The Near Response Flashcards
What is the Near Triad/Near Synkinesis?
- Convergence
- Accommodation
- Pupil Miosis
(As each of the responses can occur independently of the others, the term ‘synkinesis’ preferred opposed to ‘reflex’)
What is a subjective measurement of accommodation?
- Near point of accommodation
- Amplitude of accommodation
- Accommodative Facility
What is a objective measurement of accommodation?
- Dynamic Retinoscopy
- Autorefractors (Shin Nippon, PlusoptiX)
What is the Amplitude of Accommodation?
Maximum increase in optical power that an eye can achieve in adjusting its focus from far to near
Aka. Near point of accommodation (in the literature)
How do we calculate amplitude of accommodation in emmetropes/fully corrected eyes?
Near point = 6cm
Accommodation (D) = 1/near point (m)
e.g. if near point was 6cm
1/0.06 - 16.7 (D)
How do you calculate amplitude of accommodation when not at optical infinity?
1/far point (m) = Accommodation (D)
1/near point (m) = Accommodation (D)
What did Momeni-Moghaddam et al (2013) find in minus lens method?
Near/distance not comparable according to research (amplitude at distance lower than at near)
What is the calculation in the minus lens method?
Minus lens added – (1/testing distance) = minus lens amplitude (ignore the – sign)
How do we test the minus lens method?
- Tested monocularly
- Patient fixates a small target at near or distance wearing refractive correction
- Minus power lenses are introduced in 0.25D steps
- Patient reports when letters become and remain blurred
What does the minus lens method test?
Way of measuring amplitude of accommodation
What is not comparable when using the minus lens method?
Near/distance not comparable according to research (amplitude at distance lower than at near)
(Momeni-Moghaddam et al, 2013)
What is the minus lens amplitude when the minus lenses added to induce blur was a -4DS lens and testing distance was 40cm?
Minus lens added – (1/testing distance) = minus lens amplitude (ignore the – sign)
(-4D) - (1/0.4)
(-4D) - (2.5D) = -6.5D
Minus Lens Amplitude = 6.5D
What did Goodall & Firth (2003) find about the RAF rule?
Found a clinically significant difference of 6.8cm between the point at which text blurs and the point at which it becomes indistinguishable in early presbyopic subjects.
= End point is when blur is first noticed
When would we use the modified push-up method?
- Better for young children as difficult to understand blur.
(Scheiman & Wick, 1994) - Easier to judge end point
(Esmail & Arblaster, 2016)
What did Scheiman & Wick (1994) find out about the modified push-up method?
Better for young children as difficult to understand blur.
(Scheiman & Wick, 1994)
What did Esmail & Arblaster (2016) find out about the modified push-up method?
Easier to judge end point
What do we know about the repeatability of the RAF?
- Conventional method had poor test-retest in children 6 - 10 years. Variation of 3.1D found.
(Adler et al, 2013) - Conventional method gave significantly closer NPA (on average 0.73cm) in RE, LE and BEO but no clinically significant difference. Modified and Conventional push-up methods are not interchangeable.
(Esmail & Arblaster, 2016) - The 2 methods are similar in adults and children (but both different to minus lens method).
(Taub & Shallo-Hoffmann, 2012)
What did Adler et al. (2013) find out about the repeatability of the RAF rule?
Conventional method had poor test-retest in children 6 - 10 years. Variation of 3.1D found.
What did Esmail & Arblaster (2016) find out about the repeatability of the RAF rule?
Conventional method gave significantly closer NPA (on average 0.73cm) in RE, LE and BEO but no clinically significant difference. Modified and Conventional push-up methods are not interchangeable.
What did Taub & Shallo-Hoffman (2012) find out about the repeatability of the RAF rule?
The 2 methods are similar in adults and children (but both different to minus lens method).
What is Accommodative Facility and what do we use to measure it?
The ability to rapidly change accommodation to various stimuli.
Tested with flipper lenses.
What is the method for testing accommodative facility?
- Can be tested binocular and monocular, near and distance.
- Pt should wear refractive correction
- Present +2.00DS lens
- Allow patient time to clear target
- Present -2.00DS lens
- Allow patient time to clear target
- Repeat for 1 minute
- Record number of cycles in 1 minute
What is 1 cycle of in accommodative facility?
- Present +2.00DS lens
- Allow patient time to clear target
- Present -2.00DS lens
- Allow patient time to clear target
How do we record accommodative facility?
Accomm facility+/-2DS 12cpm
What did Pandian et al. (2006) find out about accommodative facility norms?
In 1328 5-8 y/o:
- 7 cycles per min monocularly at near and in distance
- 5.5 cpm monocularly in myopes in distance
- Greater cpm with increasing age
What did Adler et al. (2018) find out about accommodative facility norms?
In 136 4-12 y/o:
- Binocular (11.6cpm) lower than monoc (12.7cpm)
- Prone to practice effects in younger children
What did Horwood & Toor (2014) find out about accommodative facility norms?
In 156 young adults:
- Binoc accomm facility 9cpm
- Monoc accomm facility prone to practice effects
- Improved from 7.3cpm to 10.4 cpm on 2nd test
Should you test accommodative facility binocularly or monocularly?
Recommendation: Should test binoc only
What are the two methods of dynamic retinoscopy for testing Accommodative lag?
- Monocular Estimate Method (MEM) retinoscopy
(lenses used) - Nott retinoscopy
(ret distance moved)
How do we do the monocular estimate method (MEM)?
- Patient fixates on target (at 40cm) attached to retinoscope
- Lenses are used to neutralise reflex
- Record dioptric value of lens at neutralisation
With motion → plus lens
Against motion → minus lens