The Neoclassical Period and the Enlightenment Flashcards
What is another name for the age of enlightenment?
The age of reason
Who said “The age we live in is a busy age, in which knowledge is rapidly advancing towards perfection”?
English philosopher Jeremy Bentham
What was the goal of the Encyclopédie?
The Encyclopedia was a project started by French writers and thinkers to collect human knowledge in one place
Why did Deists oppose both religious and political authority?
I believe that each individual needed to be equally free to work out his or her own destiny
For Locke and the empiricists, what aid moral behavior based on?
Pleasure and pain
What did Rousseau believe was an example of a barbaric practice justified by an over rationalized society?
Do deists believe in prayer, ritual, and ceremony?
No. Deists believe prayer, ritual, and ceremony are not logical and have no value b/c their god (although is a grand designer and creator), he is not a personal friend or consoler
How does Wollstonecraft feel about Rousseau’s idea that girls naturally prefer dressing, dolls, and talking?
Wollstonecraft argues that girls learn these behaviors from watching their female relatives in their restricted lives.
Why was the novel an appropriate medium for conveying the theme of sympathy?
The novel was longer, which allowed for more emotional complexity
How does the novel Candide reflect period themes?
The novel attacks a number of different social and religious actions and institutions. Votarie’s satire is asking readers to look candidly at evil.
Who was Jean Baptiste Poquelin?
Jean Batise Poquelin (stage name Molière) was a leading playwright from France
Did female actors perform in Neoclassical productions?
Yes. The use a female actors in neoclassical plays was a new convention in England, women had acted in other European countries in previous periods
During this period productions , actors spoke highly stylized languages while wearing elaborate costumes.
Neoclassical Period Productions
What did neo classical period Artists celebrate?
Civic virtue and morality
What type of painting was Angelica Kauffmann known for?
Name three examples of neo classical architecture
Monticello in Virginia
Brandenburg Gate in Berlin
The Panthéon in Paris
What elements found in the painting “Oath of the Horacio” Indicated that it is representing of the neo classical period?
The anguished figures of the women reflected in the notion that they are designed to lose their husbands as there was a prevailing notion that allegiance to country was more important than allegiance to family
The painting “The Death of Marat” links Marat to what historical figure?
What is unusual about Mozart’s work “Eine kleine Nachtmusik”?
One of the mystery surrounding Mozart’s “Eine kleine Nachtmusik” is the fifth movement is lost
What life stressors may have influenced the mood and tone of Mozart’s “Symphony No. 4 in G minor”?
Mozart’s wife’s ill health put a serious strain on him and coupled with a decline of popularity and his father‘s death, may have contributed to the discord, frantic tone of this piece
This musical term indicates that the note should be short and separate, like the ticking of the clock 
What does classical music focus on?
Balance, order, and structural clarity
What was a trend that was highly encouraged during the Enlightenment?
The diversity of information brought about higher thinking
What philosophy was widely popular during the Enlightenment?
Enlightenment thinkers believed that individual thought both challenged existing traditions and would transcend socio-political, racial, and religious boundaries
How were spirituals (slave songs) preformed?
Spirituals were usually performed a cappella, or without instruments.
A play by Molière that utilizes satire to expose hypocrisy and offer religious and social criticism
Musical composition by Haydn in which the strings create a rhythmic sound that imitates a ticking clock
Symphony No 101 in D Major
A 35 - volume compilation of human knowledge that is viewed as one of the crowning achievements of Enlightenment thinking
Johnathan Swift’s satire of human nature
Gulliver’s Travels
Painting by Jacques-Louis David that shows three brothers swearing their allegiance to Rome and that became in inspiration for French Revolutionaries
Oath of the Horatii
What would a deist philosopher during the Enlightenment subscribe to?
Deist would believe that God created the universe and decreed its order
What philosophical approach relies on direct observation and experimentation?
What did Classical music coincide with?
It coincided with the Neoclassical movement in the visual arts and emphasized lyrical melodies over more homophonic texture
How did the slave narratives affect cultural exchange and diversity within the Enlightenment period?
Social progress was aided through realistic depictions of the living conditions of slaves
How does the Neoclassical period influence contemporary culture?
Contemporary political satire(like the Daily Show) traces its roots to the use of political satire in the Neoclassical Period
What are the major themes of The Enlightenment?
Deism, Empiricism, and Order
Why is Voltaire’s novel “Candide” a significant work from the Enlightenment?
It is skeptical of philosophers who believe this is the best of all possible worlds
Why is Jacques-Louis David’s painting “The Death if Marat” typical of the Neoclassical style?
It uses sharp, clean lines and chiaroscuro and the figure has a sculpture quality, inspired by Classical statues
How did the rise of capitalism affect cultural exchange in the Enlightenment?
The rise of capitalism helped to increase the exchange of information, allowing intellectuals to form new opinions rather than relying on a bias of tradition
Why did many Enlightenment thinkers reject slavery?
They embraced the dignity of individual human reason and thought, regardless of racial background
What are characteristic uses of political satire?
To criticize and entertain