The Nature of Religion + Aztecs + Shinto Flashcards
What is Religion as a world view?
Religion as a world view acknowledges the supernatural dimension and has a belief in a divine being or powers
Define Supernatural?
An extraordinary being or ‘thing’
Define Immanent?
Permanetly pervading the universe. Dwelling within the universe
Define Transcendent?
Beyond or above the range of normal or physical experience? - Controlling from without the universe.
Define Divine?
God like, or a God
What is Religion?
A source of purpose for individuals that provides a form of belief and practice that leads to human experience of god of the ultimate reality. It is a search for spiritual meaning.
What is the Axial Era?
The era in which most of the worlds religious traditions developed. Human beings were called to reflect upon life, its meanings, etc.
When was the Axial Era?
Define Monotheism?
The belief in one God example - Christianity
Define Polytheism?
The belief in more than one God Example - Shintoism/Buddhism
Which Religions adopt a transcendent worldview?
Semitic Religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam - All worship Abraham
Which Religions adopt a immanent worldview?
Hinduism and Buddhism - Eastern Religions
What are the Characteristics of Religion?
- Beliefs and Believers
- Sacred Texts and Writings
- Ethics
- Rituals and Ceremonies
What are beliefs and believers?
Beliefs - Acceptance of something as real or true
Believers - Adherents to a religion
What is a sacred text?
Written, visual or oral texts that contain the truths about a religion
What are ethics?
Moral principles that govern a person or group. Provide guidelines to proper and improper behaviours
What is a ritual?
A set of series of actions performed in a prescribed order for religious meanings. The practice and practical application of beliefs
How do the characteristics of a religion interact to create a dynamic living religion?
- Believers form meaning. They abide and perform rituals and ceremonies.
- Sacred texts maintain the integrity of the principle beliefs
- As adherents develop overtime, their interpretation can cause changes in its expression
How does religion contribute to Society?
- Social Cohesion
- Conservative Force (Sexual Morality)
- Progressive Force(social justice/reforms)
How does religion contribute to the individual?
- Helps construct meaning
- Gives ethical guidance
- Gives a sense of belonging
- Gives a sense of identity
What is the dreaming?
The dreaming is a form of animism - The belief that there is a spirit world that co exists with the natural world.
What are the origins of the universe to the Aboriginal people?
Earth was made by the sun, mother and the first humans were thought to have grown out of lizards.
What is the dreamtime?
Most often used to refer to the time before time or before the creation of all things
What are the sacred sites of the Aboriginal People?
places with significant meaning to the aboriginal peoples - The Pinnacles, The Blue Mountains and Wilpena Pound
What is Symbolism and art to the Aboriginal people?
Song, Dance and Stories function as art and narratives to illustrate groups and meaning to life.
What is the inextricable connection of the dreaming, the land and identity.
Explains the creation of life and the sustaining of life; it reveals the totemic connection to land and the sacred sites given by the Ancestral Beings.
Who were the Azteca people?
Lived in central and southern Mexico. Had an efficient system of farming, using intensive cultivation, elaborate irrigation systems and reclaimed swampland
Who are the Shinto people?
Animalistic Belief System present in Japan in 500 BCE.
What does Shin Tao mean?
The way of the spirits
Define Divination?
The use of the magical or the supernatural to foretell the future
Name the different forms of Shinto?
Koshitsu, Jinja, Shuma, Minzoku
What is the cipactli Story of the Aztecs, regarding the origins of the universe
Cipactli the goddess destoryed the earth - two gods - tezcatlipoca and quetzalcoatl turned themselves into lizards and destroyed the goddess, creating the earth from her body
What is the story of the five suns of the aztec origins?
The five gods of the universe fought over who should be the reigning sun.
What is the origin of the universe for shinto people?
The world was created from IN and Yo who formed an egg shaped mass without clear limitations.
What is Kami?
Kami are the shinto spirits that are associated with a particular place or site
What are Koijki?
The Japanese Religious text that records the ancient matters of shintoism
Name three of the Kami?
Leech Child and Susano-o
Who is Amaterasu?
The chief deity as she comes from the imperial family, her shrine is located in Ise.
Who is Susano-o?
After descending from heaven and roaming the earth was heroic in killing a great evil serpent
What is the Kami;s role?
To protect all their people and sustain their happiness in spirituality
Name the principle beliefs of Azteca
- There were five stages of creation - Suns.
- There are 13 heavens and 9 underworlds
- Adherents had to please their gods through rituals to ensure good crops and weather
- The sun and the warrior: Each night the sun fights against the moon to rise again in the morning
- Afterlife: The way in which they died determined whether they would go to heaven or hell
Outline the principle beliefs of Shintoism.
Tradition and Family: These must be honoured
- Love and Nature: Most shrines are built on special places
- Physical Cleanliness: Cleansing must be carried out before prayer or when approaching a shrine
- Festival and Ceremonies: Joyful occasions with lots of colour and activity
What is ‘Matsuri’?
Joyful occasions with lots of colour and activity
What does Shintoism display?
Positive attitude towards life and the nation.
Define Anthropomorphic.
Having human characteristics
Name two deities of the Aztecs?
Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl
What is unique about Shintoism?
There is no transcendent and Immanent worldview
What are the roles of rituals to the aztecs?
- To communicate with their Gods.
- To honour their powerful deities.
What are the roles of rituals in Shintoism?
- Bring the community together
- To communicate with Kami
Identify the Principal Rituals in Azteca
- Human Sacrifice
- Attending Service
Identify the Principal Rituals in Shintoism
Formal reading of prayers
Food and Drink prep for Kami - as offerings
- Festivals
Explain the relationship between Azteca and Society
Set out guidelines for how the civilisation was established and how it should function. Influences festivals, celebration and community rituals.
Gods determined their lives and they dedicated most of their time to rituals.
Explain how Azteca provides a distinctive response to the search of meaning
Azteca provides adherents with the answers to life and gave them further meaning to all aspects of life. Example - Where they came from, why there were here, what would happen after death.
Explain how Shintoism provides a distinctive response to the search of meaning
Shintoism is a set of beliefs and practices that individuals can identify with closely. The rituals enable humans to communicate with Kami, and its essence to fulfilling the rituals rather than the belief.