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> The parathyroid gland and calcium homeostasis > Flashcards
The parathyroid gland and calcium homeostasis Flashcards
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Study These Flashcards
(104 decks)
GS - Neurotransmitters of the brain
Awesome brain - core principles to new therapies
Neurophysiology revision
Neurological History Taking
How to make a brain - development of CNS
Neuroanatomy: Synopsis and revision
Cerebral cortex from cells to function
GS - Structure and Function of the Brain
Skull and cervical spine: anatomy and imaging
Ascending pathways
Descending pathways - control of movement
GS - Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination
Blood supply and stroke
The social and psychological bases of depression and suicide
GS - Imaging of Stroke
GS - Videos of motor deficits
Cerebellum, balance and coordination
Brain stem overview and cranial nerve nuclei
Opening up to mental health
Loss and Maintaining Compassion
GS - Structure and Function of Spinal Cord
Cranial nerves: sensorimotor function
Cranial nerves: parasympathetic function
GS - Structure and function of Brainstem
GS - Art of observation
Development of pharyngeal arches
Long term effects of chronic neurological conditions
Meninges, venous drainage of the brain and CSF
Applied physiology:The Clinical Management of Traumatic Brain Injury
The limbic system, emotion, the hypothalamus, appetites
CS - Neurological Examination Part 1
Basal Ganglia and Parkinson's Disease
GS - Brainstem Case Studies
GS - Diagnosing death using neurological criteria
Infections of the CNS
The eye and vision (special senses)
CS - Examination of the cranial nerves
Sleep, wakefulness, epilepsy and EEG
Language and cognition
Infections of the Sensory System
The psychological effect of facial and neck surgery
Learning and memory
Lab - Special Senses Practical: Vision
Ageing and health care
Neurodegenerative disorders
Pathology of the eye
Dementia and its effects on patients, family and carers
Neuropathology 1
CS - Ophthalmoscopy and Auroscopy
Molecular basis of some neurological disorders
Visual pathways (special senses)
GS - Auroscopy
GS - Huntingtons
Lab - Special Senses Practical: Taste, Smell & Hearing
Anatomy and function of hearing, smell and taste (special senses)
Palliative care
Psychology of chronic pain
CS - Head and neck: surface anatomy and ultrasound scanning
Introduction to neuropsychiatry
The neck
GS - Cochlea
Anxiety during stressful medical procedures
Sedatives anxiolytics
CNS stimulants
Post-traumatic stress disorder
General anaesthesia
Neuropathology 2
CS - Examination of the neck and mouth
GS - Regional Anaesthesia of the Shoulder
The hypothalamus-pituitary axis - Part 1
The hypothalamus-pituitary axis - Part 2
The thyroid gland: control of secretion, effects of the thyroid hormones
Interpreting Evidence
Pathology of the thyroid and parathyroid glands
Treatment of thyroid disorders
Immunology: the immune response, auto-immunity, white blood cells
The endocrine pancreas: alpha and beta cell functions
GS - Metabolic pathways
The adrenal glands
Glucocorticoids and the stress response
Workshop - Laboratory Medicine
Long term conditions including Type II Diabetes
Endocrine pancreas and the development of diabetes
Treatment of diabetes mellitus
Clinical aspects of Diabetes Mellitus and Complications
Clinical Audit, Research or Service Evaluation?
Fluid and electrolyte balance
GS - Palliative Care Calculations
LAB - Glucose Tolerance Test Lab
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)
Actions of adrenal steroids and treatment of adrenal disorders
Workshop - Integrated Diabetes Circuit
Pathology of the adrenal gland and endocrine pancreas
The parathyroid gland and calcium homeostasis
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2)
Clinico-pathological conference: Endocrinology
GS - Maths in the endocrinology clinic