
A pronoun that adds -self to the end of personal pronouns
What are the 5 types of nouns
Common, proper, concrete, abstract, collective
What are the 6 types of pronouns
Personal, demonstrative, interrogative, relative, reflexive/intensive, Indefinite
This type of pronoun does not refer to a specific noun
Indefinite pronoun
Give 5 examples of an indefinite pronoun
someone, everyone, anyone, everything, something
What is an indefinite pronoun
A pronoun that does not refer to a specific noun
What part of speech is responsible for describing an action
Every sentence needs this part of speech
Jump, run, bake, read, swim, give, and walk are an example of what part of speech
What ties together the words before or after a verb
linking verb
what does a linking verb do
ties together the words before and after a verb
Give 8 examples of common linking verbs
to be, is, am, are, will be, was, has been, have been
What is an easy way to find linking verbs
Perform the “is” test. Replace the verb with is and see if the sentence still makes sense.
This verb quality has to do with time
What is the verb tense
It tells you when the action took place
How many types of main verb tense are there
How many total types of verb tense are there
What are the main verb tenses
present, past, future, present perfect, past perfect, future perfect
What is present tense
It is happening now
What is past tense
It happened in the past and is over
What is future tense
It will happen in the future
What is the present perfect tense
It happened in the past and is possibly continuing
What is the past perfect tense
It happened in the past before something else happened in the past
What is the future perfect tense
It will happen in the future before some other future event
What is the name for the partner of each of the main types of tense
progressive tense
What is progressive tense
The same as the main verb tenses, but they use helping verbs to specify the tenses
What are the three main helping verbs
be, have, do
What are the 8 forms of “be” helping verbs
is, am, are, was, were, be, being, been
What are the 3 forms of “have” helping verbs
have, had, has
What are the 3 forms of “do” helping verbs
do, does, did
What are the 3 “M” helping verbs
must, might, may
What are the 3 “ould” helping verbs and their partners
could, can, should, shall, would, will
How do regular verbs change to past tense
They add -ed to the end
How do irregular verbs change to past tense
They use different words
What are the two types of voice
active and passive
What is the active voice
The subject of the sentence is doing the action
What is the passive voice
The subject is usually not doing the action
Which of the two types of voice is more effective
active voice
How can you tell if a word is a noun
By putting a, an, the in front of it
How can you tell if a word is a verb
By putting the word to in front of it
This type of verb has a direct object
transitive verb
this type of verb does not have an object in front of it
intransitive verb
This part of speech is used to describe nouns and sometimes pronouns
What is an adjective
It is a part of speech that is used to describe nouns and sometimes pronouns
How many types of special adjectives are there
What are the three types of special adjectives
demonstrative adjectives, proper adjectives, articles
What are demonstrative adjectives
this, that, these, those placed before a noun
What are proper adjectives
Adjectives that start with a captial letter
What are articles
The words: a, an, the
This part of speech is used to describe verbs
What are adverbs
A part of speech that is used to describe verbs
What can an adverb describe
verbs, but also adjectives or other adverbs
What do adverbs tell us
where, when, how, to what extent
What do adverbs usually end in
This part of speech is a little word that is always part of a phrase
What is a preposition
A little word that is always part of a phrase
What is included in a preposition phrase
Preposition, noun or pronoun, sometimes an article
What do prepositions usually answer
where and when
This part of speech joins things together
What is a conjunction
Conjunctions are joining words. They join words, phrases, and sentences.
What is the most common conjunction
What are the 7 coordinating conjunctions
for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
What are subordinate conjunctions
they begin subordinate clauses
This part of speech does not add anything grammatically to a sentence
What is an interjection
A part of speech that does not add anything grammatically to a sentence
What is 1st person
Refers to the writer themself or a group including the writer
what is 2nd person
Refers to the writer’s audience
What is 3rd person
Refers to someone else, not the writer or a group including the writer. not the writer’s audience.