The Ophthalmic Examination Flashcards
what are the components of the ophthalmic exam?
- neuro-ophthalmic exam
-pupillary light reflexes
-palpebral reflexes
-ocular motility - exam proper:
-globe/all intraocular structures - ancillary test (ophthalmic minimum database)
-schirmer tear test
-fluorescein stain
-intraocular pressure management
describe general observations of the ophthalmic exam (7)
- visual behavior: walking into walls? or able to navigate
- across the room diagnosis: oh my god your eye is sticking out
- asymmetries:
-orbital: globe position or size - eyelid position
- ocular discharge
- pupil size, shape, symmetry
- overt opacities
describe setting and equipment of optho exam
- quiet room that can be made dark: or use blackout curtains in field
- finoff transilluminator: for PLRs, retroillumination, basic light source, indirect fundic exam
- slit beam: anterior chamber eval, lesion localization; focused light source (small dot or tiny rectangle); allows you to see junctions btwn different clear things
- ophthalmoscope: light source with variable apertures, cobalt blue filter (use with fluorescein stain)
-direct head
-panophthalmoscope: type of direct but less magnification; can choose how projects light - indirect lens: indirect fundic exam
-used with transilluminator or other light source; indirect ophthalmoscopy
-variable magnification and filed of view - magnification: can use otoscope without attachment or loops, whatever works
- schirmer tear test strips, fluorescin stain
- tonometer
- if large animal:
-may need sedation
-eyelid akinesia (auriculopalpebral block) to block motor function to CN VII (normally closes lids) - restraint!
-eliminate ability to back up
-MUST steadyhead/chin
-sedation/anesthesia: often hinders exam except un very unruly or large animals; can cause 3rd eyelid elevation, ventral globe rotation, and even miosis
what 2 drugs are used with ophthalmic exams?
-topical anaesthetic: causes rapid, short acting ocular surface anesthesia
-facilitates ocular surface cytology and some procedures
-DIAGNOSTIC use only; NEVER therapeutic use!!! deadens nerve endings
-evaluate tear film quality and quantity BEFORE numbing the eye
tropicamide ophthalmic solution (0.5 or 1%)
-parasympatholytic (anticholinergic) mydriatic
-causes rapid (15 min) and short acting (4-6 hours) pupil dilation for diagnostic use!
-allows more thorough lens and fundic exam
-evaluate PLRs and iris tissue BEFORE administration
describe the pupillary light reflex
stimulus: light
receptor: retina (PRs)
afferent: optic n. (CN II)
interneuron: subcortical
efferent: occulomotor (CN III)
effector: iris sphincter muscle
response: constrict pupils; direct/consensual
crossover = consensual response (NONE IN BIRDS)
describe the pathway of the pupillary light reflex
- stimulus up optic nerve, crossesa t optic chiasm
- decussation:
-cats: 65%
-dogs: 75%
-horse: 80-90% - optic tract to pretectal nucleus to edinger westphal nucleus to parasympathetic fibers of CN III to iris sphincter muscle
describe direct versus consensual PLR
direct: response in eye being stimulated; requires receptor (retina), afferent (2) and efferent (3) reflex arms, AND effectors (iris muscle/tissue) to be functioning and intact
response in eye NOT being stimulated
-due to crossover of fibers at optic chiasm
-requires function and intact afferent pathway in stimulated eye and efferent pathway in non-stimulated eye
is PLR a vision test?
NO! a blind eye could have a normal PLR and a sighted eye with severe iris atrophy may have a fixed and dilated pupil
may overlap with vision but does not test vision!
describe important uses of PLR
- assessing potential for return of vision
-absent consensual PLR from affected eye to contralateral eye = low potential for restoration of vision (aggressive measures to save eye may not be indicated) - useful in cases of:
-ruptured eye
-lens luxation
-proptosis - ALWAYS perform both direct and consensual PLR!!!
describe vision/menace response/cotton ball tracking
- stimulus: motion
receptor: retina (PRs) but requires anterior media to be clear
afferent: optic nerve
interneuron: cortical/cerebellum
efferent: facial nerve!!!!!
effector: orbicularis oculi muscle!!!!!!!
response: blink, retract globe
LEARNED response! not reflex; not present in young animals
-cats and some dogs ignore so
use cotton ball tracking
describe blink reflexes
stimulus: touch cornea/skin
receptor: touch
afferent: CN V (opth/maxillary branch)
interneuron: subcortical
efferent: CN VII
effector: orbicularis oculi muscle assuming lack of mechanical reflex
describe dazzle reflex
stimulus: BRIGHT light
receptor: retina (PRs)
afferent: optic nerve
interneuron: subcorticcal
efferent: facial nerve
effector: orbicularis oculi muscle
response: blink, retract globe
describe vestibulo-cochlear/Doll’s eye reflex
- involuntary ocular movements induced by turning head slowly from side to side
- fast phase IN DIRECTION. OF head movement
- assesses: CN III, IV, VI
describe how to evaluate extraocular muscles
- restrain patient’s head and lead eye through positions of gaze; check physiologic nystagmus as well
- lack of normal movement may be associated with neurologic disease or mechanically restrictive orbital disease
describe exam proper of adnexa
- eyelids, conjunctiva, nasolacrimal system
- examine with diffuse and focal light and magnification
- look for the obvious/overt abnormalities or changes: squinting, drooping, lacerations, masses
- then look more closely for:
-eyelash abnormalities
-in turning or rollout of eyelid margins (entropion/ectropion)
-subtle masses
-foreign bodies, lacerations - assess NL puncta esp if ocular discharge and NLD function
- 3rd eyelid:
-variably pigmented, can cause look of red eye
-assess: naked eye with good light source +/- magnification; retropulse globe to eval palpebral surface
-topical anesthetic and manual retraction to eval bulbar aspect
-look for prolapsed gland (cherry eye), cartilage abnormalities, masses