The Origins of the cold war Flashcards
Define the term Capitalism?
a system which advocates economic freedom where property and businesses are owned privately
Define the term communism?
An ideology founded by Marx which argues that the upper class should be overthrown, everyone is equal and property is shared
Who were the original people in the Grand Alliance?
Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt
Did Russia and America have a history of mistrust?
the soviets believed that america wanted to destroy communism
When was the Percentages agreement?
9 October 1944
Who was the percentages agreement between?
Churchill and stalin
What was decided at the percentages agreement?
it divided the states of europe into how much influence the superpowers would have over them for example in Greece britain had 90% of the influence, in romania the USSR had 90% and in Hungary it was split 50/50
What does the percentages agreement suggest about the strengths of the Grand Alliance in 1944?
They are weak as Roosevelt isnt there and this was an unoffical document however at this point in time they are willing to co operate with each other dispite their ideological differences
When was the Yalta Conference?
4th-11th Feb 1945
What agreements were made at Yalta?
Occupied Germany would be divided into 4 zones ( USA, USSR, UK, France)
Berlin would be split in the same way
UN would be created in the future
USSR would gain land from Poland and Poland would gain land from Germany( makes Germany weaker)
Declaration of liberated europe
What did the Declaration of Liberated Europe do?
ensured peace in Europe
Provide charity
Form temporary ‘broadly representative’ democratic governments in countries they occupied,
Hold elections where needed
When was the Potsdam Conference?
17th July- 1st August 1945
What changes had been made in-between Yalta and Potsdam?
Atlee had replaced Churchill as the British Prime Minister
Roosevelt has dies in April 1945 and was replaced with Truman
The USSR had control of a lot of Eastern Europe
The USA has developed an atomic bomb
The USSR was becoming very suspicious of the USA
When was the Trinity test and what was it?
16th July 1945
When the USA developed the first successful atomic bomb
What agreements were made at Potsdam?
4 D’s in Germany ( demilitarization, denazification, democratisation, decentralisation)
Germany would now be a single economic unit
The USSR would receive reparations from the soviet occupied zone in Germany + 25% from western countries