Judaism Flashcards
Who is Abraham?
The father and the founder of Judaism
What was Abrahams original name?
Where was Abraham from?
What did God promise Abraham?
The Promise Land
Blessings and Redemption
Life free from sin
Define Unilateral?
Unconditional - No obligation to God
Define Bilateral
Both parties make the promise
What are Patriarchs?
Male head of a family or tribe
Outline Modern Judaism.
Three Variants
- Conservative
- Orthodox
- Progressive
Outline Conservative Judaism
It combines a positive attitude to modern culture with acceptance of Jewish observance. Meets the contemporary needs of Jewish people whilst still meetings traditional practices
Outline Orthodox Judaism
Maintains traditional forms of worship and observances in the Torah.
Men and Women sit separately in the synagogue and women do not participate in some rituals.
Outline Progressive Judaism
Liberal or Reform Judaism, stresses the belief of continuation of faith. Continues to evolve to adapt to changes in society
Principal Beliefs of Jews
One god who is the creator and ruler of the entire universe.
Define Omnipresent
God is everywhere and has a direct link to the history of human activity
Define Omnipotent
All powerful and all knowing. Has the power to change the world.
Describe the concept of moral law
God gave the jews a set of moral guidelines/code of ethics to follow to keep them with their dignity as God’s creation.
Define Convenant
An agreement with God
Identify the importance of the covenant to the Jewish People
It governs Jewish life and provides the Jews with a historical timeframe for their faith. IT was a covenental relaitonships that underpins the principles for jewish people
What is the Talmud?
A collection of rabbinical writings that explain the Torah Scriptures
What is the Tanakh?
Hebrew Scriptures that deal with god and the people
What is the Torah?
Sacred Text that outlines scriptures, rituals and history of the Jewish people
Why are sacred scriptures important to Jewish People?
Outlines the history of the Israelites, provides the Ten commandments and the covenant of God and Abraham.
Describe the importance of ethical teachings in the life of adherents
Ethical teachings provide adherents with a sense of purpose in life. They are critical ethical guidelines to live by.
Describe the importance of Shabbat
Reminds the jewish people of the Greatness of God in creating cosmos. It also reminds them of the covenant between God.
What is Shabbat?
Seventh Day of the Week: Liturgical event in which jewish people refrain from using electrical appliances and take time to connect with God.
What is Kosher?
Food that is prepared in a particular way for Jewish People