The Nerv Sys Part 2 Flashcards
Membrane potential:
potential difference between opposite sides of the membrane.
Resting potential:
normal, unstimulated membrane potential of a cell at rest.
Threshold potential:
potential just large enough to produce an AP response.
Equilibrium potential:
membrane potential at which ionic species in question (e.g. Na+) is in electrochemical equilibrium.
Action Potential
Triggered by stimulus exceeding threshold potential
Voltage-gated ion channels open
Na+ channels open
Na+ channels inactivated, K+ channels open
Na+ channel gates reset
K+ channels close
Absolute Refractory Period:
No stimulus of any strength can produce an action potential
Due to inactivated Na+ channels
Relative Refractory period:
Strong stimulus can produce another AP, but with smaller amplitude
Due to still open K+ channels
Opening Na channels lets Na+ in but peak of AP will not approach ENa as closely as normal because K+ is still diffusing out
Effects of Refractory Period
Action potentials cannot fuse or combine.
Therefore AP is ALWAYS a discrete signal.
What happens to membrane potential during continuous stimulation?
Excitability of membrane decreases with time (threshold increases)
Due to changes in sensitivity of membrane channels to depolarization
This physiological change is called accommodation
Some membranes accommodate fast, others slowly
(more in sensory physiology)
Propagation of Action Potentials
AP travels along axon without getting smaller in size.
Passive spread of voltage
Local current spreads along membrane
Length constant:
distance over which a graded potential shows a 63% drop in amplitude.
Each neuron has its own length constant.
Spreading of electrical signal is due to cable properties of nerve membrane.
Propagation of Action Potentials
Spreading of electrical signal can trigger AP at distant membrane location if signal exceeds threshold!
An action potential at one location serves as the stimulus for an action potential farther down the axon.
The larger the length constant, the further away a new AP will be generated, and the faster the propagation of APs.
Thus: An increase in length constant results in an increase in conduction velocity.
Look at Action Potential
90mV increase beyond threshold
Spread of voltage depolarizes membrane ahead of the AP
Even with drop off, it’s enough to exceed threshold and trigger another action potential
Speed of action potential propagation
Action potentials moving faster along axons also will send messages faster: quicker behavioral response.
How to increase velocity of impulse propagation?
Increase passive spread of signal: increase length constant.
Wrap electrical insulation material around axons to prevent leaking out of charges.
Myelin from Schwann cells and Oligodendrocytes.
Myelin sheath
layers of cell membrane wrapped around the axon
Schwann Cells
Myelin and the Propagation of Action Potentials
Myelin is an electrical insulator, not allowing ions to move across membrane.
Result: push depolarization further down axon
At nodes, depolarization opens Na+ channels, resulting in an action potential that depolarizes the next node.
Action potentials “jump” from node to node.
Multiple Sclerosis
In demyelinating diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, the loss of myelin slows down the conduction of APs.
Symptoms: muscle weakness, fatigue, difficulty with walking and a loss of vision
Propagation of Action Potentials
AP travels along axon without getting smaller in size.
What is the mechanism?
Continually regenerated by opening voltage-gated Na+ channels farther down the axon.