The Classical Period Flashcards
Who wrote the ancient Greek drama Oedipus Rex?
Which Greek poet wrote the Iliad?
Greek architecture was based on what structure?
What was the Greek building most revered for its use of ratio and perspective?
The Parthenon
Where were Greek plays generally shown?
Roman engineering allowed which structure to have the largest single span dome for centuries?
The Pantheon
In Plato’s allegory of the cave, what do the shadows represent?
Every day life
What is the belief in multiple gods?
The ancient Greeks developed what form of government?
Classical drama consist of what?
Tragedies, comedies, and satyr plays.
Is it true that during the renaissance scientist adopted empirical methodology of early Greek practitioners and theorist?
During the enlightenment, what form the foundation of education and intellectual standards?
Roman literature and Greek philosophical and ethical systems formed the foundation of education and intellectual standards.
Where do today’s Romance languages come from?
The Roman language of Latin
Refers to the aesthetic attitudes and principles reflected in the art and philosophy of ancient Greece and Rome
These daughters of Zeus were goddesses devoted to memory and inspiration. 
During this age in Greece, important political structures and beginnings of democracy emerged
Archaic Age
How did the Greeks and Romans lay the foundations for modern science?
The Greek philosophers used observation to study nature and introduced the idea of a hypothesis that could be tested; through their attention to reason and logic
In Greek mythology, who created human beings?
Which form of poetry became the dominant form of Greek poetry beginning in the 6th century BCE?
Lyric Poetry
Why did the ancient Greeks study rhythm and the relationship between notes?
They believed that music and mathematics had an important connection
What does the Greek word “demokratia “ mean?
“Ruled by the people”
This work applied reason and logical though to ideas about government and how to live a good, balanced life
The Republic
This work is a story of a man who lives his life not knowing the truth of his parentage and whose pride ultimately causes him to ignore his flood humanity, resulting in the ultimate punishment of blindness and exile.
Oedipus Rex
This work is an epic poem narrating the story of an ideal Greek hero who combined all the greatest virtues of Greek culture, as well as showing his interaction with a Greek pantheon of gods.
The Odyssey
This work emphasize the themes of order and balance in its construction as a temple to the goddess Athena, patron to Athens
The Parthenon
This play is about heroic women who withhold sex from their husbands in order to end the Peloponnesian war and force a more democratic, egalitarian political climate
What major theme does Sappho’s lyric poem “A Lament for Adonis” represent?
The theme of humanism because it emphasizes human passions and emotions rather than idealized gods
Why is the statue “The Metropolitan Kouros” A notable example of Greek sculpture?
It utilizes vertical and horizontal symmetry in creating the human form
What was the innovation during the classical period that was based on balance and reason?
The development of western philosophy and the ideas that underlined the modern scientific method
What is the primary difference between Greek and Roman societies?
The Greeks lived in democratically run city states while the Romans had a larger centralized republic and eventually empire.
How do the visual art and architecture of Greece and Rome differ?
The Greeks relied on post and lintel construction, and the Romans develop the use of columns and artist to design larger buildings.
Much of the sculpture in Greece was focused on honoring deities and elevating the human form while Rome used art predominantly to glorify the Roman empire.
What are two examples of the theme of humanism in the classical period?
Aristotle investigated qualities that led to human excellence and made for a good life.
Greek philosophers questioned the truth of ancient religious myths in which gods acted unjustly. 
What kind of cultural exchange took place during the classical period?
The Greeks borrowed the alphabet of the Phoenicians and used Egyptian influences in their sculpture.
What were the main means of cultural exchange during the classical period?
Greece and Rome’s proximity to the Mediterranean sea facilitated the exchange of goods and ideas with other civilizations.
The silk road provided access to Asia, allowing eastern religions such as Buddhism and Daoism to filter into Europe along with goods. 
What aspects of like today are directly influenced by the classical period?
Democracy and the U.S. National Monuments
How does the contemporary film “oh brother, where art thou?” represent classical influence?
The protagonist journey draws on the number of motifs, themes, and characters from the classical epic The Odyssey
In his work, The Republic, Plato describes how best to create a fair and orderly society. What most closely represents his argument?
People are to think rationally, but they are predisposed to act in their own self interest, so they should be ruled by a philosopher king who makes decisions based on reason and justice.
How did Aristotle’s teaching reflect humanism in the classical period?
He argued that reason is necessary to guide humans to right behavior and that achieving balance through the Golden Mean creates a virtuous character.
Which musical fragments were dedicated to the god Apollo and are among the earliest examples of written music?
The Delphic Hymns
What are two main themes introduced in the classical period?
A focus on balance and reason
A focus on humanism and truth