Other viruses Flashcards
Name three diseases caused by Pox viruses.
- Small pox: skin macules
- Orf virus: pain free nodule w/ gelatinous appearance
- Molluscum contagiosum: minor warty lump on skin
Name 3 viruses that cause upper respiratory tract disease.
- respiratory synctial viruse: URT infections
- parainfluenza virus: URT infections
- Rubella: mild URT
- human metapheumovirus: mild URT
Which diseases are caused by Parvo B19?
- Erythema infectiosum (fifth disease of slapped cheek) in children
- Arthopathy in adults
- Aplastic crisis in immunocomprimised patients
- Hydrops foetalis in babies
Which Adenoviruses cause gastroenteritis?
serotype 40 & 41 adenovirus
Name 3 virus types that cause gastroenteritis.
- Astrovirus (class 4)
- Norovirus (Class 4)
- Enterovirus (class 4) part of picornaviridae
Describe the life cycle of Rotavirus (class 3 - Reoviridae). 8 steps
- attachment to specific receptors
- Entry by endocytosis
- Virus partially uncoated: Outer capsosmere layer removed
- activates transcriptional enz in subviral particle containing dsRNA
- mRNA copied from neg strand of dsRNA w/in core
- mRNA move from core -> translated by host ribosomes = capsid protein
- Assembly: pos sense RNA enclosed in 2x layer capsid
8 Released by cell lysis
a) what the term “arvo virus” refers to
b) Name 2-3 virus families that are arboviruses.
a) refers to viruses that are transmitted by arthropods (e.g. mosquitoes)
b) Flavivirus, Alphavirus, Bunya
What are the family and genus of Hepatitis C virus? And transmission
F: Flaviviridae
G: Hepacivirus
Transmission: blood-blood
Which viruses produce syncytia and How are Syncytia produced?
1. viral fusion proteins incorporated in cell membrane
2. => fusion of membranes from neighbouring cells
3. Excess capsid protein accumulates in cell = inclusion bodies
Class 5 group of viruses. Name 3, 2 viruses and associated diseases w/ single & multiple segmented genome
- Rhabdoviridae = Rabies
- Paramyxoviridae = mumps, measles
- Filoviridae = Ebola, Marburg
- Arenaviridae = Lassa fever
- Orthomyxoviridae = influenza virus
Why is the use of post exposure prophylaxis vaccine for Rabies successful?
bc virus takes 3-12wks to get to the brain