The Palm (lecture) Flashcards
What are some of the indications of carpal tunnel syndrome?
weakness, atrophied palm, loss of thumb muscles, tubercle of the trapezium may show through
What test is performed to check the function of the interosseous muscles?
Flex fingers at the MP joint while keep the PIP and DIP joints extended
Where do the cutaneous branches of the median n. extend to?
Digits 1, 2, 3, and half of 4
What nerve supplies the pinky and half of the ring finger?
Ulnar n.
What artery makes up the superficial arterial arch?
the superior branch of the ulnar artery
What is the significance of the ulnar bursa stretching the entire distance of the pinky and flexor digitorum superficialis ligament?
Infections here can easily spread in the carpal tunnel and the infection can become widespread
Besides the 5th digit what other digit has a synovial sheath extending the length of its tendon?
1st digit = radial bursa over flexor pollicis longus but can still cause adverse effects)
What structures are contained within the carpal tunnel?
Flexor digitorum superficialis ligaments (4) , Flexor digitorum profundus ligaments (4), flexor pollicis longus ligaments (1), and MEDIAN N.
What are the boudaries of the carpal tunnel?
- floor (medial to lateral) hammate, capitate, scaphoid, trapezium
- medially hook of hammate, laterally tubercle of trapezium
- superiorly flexor retinaculum
What nerve is compromised in handle bar palsy?
ulnar n. , ulnar a.
What are the symptoms of handle bar palsy?
first finger numbness, deep muscles are affected later
The median nerve may be compressed in carpal tunnel syndrome, but the median palm may still receive sensory sensation. Explain this.
The palmar branch of the median nerve does not go through the carpal tunnel
What allows passage of the ulnar nerve and artery into the hand?
Guyon’s canal
What artery emerges between the transverse head and oblique head of adductor pollicis?
Deep palmar arterial arch
What artery is located artery is located between the metacarpals?
Common digital palmar artery
What arteries supply collateral circulation around the carpals?
perforating arteries
If you can adduct your thumb, what does this indicate about the ulnar n?
It is completely in tact because the adductor pollicis is that last thing the ulnar nerve innervates