The One thing Flashcards
6 success lies
- Everything matters equal
- Multitasking
- Disciplined life
- Willpower is always will call
- balanced life
- Big is bad
Who discovered 20/80 rule?
The 20/80 rule origin from Pareto - an Italian who found the truth about the wealth distribution ratio in Italy
What is the difference between Garry Keller and Jay Papasan vs Pareto rule?
Pareto observed the unequal distribution, yet it was just like “scratching the surface.”
Keller and Papasan took the rule further by device 20% as much as they could until they found the most critical idea
Four big ideas to un-learn the lie that everything matters equally.
- Go small: your success is determined by how narrative you can go. Don’t focus on being busy; focus on being productive. ALLOW what matters most to drive your day.
- Go extreme: once you find what matters, keep asking what matters most until there is only one thing left. THAT CORE ACTIVITY GOES AT THE TOP OF YOUR SUCCESS LIST.
- Say NO: “Later, never, not now”… say this to anything else you could do until your most important work is done.
- Don’t get trapped in the “check off” game: often we fall to the believe that everything has to be done, or checking things off our list is what success is all about. The truth is success is found in doing what matters most.
What are the myths about multitasking?
- multitasking doesn’t save time. It extends the time needed to complete the task.
- chronic multitaskers often anticipate the time needed to complete the task longer than the actual.
- switching tasks increase about 25% time, sometimes 100% time with complicated tasks.
- multitaskers often make more mistakes and make poor decisions than non-multitaskers.
- researchers estimate we lose 28% of an average workday to multitasking ineffectiveness.
What is wrong with the belief that one needs to be more disciplined to success?
You don’t need more disciplined, you just need disciplined long enough to form a powerful habit
What do you need to be successful in contrast to a disciplined life?
Success is about doing the right thing, not about doing everything right.
According to the University College of London, how many days is the sweet-pot to form a habit?
66 says.
The full range is 18-254 days
Bigs ideas for a disciplined life
- Don’t be a disciplined person. Instead, be a person of powerful habits and use selected discipline to develop them.
- Build one habit at a time. Over time
- Give enough time for each habit.
The 2 characters of willpower
- It’s not an endurance power. It rises and falls, comes and goes as it has life.
- It is renewable power.
Big ideas for willpower that are not always on the will-call.
- Don’t stretch willpower too thin. On any given day, you have a limited supply of willpower, so decide what matters and reserve your willpower for it.
- Fuel your willpower by eating right and regularly.
- Time your task. Do the most important thing first when willpower is strongest.
The One thing mantra
Until my one thing is done, everything else is a distraction!
What is Goal setting to the Now!
Use a sequence of questions to help identify the most important priority to do right now that helps you achieve what matters most to you.
Someday goal > 5 years goal > one-year goal > monthly goal > weekly goal > daily goal > right now
Three things need to have time blocked to achieve extraordinary results
- Time block your time off
- Time block your One thing
- Time block your planning time
Recommend on time block your One thing
- Use the most effective hour
- Block in large chunks (at least 4 hours)
- Build a bunker and don’t leave it until the One thing gets done. (off the phone, mail, internet browser)
Recommend on time block your planning
Block an hour each week to review your annual and monthly goals.
Q1. What needs to happen that month for you to be on target for your annual goals?
Q2. What must happen that week for you to be on course for your monthly goals?