The nature of viruses Flashcards
What is the basis of the Baltimore classification system?
Based on genome & mode of replication
List and describe the Baltimore classification groups.
1: dsDNA
2. ssDNA
3. dsRNA (segmented)
4. ssRNA +sense (already an mRNA)
5. ssRNA -ve sense (needs to be converted to +ve)
6. ssRNA +ve sense w/ dsDNA intermediate (before replication). MEANS: RNA + reverse transcriptase => DNA => mRNA
7. dsDNA w/ +ve sense (ssDNA). undergo reverse transcriptase => mRNA
Describe the typical structure of (enveloped) viruses
- capsid (protein coat) made up of capsomeres (w/ nucleic acid inside)
- envelop (membrane)
- protein projections (for attachment on host cell)
List and describe the typical replication life cycle of viruses. (from infect cell -> release virions)
- Attachment to specific host cell’s receptor on membrane
- Penetration: enter host cell & “uncoats” capsid
- Replication of viral genome: production of viral mRNA
& early viral proteins (non-structural> assist in replication) - Production of late viral (structural) proteins
- Assembly of the progeny virions
- Release of virions
2 ways viruses cause disease?
- Replication w/in host cell => damage in cell
- Damage form host defenses in its attempt to remove virus from infected cells
Describe 3-5 types of cytopathic effect (CPE).
- low immunity: destruction of T helper cells & adaptive I.Resp
- transformation of cells: pre-cancerous-like changes
- inclusion bodies: aggregation of mature viral particles
- syncytia: cell fusion
- lysis: stop host cell from making protein -> lysis
List the events leading to a viral infection.
- Invade host
- Replicate in cells of inoculation
- Overcome local defences
- Spread to other cells & other areas
- Replicate again
- Exit from host in lrg no. to infect another host
Which immune cell type is most responsible for fighting viral infections?
Cytotoxic T cells > destroy cells w/ virus Antigenic markers (presented by Clas 1 MHC)
How can viruses evade the immune system? (7)
- poorly immunogenic (stimulate IR)
- Not displaying enough of their antigen on the surface
- Inactivate B cells, T cells, macrophages
- Interfere w/ expression/transport of MHC proteins
- excess antigen production > neutralise antibodies
- mutations - change antigens of virus
- infection to foetus before immune system has developed
What is the incubation time for Rabies?
28-140 days (3-12wks)
What is “RO” and what does it describe?
a) Ro = mean of 2dary cases generated by one primary case in a susceptible community
b) Reproduction number (Ro): infectiousness of a virus