The Oral Cavity Flashcards
Conveniently divided by the arch formed by the teeth and the gums into ORAL VESTIBULE and ORAL CAVITY PROPER
The oral cavity
Anterrior boundary of the oral vestibule
Lateral boundary of the oral vestibule
Superior boundary of the oral vestibule
Mucolabial and muccobuccal folds
Posterior and medial boundary of the oral vestibule
Teeth and gums
Anterior and lateral boundary of the oral cavity
Teeth and gums
Superior boundary of the oral cavity
Hard and soft palate
Inferior boundary of the oral cavity
Tongue and floor of the mouth
Posterir boundary of the oral cavity
Opeing of the pharynx
Features the anterior 2/3 of the tongue, lingual frenulum, lingual vein, sublingual caruncle, sublingual folds, and fimbriated fold.
Sublingual region
Consist of dense vascular fibrous tissue which is covered by mucous membrane and is attached to the alveolar margins of the jaw.
Continuous with the mucosa of the oral vestibule externally and the palate or the floor of the mouth internally.
Forms the superior wall or roof of the oral cavity proper.
Hard and soft palate
Covered by MUCOPERIOSTEUM and forms a partition between the oral and nasal cavities.
Hard palate
Two bones forming the hard palate
Palatine process of the maxilla and horizontal plate of the palatine bone
A longitudinal ridge extending from the uvula to the incisive papilla
Median Raphe
A small projection of the mucosa indicating the location of the incisive foramen and the anterior limit of the medial raphe.
Incisive papilla
About six distinct elevations crossing the anterior part of the hard palate
Transverse palatine process or palatine rugae
Are small inconstant pits on the posterior margin of the hard palate on either side of the median raphe.
Fovea palatine
Posterior movable portion of the palate, extending from one side of the pharynx to the other, and attached to the posterior border of the hard palate.
Soft palate
It is the median conical projection marked by median raphe
Are free margins of the soft palate and splitting two parts as they approach the lateral wall
Palatine arches
Encloses the the palatoglossus muscle. Also called the anterior pillsr of fauces or anterior palatine arch
Palatoglossal arch
Encloses the palatopharyngeus muscle. Also called posterior pillar of fauces or posterior palatine arch.
Palatapharyngeal arch
Originated from the palatal aponeurosis, insterts to the lateral wall if the pharynx and posterior border of the thyroid cartilage. It elevates the pharupynx and larynx, and closes the oropharyngeal isthmus.
Palatopharyngeus muscle
Originates form the palatal aponeurosis and inserted to the dorsum and lateral aspect of the tongue. It closes the oropharyngeal isthmus.
Palatoglossus muscle
Originates from the posterior nasal spine, and is inserted to the uvula. It raises the uvula to help seal oral from nasal pharynx.
Uvular muscle