The New Era, 1920s Flashcards
Teapot Dome Scandal
Federal oil reserves sold to private businesses
President Warren G. Harding
1) Republican
2) “Return to normalcy”
3) Pro-business and conservative values
4) Progressive era was over
5) Americans moving to the cities
Calvin Coolidge
Believed in limited government
Herbert Hoover
1) Business prosperity from 1922-1928
2) Hated for bailing out business and Bonus army incident
Causes of Business Prosperity
1) Increased production/productivity
2) Scientific Management (Taylorism)
3) Henry Ford: Assembly line
4) Increased worker productivity/industrial output
Welfare Capitalism
Stop unionization
Government Policy
High tariffs affected world trade
Labor Problems
Membership in unions declined in the 1920s
Radio (mass communication)
The Literature of Alienation
Theodore Dreiser, “An American Tragedy”
Harlem Renaissance
1) Black racial pride and cultural identity
2) Jazz age musicians: Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, “Jelly Roll” Morton
Marcus Garvey
1) Back to Africa Movement
2) Black Star Line Ship: Fraud
3) Black pride and nationalism/black separatism
Fundamentalism and Scope Trial
Clarence Darrow defended Scope, William Jennings Bryan prosecuted
18th Amendment
1) Volstead Act of 1919
2) Drinking became socially acceptable
Quota System
National Origin Act: severely limited immigration by setting quotas
Case of Sacco and Vanzetti
Fear of foreigners and communism
Fear of Radicals
Palmer Raids
Ku Klux Klan
Extreme nativism
Washington Conference
Five Power Treaty: limit navy
Kellogg-Briand Pact
1) Almost all nations of the world signed it
2) Renounced the aggressive use of force to achieve national ends
1) Fordney-McCumber Tariff
2) Europeans responded by imposing tariffs on American imports
3) Weakened world’s economy
Dawes Plan
1) Lend Germany huge amount of money
2) Pay reparations to Britain and France